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St. Michael's Church & Churchyard
Charleston, South Carolina
Copied by Clare Jervey, Pub. 1906
Inscriptions from the Interior of Church
Mary Blacklock, died 10 June 1850, wife of John Freer Blacklock, Esq
Rev. Nathaniel Bowen, D.D., born 29 June 1779 in Boston, died 25
August 1839
Pierce Butler, born County Carlow, Ireland, died June 1822,buried at
Christ Church, Philadelphia & married to Mary Middleton, daughter
of Thomas Middleton, Esq of South Carolina
Major of the 29th Regt. British Army, Resigned 1773
Member of the Continental Congress, signer of the Constitution.
John S. Cogdell, born 19 September 1778 in South Carolina, and died
the 25 February 1847
Mrs. Maria Cogdell, bor 19 May 1785, died 8 Dec 1858
Rev. Frederick Dalcho, M.D. Died 24 November 1836 in the 67th year of
his age
Henry Dees, born 20 Jun 1770 and died 2 December 1846
Rev. Theodore Dehon, D.D. Born 8 Dec 1776 in Boston and died 6 Aug
1817 in the 41st year of his life
Louis de Saussure died October 1779, aged 34 years.
(Died in Revolutionary War.)
Rev. John Drayton-Grimke born 21 June 1857, died 27 March 1895
Edward Frost born April 27, 1801, died July 21, 1868
His wife, Harriet Vander-Horst Horry, born March 27, 1808,
died May 3, 1900
Edward Jenkins, D.D. Died in April 1821 in Glamorganshire, Wales,
the place of his nativity
Rev Paul Trapier Keith, born October 26, 1801 in Georgetown, South
Carolina, died August 23, 1868 in Charleston
Oliver Hering Middleton Jr., only son of Oliver H. & Susan M. Middleton,
born July 17, 1845, died May 31, 1864
James O'Brien Parsons, eldest son of the Hon. James Parsons, Esq. &
Susannah Parsons, was born 1 November 1755, died April 19, 1769 at
Westminster School. His remains rest in St. Martin in the Fields,
London, England
George Parsons, second son of Hon. James Parsons, Esq. & Susannah
Parsons, born 13 February 1760, died 23 October 1778 in the
Revolutionary War.
General Charles Cotesworth Pickney died 16 Aug MDCCCXXV.
Companion in arms and the friend of Washington.
Dr. William Read, died 21 April 1845 in the 92 year of his age.
Theodore Dehon Wagner, merchant of Charleston, S.C., was born
24 March 1819 and died 23 February 1880
Rev. Thomas John Young, born October 22, 1803, died October 11, 1852
Gravestones & Mural's on Exterior Walls of Church
Capt. Manuel Athonio, died 12 August 1796, in the 57th year of his age
W.P.A., died August 23, 1835 and J.J.P.A., died September 3, 1835
David Alexander died January 18, 1840, in the 81st year of his age
Eleanor Spierin Alexander, wife of J.J. Alexander and daughter of Rev.
George Hartwell Spierin, M.A., died September 25, 1844, in the 43rd
year of her age.
Mary White Alexander, wife of David Alexander, died Aug 6,1825, aged
64 years
Henry Alexander M.D. Died October 9, 1838, in the 33rd year of his age
John James Alexander died April 7, 1848, in the 51st year of his age.
Philip Augustus Austin, eldest son of Philip & Sarah Austin, died June 24,
1858, age 8 years and 5 weeks.
Anne Trezevant born October 20, 1848, died February 7, 1850.
Charles Henry born June 27, 1850, died June 30, 1854. Only Children
of C.H. & C. M. Axson.
Columbia M. Taylor, wife of Capt. Charles H. Axson, daughter of
Col. Henry P.& Anne Trezevant Taylor, was born January 20, 1826 and
died May 30, 1871.
L.B.B. born September 24, 1793, died June 14, 1848
Ann Finalay Baker, born January 22, 1806, died September 10, 1886
John Baker died August 20, 1787, age 48 yrs
Richard Baker died October 4, 1769, age 37 years
Sarah Anna Baker, wife of Robert L. Baker, daughter of Capt. Wm &
Harriet Brow, died the 17 September 1839 at Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, age 23 yrs 24 days
William Baker died July 9, 1770, age 28 years
Mrs. Frances Belcher, died 7 August 1814
Fanny Bowen, wife of Thomas B. Bennett, born 3 November 1825 and
died 30 June 1849
William Harford Berrett born in Philadelphia, Pa, died 30 June 1847,
in the 52nd year of his age.
Samuel Bird, Esq, born in Stoughton, Ma, died 20 April 1810, age 28 years.
John Wentworth Black, died 16 August 1827, age 19 years and 3 days
Mary Blacklock, daughter of Wm & Susan B. Robertson, wife of John
Freer Blacklock, was born 9 November 1813, died 10 Jun 1850
Susan Boone Blacklock, daughter of Wm & Mary B. Blacklock, born
13 March 1804, died 25 October 1836
John Freer Blacklock, son of Wm & Mary Blacklock, born 28 March 1805,
died 2 July 1885
Susannah Freer born 11 October 1841, died 12 May 1842
William Robertson born 8 March 1843, died 24 May 1844
John Freer born 22 September 1846, died 30 Jul 1847
Susan Boone born 2 June 1850, died 6 July 1851,
Children of John Freer & Mary Blacklock
Jacob Bommer, born 25 March 1734 in Germany, died 9 March 1786
Thomas Bourke born in Ireland, died February 2,1803, age 56 years
Margaret W. Bowen, died 30 June 1862, age 74 years, wife of the
venerated Bishop of this Diocess.
Susan Petigru, wife of Christopher C. Bowen, youngest dauther of
Hon. James L. Petigru, born October 23, 1824, died December 11, 1875
John Bowman born in Dublin, Ireland, died in Charleston on July 2, 1807
Mary Haughton, daughter of John & Sabina Bowman, born 29 August
1788, died 3 February 1852
Mrs. Sabina Bowman, daughter of Thomas Lynch, wife of John Bowman,
born in this state July 30, 1747, died in Charleston June 25, 1812
Harriet Elizabeth Bradshaw, died 3 March 1823, aged 7 months & 19 days
Also Carolina Louisa, second daughter of James & Susan Bradshaw,
died 22 June 1827, aged 1 year 6 months and 6 days
James Bradshaw died August 18, 1828
Susan Emily Bulow, third daughter of James & Susan T. Bradshaw,
died February 27, 1828, aged 2 months and 11 days
Susanah Tracy, wife of James Bradshaw, died August 15, 1828
Thomas Birdgwood, born in Staffordshire, England, died 17 June 1830,
age 36 years
Ann Bright, born in Norfolk, England, died December 19, 1829
Caroline Seabrook, only daughter of George S. & Rebecca L. Bryan,
born 2 June 1848, died 18 July 1850
Also, Kate Hampton, their third daughter, born 8 April 1858, died
17 October 1863
Robert Buckley, native of Yorkshire, England,died of Yellow Fever on
August 31, 1819, age 24 years.
Mr. James Burges, husband of Mary Margaret Burges, born in Linlithgow,
Scotland, died November 20, 1805, age 42 years
James Burges, son of James & Mary M. Burges, died 23 June 1800,
aged 6 days
Mrs. Elizabeth Butler, died 3 November 1775, age 52 years
Mary Butler, wife of Pierce Butler, died in the city of New York on the
13 November 1790
Mrs. Mary Byrne, wife of P. Byrne, died Tuesday, 8 March 1803, in the
48 year of her age
William Calder, born 23 December 1781 in Stamford, England, died at
Charleston the 19 March 1833
James Parsons Carroll, a native of Ireland, died December 5, 1820,
aged 49 years 6 months
Emma S. Britton, wife of J. Francis Britton, died March 1, 1873 in Charleston, S.C., aged 35 years 3 months 20 days
John Brown, died 3 January 1772, aged 30 years
Stephen Brown, son of Stephen & Elizabeth Brow, died May 27, 1787, aged 4 yrears 11 months 19 days

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