David Loveland, son of Aaron Loveland & Susannah Chapman
Journal of Sanford Porter, Pg. 139, residing in Liberty, Trumble County, Ohio, approx. 1820
Thare was one David Loveland come to me and said that he would buy my white mare and give me a good price for her. He would let me have a good cow that was forward with calf and the balance in good white wood lumber delivered at Hollodays mill about a mile and a half from my house. I asked him how lumber sold in that country. He said it was ready sale and good pay at eight dollars a thousand and he would give me fifty dollars for the mare and let me have the cow at sixteen dollars. I asked him how old the cow was. He said she was four years old. I asked him whire his cow was, he said she was at father Lowreys, his wifes father. They was to keep her untill the grass was grown so cattle could git a good living. I did not go to see the cow but he said she was a good cow for milk.
Well I let him have the mare, more to save the mares life than I did for the pay for I thought he had not agreed to give mutch over half what she was worth. He was a Yankee.
Connecticut Vital Records to 1870 (The Barbor Collection) Vol: Glastonbury, Pg. 51
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