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Chesterfield,Burlington County,Friends'Monthly Meeting                             Marriage Records, 1686-1800




Tantum, John , of Nottingham & Elizabeth Bacon, of Chesterfield,
              daughter of ______ and Elizabeth, at Chesterfield.                        Sep. 25,1702
Tantum, Hartshorn, of Nottingham, son of Joseph and Mary,
              & Miriam Kelley, of Chesterfield, daughter of David
              and Hannah, at Chesterfield.                                                            Sep. 10,1795
Tantum, Joseph, of Nottingham, son of Joseph, deceased, and
              Mary & Sarah Killey, of Chesterfield, daughter of David
              and Hannah, at Chesterfield.                                                            Nov.05,1795
Taylor, Samuel & Susanna Horseman.                                                          Feb. 14,1686
Taylor, Samuel Jr. of Chesterfield, son of Samuel & Annie
              Folkes, of the same place, daughter of Thomas and
              Elizabeth, at Chesterfield.                                                                  Sep. 29,1716
Taylor, John, of Chesterfield & Lydia Wright, of the same
              place, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth, at
              Springfield.                                                                                             Dec. 16,1736
Taylor, Mahlon, of Hunterdon County, son of Bernarnd and
              Mary Horner, of Middlesex County, daughter of
              Joseph, at Stony Brook.                                                                      Nov.12,1777
Taylor, John Sr., of Bordentown & Ann Thorn, of Burlington
              County, daughter of Thomas and Susannah, at
              Chesterfield.                                                                                          Nov. 06,1800
Thorn, Isaac, of Chesterfield, son of John & Mary Schooley,
              of Nottingham, daughter of Joseph, deceased, at
              Chesterfield.                                                                                          Oct. 12,1780
Tilton, William, of Middletown, Monmouth County, &
              Esther Middleton, of Nottingham, at Chesterfield.                   Mar. 01,1770
Tilton, Jediah, of Nottingham & Hannah Allen, of the same
              place, at Chesterfield.                                                                        Nov. 09,1775


Vanderbeck, Benjamin, of Nottingham & Rachel Curtis, of
              Chesterfield, at Bordentown.                                                           Nov. 08,1786


Walling, Thomas, of Chesterfield, & Anna Lippincott, of the
              same place, at Chesterfield.                                                             Dec. 04,1783
Wardell, Joseph Jr., of Shrewsbury, Monmouth County, son
              of Joseph & Hannah Bunting, of Chesterfield, daughter
              of John, at Chesterfield.                                                                     Nov. 26,1761
Ware, John Jr., of Burlington County & Catharine Titus, of
              the same place, at Upper Springfield.                                            Jun. 16,1779
Warren, John, of Oniconnickon, Burlington County & Joan
              Sykes, of the same place, widow of Samuel Sykes.                    Nov. 09,1689
Wetheril, Thomas Jr., of Burlington, son of Thomas and Anne,
              & Katharine Sykes, of Chesterfield, daughter of John and
              Joanna, at Chesterfield.                                                                      Mar.16,1744
Wheatley, Caleb, of Nottingham & Sarah Scholey, of the
              same place, at Chesterfield.                                                              Oct. 10,1696
Williams, George, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth County &
              Mary Ellis, widow, of Nottingham, daughter of John &
              Anne Abbott, at Chesterfield.                                                           Sep. 12,1730
Williams, George Jr., of Shrewsbury, Monmouth County, son
              of George & Elizabeth Abbott, of Nottingham, daughter
              of John and Anne, at Chesterfield.                                                  Mar. 18,1738
Williams, Hezekiah, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth County, son
              of George & Sarah Abbott, of Nottingham, daughter
              of John and Anne, at Chesterfield.                                                  Mar. 22,1740
Williams, Joseph, of Hanover & Sarah Woodward, of
              Chesterfield.                                                                                           Apr. 06,1786
Willets, Richard, of Monmouth County & Sarah Overton, of
              Burlington County, daughter of Samuel, deceased,
              and Hannah, at Chesterfield.                                                             Jul. 28,1732
Willetts, Joseph Jr., of Chesterfield & Mary Holloway, of the
              same place, at Crosswicks.                                                                May 26,1768
Wilson, Isaac, of Philadelphia, Penn. & Phebe Middleton, of
              Nottingham, at Chesterfield.                                                            Oct. 10,1793
Wistar, John, of Upper Alloways Creek, Salem County, son of
              Richard and Sarah, deceased & Charlotte Newbold, of
              Mansfield,daughter of Clayton and Mary.                                     Oct. 17,1781
Woling, Thomas, of Chesterfield & Elizabeth Bevis, of the
              same place, at Chesterfield.                                                               Jul. 10,1760
Woodward, Anthony, late of Long Island, now at West New
              Jersey & Hannah Folkes, daughter of Thomas.                            Dec. 14,1686
Woolley, James, of Chesterfield & Abigail Middleton, of
              Nottingham, at Chesterfield.                                                            Dec. 13,1770
Woolley, James, of Nottingham & Huldah Skirm, of the same
              place.                                                                                                        Dec. 18,1776
Worth, Giles, of Stony Brook, Middlesex County, son of
              Joseph and Sarah & Elizabeth Tantum, of Nottingham,
              daughter of John and Elizabeth, at Chesterfield.                        Aug. 22,1724
Wright, Samuel, of Nottingham & Jane Allen, of Bensalem,
              Bucks Co., Penns., daughter of William, at Bristol.                    Nov. 15,1768
Wright, Abner, of New Hanover, son of Amos and Ann,
              deceased, & Sarah Hamson, of the same place, daughter
              of Thomas, deceased and Sarah, at Upper Freehold.                 Dec. 19,1776
Wright, Ebenezer, of Hanover & Elizabeth Steward, of the
              same place, at Upper Freehold.                                                        Jun. 08,1780
Wright, Robert, of Hanover, son of David and Sarah, & Ann
              Harrison, daughter of Thomas and Sarah, of Hanover,
              at Upper Freehold.                                                                               Feb. 13,1783
Wright, Isaac Jr., of Chesterfield & Mary Arney, of the same
              place, at Bordentown.                                                                        Mar. 09,1796


Yardley, Joseph, of Philadelphia, Penn., son of William and
              Sarah, both deceased, late of Lower Makefield, Bucks,
              Penn. & Sarah Field, of Chesterfield, daughter of Isaac
              and Mary.                                                                                                 Nov. 8,1798
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