Ephraim Kinsman, son of Stephen Kinsman Jr. & Elizabeth Russell
The Journal of Sanford Porter, Pg. 126-127, residing in Vershire, Orange Co, Vermont, approx. 1818
I went to the house hollering, "Glory to God, Glory, Glory to God." I went into the house. Everything looked new in the house. My wife and childen looked better than ever. Old things was done away and all things had become new to me. I walked back and forward in the house a praising God and as I walked towards the kitchen door, thare came in a stranger and I was praising God.
I went to him and put my arms around him and hugged him and told him to praise the Lord for his goodness to all mankind, for his goodness was beyond all expression. "O sir praise the Lord," and the man wept freely and walked to a chair and dropped down on his knees and thanked the Lord for his goodness and tender mercies to all mankind.
After he had done prasing, I asked him his name. He said his name was Kinsman. I told him I had heard of that name. He said thare was something very singular that caused him to call at my house.
He said just as he had got against my big gate out yonder by the road, his horse stopt and he could not make him go any further. He acted as if thare was someone before him out on the road, this way and that way, he could not make him go forward. He had been thare to work with his horse a good while. He said the horse would go backward not forward. He said he had never knowed the horse to balk before. He would brake his carriage and he got out of his carriage and hitched his horse to the fence and had come to the house to see who lived thare, "for I thought thare was something strange about it." Thare seemed to be some thing before the house that the horse could see but he could not see anything to stop the horse from going forward but thare ws, for the horse never acted so before.
The stranger, Mr. Kinsman said he thought thare was something strange about it all. Thare was a good many things strange about it. It was strange that Mr. Super should have sutch a vision three times in one night and it by obeying the commandment that he was to tel me that I culd receive a remission of all my sins and receive the gift of the love of God that caused me to rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, glory to God and thare is another remarkable thing that took place while I lay in the barn.
I was not only changed inside but out side, for my flesh all over me became as soft as a little childs. My hands was soft whire the skin had been made hard by labor, become as soft as a little childs. Everyone noticed that when I shook hands with them how soft my hand is. Well it seemed to me that I had been born again. Well I had been born of the spirit and converted into a higher degree of glory or happiness than I had ever enjoyed before upon the earth. Matthew eighteenth chap 9 verse: "Verrily verrily is say unto you, except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." 6th verse whitch says, "therefore who shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven but Jesus said, suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for of sutch is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, who so ever shall not recieve the kingdom of God as a little child, shall in no wise enter thare, unless he repent."
I was shure that the time of refreshing had come with me and that my sins ware blotted out.
This stranger, Mr. Kinsman said he had an appointment for a meeting that evening in the neighborhood and invited me to go to his meeting. I told him I felt to weak and weary and would rather be excused, if you please. My wife told him I had not ate nor slept but a verry little for a number of days and she thought I had better stay and rest that night. I told Mr. Kinsman that I would go to meeting at the meeting house on Sunday if I was to walk that far. It was about a mile.
I went to meeting on Sunday and the house was crowded with people. I supposed the news had spread respecting me for I supposed Mr. Kinsman had informed the people at his meeting that evening he left my house, for the people kept looking at me after they had opened the meeting as usual or as is common.
Another Source:
A memorial & Biographical Record of Iowa, Pg. 509, found on Ancestry.com
1820 Census for Vershire, Orange Co, Vermont