Ben Tucker
Journal of Sanford Porter, Pg. 39, residing in Vershire, Orange Co, Vermont, approx. 1809
I believe he built a log house on it and was calculating to git him a wife and move into that country. I think he calculated to marry Lucy Evans but thare was one old Ben Tucker that Joseph was some aquainted with. He was a wonderful, taketive, rattle to rained old fellow, got at Joseph and perswaded him to go and see a niece of his. Her father and mother ware bothered and she was the only heir to what they had left, it being about some eight hundred dollars in property and money and old uncle Ben persuaded them to marry, so they got married but after they got married, his wife was not willing to go away into a distant country and he traded off his improvements with old uncle Dake and got his farm that lay ajoinging ours. It had a good frame house and farm on it and a good orchard of two or three hundred baring aple trees. There was about a hundred acres of land I suppose fifty or sixty under improvements.
1820 United States Census