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Bergen Reformed Dutch ChurchMarriage Records, 1664-1801
(All marriage dates are marked as such, otherwise the date's shown are for the license day.)
Diedricks, Aegya & Jacobus Collerd. Nov. 29,1789 Diedriks, Jacob, from Bergen & Jannetje Van Winkel,
b. at Bergen, living at Pemmerpeg. Nov. 26,1738
Diedriks, Johannes, wid’r, b. & living at Bergen &
Hester Vreeland, b. & living at Wesel. Apr.14,1739 Diedrikx, Cornelis & Antje Roos, both b. & living at Bergen. Jun. 07,1735
Dirckx, Neeltje & Rutger Van Hooren. Apr.25,1697
Dixon, Jonathan & Hannah Burdett, both of English
Neighborhood. Dec.13,1794 Doremus, Cornelis Cornelisse, b. at Middelburg,
Zeeland, living at Achquechnonk & Rachel
Pietersen, b. & living at Bergen. Aug. 12,1710 Dorlant, Marritje & Lucas Suberingh. Apr. 06,1690 Dorston, John & Widow Jones, both of Union, Tioga Co.,
New York. Aug.06,1794 Douglas, Ellinor & Bartel Jacobs. Mar. 21,1695 Douwese, Hermen & Gerritje Minnes. Married Jun. 21,1686 Douwesen (?) (or Pouwesen, Poulus), wid’r of Aeltje
Jacobs, & Feytje hendrickse, wid. of Hendrick
Van Reynne. Apr. 12,1702
Du Bois, Catherine & Abrm Cornelison. Feb. 3,1795
Duyts, Lourens & Grietje Jans. Jan. 1,1666
Earl, Clara & Nathanael Dezer. Nov. 12,1799
Earl, David & Sally de Gray, both of the Three Pigeons. Aug. 24,1800
Earle, Daniel & Charlotte Nicolls, both of Wee-hawk. Oct. 21,1800
Earle, Edward & Johanna Day, both of English
Neighborhood. Feb. 13, 1800
Earle, Edward & Peggy Dezer, wid. of John Compton,
both of English Neighborhood. Apr. 12,1798
Earle, Edward, from Maryland, living on Sicakis
Island & Elsje Vreeland, from Gemonepa,
living at Minkachgee. Married Jun. 20,1688
Edsal, Johannis, living at Major David’s plantation
& Chrity Smit, living on Cap. Berry’s plantation,
both from New York. May 3,1691 Eduwaert, Catryna & Mathys Gerritse. Jan. 8,1688 Eduwaerts, Hermen, form East Friesland & Jannetje
Hendrickx Oosteroom, from Amesfoort. Aug.11,1678 Eerlsie, Maria & Johannis Van der Hoef. Apr.22,1738 Evertse, Heleena & Daniel Pryne. Jul. 25,1791
Egbers, Geertje & Lourus Ackerman. Jul. 05,1679
Egberts, Dirckje & Pieter Pieterse Haeswont. Nov. 4,1683 Eltingh, Jan Roelofse & Jacomyntje Slech, wid. of
Gerrit Fooken, both living at Esopus.
Married at Esopus. Nov. 10,1672 Epkese, Dirck, from Minnertska in W. Friesland &
Mareytje Lubberts, from Meppel in Drenthe.
Married Nov. 17,1678 Epkese, Wier, from Minnertska in W. Friesland &
Geertje Jelise (Mandeviel), married by
the preacher at Bergen, the first in the church. Nov.06,1678
Evers, Johannis & Seytje Spier. Aug.20,1744 Everse, Cathalyntie & David Hennion. Dec. 21,1782 Everse, Johannis, wid’r & Sally Griffens, wid. Dec. 21,1782
Franse, Marya & Johannis Spier. Jul. 27,1679 Fredericks, Christina & Adriaan Vermeule. Jul. 01,1708 Fredericks, Marrytie & Herman Juriaensen. Jun.20,1709 Fredricksen, Andries, from Bergen & Priscilla Homs,
from Manhattan Island. Married Apr.11,1704 Fredriksen, Thomas, b. at Bergen & Marytje Hartmansen
Vreeland, b. & living at Gemoenepan,
married in New York. Apr.27,1711
Fuller, Thomas & Lois Nolden, transient persons. Jan. 10,1799
Gabriels, Elisabeth & Pieter Van Hoorn. May 09,1708 Garrabrance, Mindert & Agie Van Hanten, both
of Bergen. Dec. 13,1800 Garrabrance,Peter & Catherine Buskirk,both of Bergen. Feb. 01,1800 Garrison, Catherine & Joseph Van Hauten. Sep. 20,1801 Gerbrants, Claes, from Gamonepa & Merritje
Juriaens, from Bergen. Married Apr. 11,1704 Gerbrants, Herpert, from Gamonepa & Hillegout
Marcelis, from Bergen. Received certificate
May 29 to New York. May 04,1707 Gerbrants, Martje & Hartman Vrelant. Nov. 20,1739 Gerbrants, Neeltje & Jan Juriaensen. Apr. 07,1702 Gerbrants, Pieter, from Gemonepa & Christyntje
Juriaense, from Bergen. Received certificate
Aug. 7 to Hackensack. Jun. 26,1698 Gerbrantse, Helena & Johannis Vreeland. Jun. 20,1778 Gerbrantse, Marje & Hendrik Coejeman. May 05,1738 Gerrebrant, Meyndert, b. & living at Gemoenepan
& Tryntje Jacobsen Van Winkel, b. & living
at Bergen. May 07,1715 Gerrebrantse, Annatje & Machiel Vreelant. Nov.05,1789 Gerrebrantse, Metje & Dirck Helmigse Van Houte. Sep. 09,1711 Gerrits, Aaltje & Wander Diedrickx. Nov.05,1693 Gerrits, Annetje & Rutger Jansen. Apr.12,1699 Gerrits, Catryna & Garrit Steynmets. July 12,1691 Gerrits, Catryna & Adriaan Post. Mar.18,1677 Gerrits, Elisabeth & Michiel Hartmansen Vreeland. May 04,1719 Gerrits, Feytje & Cornelis Van Voorst. Mar.08,1685 Gerrits, Jr., Gerrit, from Wageningen in Gelderland
& Niesje Pieters, from Beest in Gelderland,
received certificate to New York, May 11. Apr. 24,1681 Gerrits, Hermanus & Anna Walinghs, both from
Bergen, she living at Achqueknonk.
Married at Bergen. Oct. 06,1690
Gerrits, Jannetje & Christoffel Steynmets. Sep. 21,1684 Gerrits, Lea & Jacob Gerritsen Van Wageningen. May 02,1719 Gerritse, Geesje & Jan Dirckse Straetmaker. Jan. 14,1666 Gerritse, Mathys, from Bergen & Catryna Eduwaert,
from Boston in New England, both living
at Bergen. Married Feb. 5,1688 Gerritse, Pieter & Constantia Van der Swalme,
wid. of Reynier Josiasse Van Rhen, both
living here. Married Jun. 25,1688 Gerritsen, Cornelis & Aaltje Van Winkel, both b.
& living at Bergen. Married Nov. 4,1703 Greenleaf, John & Rachel Sickels, both of Bergen
Wood. Dec. 27,1801 Griffens, Sally & Johannis Everse. Dec. 21,1782 Grimes, Patrick & Anna Bagtmeus (?), wid. of Mr.
Coozens, both of Bergen. Feb. 03,1796 Gysbertse, Annetje & Hans Alberts. Oct. 21,1683
Hadley, James & Esther Day, both from the English
Neighborhood. Jun. 24,1797 Haeswout, Pieter Pietterse, from Dyckhuysen in
Overysel &Dirckje Egberts, from Midwout
on Long Island, received certificate to
Staten Island, Nov. 18. Nov. 4,1683
Hanse, Hester & Dirck Epkese. Oct.03,1681
Hanse, Maddaleentje & Jan Aertsen Van de Bilt. Nov.13,1681 Hansen, Annetje & Claes Hertmanse Vreeland. Apr. 25,1697 Harrel, Edward, from Lancashire in Old England &
Elisabeth Marschal, both living at Capt.
Berry’s Plantation in Bergen Co., N.J. Married May 11,1684 Hartoch, Barbara & Jan Nickelis. May 31,1691 Hellingh,Grietje Hendrickx & Jacob Jacobsen Van
Winkel. Mar. 10,1695 Helingh, Hendrik Tunissen, wid’r of Grietje Samuels
& Styntje Jans, wid. of Pieter Pera. Groom
living at Bergen, bride living at Hackensack.
Received Certificate Jun. 30 from Bergen
to Hackensack to be married there. Jun. 16,1700 Helmighs Pieter & Claertje Poit,both of Bergen. Married Mar.21,1703 Helmigsen, Cornelis, from Bergen & Aegtie
Johannissen Vreeland. Mar. 24,1711 Helmighsz, Roelof & Achtje Cornelis Vreelant. Married Apr. 21,1701 Helmigsen, Gerreje & Ary Sip. Abt. 1711 Hendrickse, Feytje & Poulus Pouwesen (?) Apr. 12,1702 Hendricks, Hans, from New Jersey & Tryntje Pieters,
from Long Island. Received certificate
Jul. 31, married at New York. Aug. 1,1683 Hendricks, Thonis, from New York & Susanna Leron,
from Mannheim in the Pals, received
certificate Jun. 11. May 20,1683 Hendricks, Tryntje & Mathys Cornelisse. Nov.06,1692 Hendricks, Wybrecht & Jacob Leroy. Jan. 02,1681 Hendricksen, Marytje & Casparus Stynmets. Aug.05,1727 Hendrickx, Aeltje & Bastiaen Van Giesen. Jun. 10,1688 Hendrickx, Kathalynje & Barend Hendrickse Spier. Jul. 31,1698 Hennion, David & Cathalyntie Everse. Dec.21,1782 Hennion, Isaac, b. at Hackensack & Helena Stynmets,
b. & living at Ahasemes. Abt. 1726 Hennyon, Feytije & Jacob Nieuwkerk. Feb. 13,1769 Hermen, Reyckje & Juriaen Tomassen. May 25,1667 Hermens, Jan, from Gerder in Gelderland & Neeltje
Janse Buys,from Midwout,Long Island. Married Jun. 1,1684 Hermens, Neeltje & Johannes Magielse. Jun.19,1670 Hertmans, Claes, wid’r of Annetje Hermans & Elsje
Pieters, received certificate Aug. 19 to
Hackensack. Aug. 06,1699
Hill, Eliza & Thomas Amyas. Sep. 28,1801 Hoeper, Saertie & Machiel Van Tuil. Aug. 24,1766 Homs, Priscilla & Andries Fredricksen. Apr. 11,1704 Hoogland, Aaron & Esther Van Houten,both of Pompton Oct. 12,1794
Hoppe, Catharyna & Fredrick Thomasse. Sep.21,1672
Hoppe, Hendrick, from New York & Maria Jans,
from Bergen, married at Bergen. Mar.14,1680
Hoppe, Mathys Adolphus, from New York & Anna
Poulusse, from New Albany, married
in New York. May 2,1683
Hunt, Anna & Peter Aymar. Mar. 5,1797
Hunt, Maria & Christopher Beekman. Jul. 06,1799
Huysman, Catrientje & John Lisk. Jun. 20,1767

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