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Charleston, South Carolina
Jane K. Higham, daughter of Thomas & Frances C Higham, born
18 March 1817, died 17 February 1818
James Higham, son of Thomas & Frances C Higham, b. 4 Sept. 1820, died
18 October 1823
Mrs. Elizabeth Higham, born in England, died at Sullivan’s Island on
16 October 1805, only 3 weeks after landing in American and in the
24th year of her age.
Master Thomas Holland, son of Capt. Thomas Holland & Mary, his wife,
of Providence, RI, died January 22, 1795, in the 13th year of his age
Susan McPherson, daughter of Edwin C.& Anna Holland,died age 4 days
Harriet Horry, wife of Elias Horry, died 6 Aug. 1815, age 39 years 4 m
Mrs. Ann Huger, widow of John Huger, died 5 April 1835, aged 82 years
Sarah Margarett Hutchins, daughter of William & Martha Hutchins,
died 9 June 1787, aged 1 year 3 months 3 days
Nathaniel Ingraham, died 28 February 1818, aged 58 years
Louisa Ingraham, wife of Nathaniel Ingraham, died 1 October 1849,
aged 76 years 6 months
John Hazlehurst Ingraham, son of Nathaniel & Louisa Ingraham, died
22 June 1822, aged 21 years
Rufus William Ingraham, son of Nathaniel & Louisa Ingraham, died
29 July 1830, aged 19 years
Elizabeth Jennings, died August 30, 1785
Alan Laird, son of James P & Emma G. Jervey, born 17 September 1850,
died 7 August 1856
Alice Le Noble, daughter of William & Catherine R. Jervey, born
12 March, died 28 March 1858
Catherine R. Jervey, wife of William Jervey, born September 23, 1817,
died February 28, 1868
William Jervey, husband of Catherine R. Jervey, b. November 17, 1810,
died September 9, 1870
Francis Postell, son of Wm & Catherine Jervey, born 8 June 1850, died
15 December 1851
Catharine Stevens, daughter of Wm & Catherine Jervey, b. 10 Nov. 1854,
died 5 January 1856
Henry LeNoble, son of William & Catharine R. Jervey, born 23 July 1859,
died 1 April 1860
James Jervey, born 7 September 1784, died 2 April 1845
Mary Postell Jervey, born 9 July 1787, died 8 January 1863
Laura Ann, daughter of William & Catherine R. Jervey, b.March 28, 1861,
died November 29, 1865
Mary Catherine, daughter of Wm & Catherine R. Jervey, b. 8 Aug. 1842,
died 27 September 1843
Charles Stevens, son of William & Catherine R. Jervey, born Oct. 7, 1844,
died Feb. 10, 1845
Mary Postell Jervey, born Jan. 14, 1816, died Dec. 18, 1887
Henrietta Jervey, born July 29, 1814, died March 4, 1889
Grace Sarah Jervey, born 20 January 1807, died 25 March 1896
Sarah Ann Jervey, daughter of Thomas & Pauline Jervey, d.16 Aug. 1817,
aged 2 years
Mary Susan Jervey, daughter of Thomas & Pauline Jervey,died
27 Aug. 1817, aged 4 years 6 months
Sarah Johnston, born in this province the 29 May 1690, d. 26 Apr. 1774,
in the 84th year of her age
Nathaniel Keantish, born in Jamaica the 17 March 1769, died
22 February 1807, aged 38 years
Anna Bella, wife of Rev. P.T. Keith, born May 24, 1809, d. June 21, 1884
Mary Pauline Keith, born 22 June 1848, died 14 September 1900
Dr. John A. Keith, born 4 July 1840, died 22 January 1901, buried at
Lucknow, S.C.
Rev. Paul Trapier Keith, born October 26, 1801, d. Aug. 23, 1868
Dr. Willis W. Keith, born April 4, 1839, died March 26, 1885
Anna Hall Kiddell, born August 22, 1842, died November 27, 1895
Edward Kiddell, youngest son of Charles & Sarah M. Kiddell, died
23 January 1861, aged 15 yrs 11 months 23 days
Sarah Maria, wife of Charles Kiddell, born January 23, 1806,
died February 24, 1884
Mrs. Martha Kinlock, daughter of the Hon. John Rutledge, wife of
Francis Kinlock, died March 1, 1816, age 52 years.
Eliza Ann Ladson, wife of James H. Ladson, born 20 November 1796,
died 4 January 1873
Harriet Ann Ladson, daughter of James H. & Eliza A. Ladson, born
October 23, 1832, died July 26, 1876
James H. Ladson, died 3 April 1868, in the 72 year of his age
Mary Fraser Ladson, eldest daughter of James H. & Eliza Ann Ladson,
born January 2, 1819, died August 20, 1886
Robert Gilmor Ladson, died 26 May 1828, aged 1 year 53 days
Frederick Fraser Ladson, 29 June 1830, aged 4 years 6 months
Judith Eliza Ladson, died 2 July 1830, aged 9 years 11 months 11 days
Eliza Caroline Ladson, died 23 June 1835, aged 10 months 6 days
Charlotte Josephine Ladson, died 25 July 1837, age 1 year 6 m 28 days
James Ladson, died 6 July 1839, in the 17th year of his age
Joseph Lawton, born Saddleworth, England, 7 March 1796, died in
Charleston, 12 April 1855

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