Christ Church,Newgate Street, London
Feb. 1 Annis Kempe
Feb. 14 Allis (Alice) Eltam
Mar. 1 Edmund Lanne
Mar. 2 Davye Hynde
Mar. 14 John, son of Hugh Bennye
Mar. 23 John Twytte
April 11 Thomas & William Shep’de (Sheperd)
Catheryn Brydgett
April 21 Allis (Alice) Hodson
April 27 John, son of William Woodshawe
May 1 Annis Swaine
May 17 Rychard (Richard) Sandraye
May 24 Thomas Williams
June 20 John Martyn (Martin)
June 26 William, son of Robart (Robert)Purfysh
Aug. 21 Dorethy (Dorothy) Dufilde
Oct. 5 Robart (Robert) Clovell
Oct. 10 Parnell Grondun
Oct. 12 Cissely Barrett
Oct. 18 Luke Castell
Oct. 21 Thomas, son of Jeames (James) Woodland
Nov. 5 _____ Stanfell
Nov. 24 Annis Martyn
Nov. 26 Chistopher Creake
Dec. 3 Rychard (Richard) Willson (Wilson)
Dec. 9 Dorathye (Dorothy), daughter of John Maskall
Jan. 19 Roger, son of Robart Underwood
Feb. 24 Elizabeth Tredrefe
Mar. 27 John Carre
June 5 Annis, daughter of William Woodshawe
June 7 Thomas Swayne
June 16 Rychard (Richard) Kempe
July 9 Robart (Robert) Hobson
July 17 Janne (Jane) Williams
Jan. 21 Navryn Netstrapp
Feb. 3 Janne (Jane) Sheperd
Mar. 17 Doroathye Wylson (Dorothy Wilson)
April 11 Margaret Dodge
April 16 Margaret Martyn (Martin)
April 17 Thomas Hunte
June 16 Rose Peris
June 22 Thomas Bocher
July 18 Jeames (James) Dericke
July 19 Joone (Jone or June) Arrate
July 25 Esaye Dufett
July 31 Joone (Jone or June) Christrian
Aug. 2 John Cobler
Aug. 14 Anne Brayfelde
Aug. 22 Ellen Stanford
Sep. 12 Androwe (Andrew) Woodshawe
Sep. 16 John Tredrethe
Nov. 4 John, son of John Smythe
Nov. 17 John, son of John Edwards
Nov. 28 Annes (Annis) & Jonne Parker
Dec. 14 John Halle
Dec. 15 Jeames (James) Smythe
Francis Cotyngam
Dec. 17 John Halle
April 18 Elizabeth Sadler
April 20 John, son of John Scull
April 27 William Dodge
May 2 Martyn (Martin) Graston
May 4 John Evans
May 17 Junior Cooke
May 25 Edward Scott
May 26 Joone Martyn (Jone or Jane Martin)
July 2 Joone (Jone or Jane) Williams
July 10 Elizabeth Mountlowe
July 24 Elizabeth Walter
July 27 Anne Tayler
Aug. 11 Hugh Shep’de (Sheperd)
Aug. 14 Barbara Helmison
Aug. 16 Rychard (Richard) Teddrwe
Aug. 31 Margaret Symonds
April 14 Alis, (Alice) daughter of John Best
Elizabeth, daughter of John Shep’d (Sheperd)
April 25 John, son of Rychard (Richard) Sturman
Rafe, son of John Scull
May 19 Hodson _____
Dorrathy (Dorothy), daughter of Rychard (Richard) Farrar
May 26 Samuel Martyn (Martin)
John Taylor
June 9 John Stamforde
June 24 Margerye (Margery)Evans
June 29 Luce (Lucy), daughter of Thomas Lukas
June 30 Robart (Robert), son of Gorge (George) Halle
July 7 John Williams
July 15 Joone (Jone, June) Burton
Aug. 19 Margaret Lyveriche
Sep. 10 Annes (Annis) Davis
Janne (Jane) Howthall
Sep. 11 John, son of Harry Neltrappe
Oct. 13 Edward Scott
Oct. 20 Alis (Alice) Brodborne
Oct. 25 John Spicer
Nov. 1 Thomas, son of William Wyatt
Dec. 24 Janne, (Jane) daughter of Thomas Walden