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From the Records of the First Church in Huntington, New York
Birth, Death and Marriage Records for the Rev. Ebenezer Prime
Pub. 1898
Ebenezer Prime & Margaret Sylvester were married at Shelter Island, Oct. 2, 1723, by Rev. Benjmain Woolsey of Southold.
Ebenezer Prime, Jr., son of Ebenezer Prime & Margaret his wife, was born in Huntington on July 11, 1724, baptized the next day.
Margaret Prime, daughter of Ebenezer & Margeret his wife, was born Saturday morning April 9, 1726, baptized the following day.
Margaret Prime, the wife of Ebenezer Prime Sr. died 26 September 1726 in Huntington, having lived in a married state three years wanting six days.
Ebenezer Prime & Experience Youngs, were married at Southold, November 12, 1730 by Rev. Benjamin Woolsey of Southold.
Mary Prime, daughter of Ebenezer Prime & Experience, his wife, was born at Huntington September 12, 1731, baptized the following day.
Sarah Prime, daughter of Ebenezer Prime & Experience his wife, was born at Huntington September 15, 1732, baptized the following day. Died December 12, 1732, aged three months wanting three days.
Benjamin Youngs Prime, the son of Ebenezer & Experience Prime at Huntington on December 9, 1733, baptized the following day.
Experience Prime, 2nd wife of Ebenezer Prime, died 1 January 1734 at Huntington in Childbed. She died in the 35th year of her life, being born at Southold November 6, 1699. Lived in a married state three years one month & nineteen days.
Sarah Prime, my tender and godly Mother (Ebenezer Prime Sr.) departed this life on 29 August 1721 at Milford. In the same town dyed mine aged Father on July 18, 1736.
On October 2, 1736, after a short but violent illness, my sister Hannah Prime dyed at Huntington of the Throat-Distemper.
Wednesday morning October 20, 1742, my dear son Ebenezer Prime departed this life, aged 18 yrs, 3 months & nine days.
January 19, 1750, alas, alas? I have reason to mourn bitterly, and to be deeply humbled before the Lord, for on this day between eleven & twelve, departed this life my dear daughter Margaret Prime Browne (in Huntington) wife to Rev. James Browne of Bridge-Hampton, aged 23 yrs 9 months & 10 days.
The only branch of my family by my first marriage is now taken away. But blessed be God for the abundant reason I have hope that she is now triumphing with Christ in Glory, whether I trust her dear brother ascended more than seven years ago.
But alas, alas! I am here in a world of sin & sorrow. The root is waxed old and dried up in the earth and both the sprigs are cut off as with a pruning hook, so that I am left as a poor old tree bereaved of those precious branches. Yet I desire to bless God and say as in Job: 1: 21.
Ebenezer Prime & Hannah Carll, were married at Huntington, March 11, 1752 by Rev. Naphtali Dagget.
December 10, 1756, this day departed this life my dear and only daughter Mary, the wife of Isreal Wood, aged 25 yrs, 2 months and nineteen days, having lived in a married state, 3 yrs 3 months & 24 days. Left two motherless children, a son and daughter
A bitter day! A bitter dispensation! Never to be forgotten.
On Friday morning about 6 o’clock, February 9, 1776, my third loving wife departed this life having completed the 70th year of her age.
(The following is the only record in the book not in Mr. Prime’s handwriting.) The Rev. Ebenezer Prime departed this life September 25 (or Oct. 3) 1779. He commenced preaching to this church June 21, 1719, was ordained June 5, 1723, and thus stood connected with the church 60 years.
Record of the birth of the Negro children of my servants, York & Jenne
Jupiter, born December 11, 1746
Judith, born December 6, 1747
Peter, born August 11, 1749
Mortuus, born January 3, 1751, still born.
Mortuus, Secundus, born January 17, 1752, still born.
Priscilla, born September 8, 1753, New Stile, died on October 8, 1753.

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