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 Charleston, South Carolina
Charles Burdett Cross, son of Col. George Warren Cross, born June 1817
    in Charleston, died 27 December 1857 in North Carolina. Buried in
    Charleston 7 April 1858.
Mrs Charlotte Cross, wife of Capt. George Cross, died 7 July 1837, in the
    82 year of her age.
 George Cross died 28 July 1816, aged 61 years
 George Warren Cross, born June 11, 1783, died Oct. 26, 1836
 Dr. George Warren Cross, son of Col. G.W. & F.M. Cross, died                                Jan. 20,1862, aged 47 years
Mary Halsey Cross, youngest child of George Warren & Frances Maria
   Cross, died 12 October 1824 of the prevailing fever on Sullivans Island
    in the 4th year of her age.
Mrs. Mary Man Cross, died 12 December 1808, age 27 years
Thomas Lloyd Halsey Cross, eldest child of George Warre & Frances
   Maria Cross, died at Sullivan's Island on the 8th Oct. 1824,of the
   prevailing fever having attained his eleventh year on the 15th of Sept.
Mrs. Ann Cruger, widow of Nicholas Cruger, Esq, d. 6 July 1828, age 53.
Nicholas Cruger, died 23 July 1826, age 48
Mrs. Catharine Cunliffe died 18 August 1828, age 48 years
Daniel S. Gaillard, died January 12, 1834, aged 33 years
Emma Julia Gaillard, daughter of Daniel S & Susan E. Gaillard, died
   July 20, 1829, aged 12 months
Robert T. Gaillard, son of Daniel S. & Susan E. Gaillard, died Jan. 19, 1839,
   aged 13 years


Susan E. Gaillard, died June 30, 1880, aged 78 years
Joanna Gaillard, wife of Augustus T. Gaillard, b. July 28, 1804, died
   February 9, 1890
Joanna Carolina Gaillard, eldest daughter of Augustus T. &  Joanna
   Gaillard, died 3 Oct. 1848, aged 22 years 10 months
Little Susan, age 19 months     (No last name, near the Gaillards
Susan E. Gaillard, wife of Daniel S. Gaillard, died June 30, 1880
Thomas Peyre Gaillard, son of Daniel S. & Susan E. Gaillard, born
   September 15, 1831, died October 1, 1873
Blanche, daughter of Wm D. & Mary S. Gilliland, d.19 Aug. 1844,
    aged 2 years 2 months
William D. Gilliland, born 17 April 1809, died 10 March 1854
William H. Gilliland, born 4 February 1837, died 18 July 1854
Major General Mordecai Gist, died 12 September 1792, aged 44 years.
    An office of the Maryland Line in the Revolutionary War.
States Gist, son of Mordecai Gist, died 1 February 1822, age 35
Susannah Gist, daughter of Modecai Gist, died 23 July 1785,  aged
   8 months 11 days


William Gist, born in Maryland, died 31 Oct.1802, aged 62 years
Mrs. Sarah A. Gleason, wife of Mr. Henry B. Gleason, died 23 Oct. 1828,
   in the 23rd year of her age.
Samuel Colleton Graves, born 25 June 1788 in Devonshire, England,
   died 25 June 1823 in Charleston, South Carolina


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