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Essex County, N.J. Clerk's Marriage Records,
McAdams, Sally & Hampton Woodruff. Aug. 8,1799 McCubbin, Robert & Caty Whitlock. Jan.05,1796 McGroath, Mary & Joseph Hart. Feb.11,1798 McKinney, Miss Mary & John Unibale Blaire. Feb.09,1798 Macloglan, Catharine & James Welsh. Oct.20,1799 Magee,Mr. Benjamin & Miss Sally Brown,at Elizabeth. Jan.10,1802 Magee, Mary & Isaac Tichnor. Jun.01,1801 Marolles, Joseph Nicholas Michel Gaigneron Johnson, of
Martinique & Roseanna Budan, of Guadaloupe. Oct.31,1799 Marsh, Abraham & Mary Townley Morse,both of Rahway.
Nov.20,1796 Marsh, David of Westfield & Esther Martin, of
Woodbridge Neck. Apr.17,1799 Marsh, Hetty & Samuel Winants. Nov.09,1800 Marsh, James & Elizabeth Thomas, both of Wesfield Township.
Oct.23,1796 Marsh, Sarah & William Passil. Sep.05,1795 Martin, David & Susannah Shotwell. Oct.24,1798 Martin, Esther & David Marsh. Apr.17,1799 Martin, Polly & Timothy Ball. Feb.07,1799 Masieker, Polly & Elias Brown. May 12,1798 Masier, John R. & Miss Hannah Johnson. May 07,1795 Massecker, Harmon & Lydia Speer. May 26,1801 Meeker, Betsey & William Cory. Jan. 23,1799 Meeker, Johannah & David Jonson. Sep. 24,1800 Meeker, Jonathan & Phebe Tomkins. Jan. 17,1796 Meeker, Miss Phebe & Mr. Moses Price. Dec. 06,1801 Meeker, Polly & Jonathan Burnet. Mar.09,1795 Meeker, Sarah & Silas Jagger, both of Connecticut Farms.
Jan. 15,1796 Meeker, Stephen & Catharine Reeves, both of he Parish
of Northfield, in the township of Springfield. Aug. 13,1800 Meredith, William, Esq., Philadelphia & Miss Gitty Ogden,
of Newark. Nov.26,1795 Merrill, Hetty & Josiah Thompson. Jul. 03,1800 Miller, Aaron & Rhoda Tucker. Jun.07,1801 Miller, Eliezer & Betsey Headley. Jan.09,1796 Miller, Lewis & Sarah Hedgin. Dec. 12,1795 Miller, Phebe & Elijah Ross. Apr. 13,1797 Miller, Phebe & Michael Dossey. Feb. 01,1798 Miller, Samuel Brooks & Margaret Swan, both of
Westfield. Apr. 01,1797 Miller, William & Sarah Clark, of Elizabeth Town. May 22,1796 Mills, Elmer & Phebe Stewart, both of Westfield. Jan. 04,1798 Mills,Jeremiah, Jr. & Abigail Bryant,both of Westfield. May 29,1798 Mills, Moses, of Westfield & Susan Terrill, of Rahway. Sep.15,1799 Mills, Thomas & Molly Halsted. Jan. 27,1801 Moore,Miss Margaret & John Thomas Tenison(Jenison)
Nov.01,1798 Moore, Miss Mary Ann & John Thomas Tenison (Jenison)
Jan. 21,1797 More, Rachel & William More, a Caldwell. Apr. __,1796 Morse, Mary Townley & Abraham Marsh, both of Rahway.
Nov.20,1796 Morse, Nancy & James Wade. Sep. 22,1798 Morrell, Sarah, of Elizabeth Town & Thomas Lovell,
of New York. Dec. 17,1796 Mulford, Elizabeth & Aaron Denman. Feb. 13,1798 Mulford, Jonathan & Catharine Watkins. Jan. 13,1796 Munn,Mr. Isaac & Miss Hannah Spinning,at Elizabeth. Dec. 20,1801 Myers, Rudolph & Mary Scarlet, both of New York. Oct. 30,1796
Neavo, John & Mary Freeman. Dec. 04,1802 Nicholls, Frances & John Cromwell. Aug. 17,1797 Niemciewitz, Julian Ursin & Susan Kean, at Elizabeth
Town. (Julian was a Polish Count, who accompanied
Kosciusko to America as aide with the rank of
Colonel. His wife was a daughter of Gov. William
Livingston of New Jersey & widow of John Kean,
of South Carolina.) Jul. 02,1800
Noe, Suky & Jacob Jacobusen. Jun. 29,1796 Nutman, David & Charity Woodruff, both of the
Borough of Elizabeth. Oct. 25,1798
Ogden, Abby & John Harrison. 1799
Ogden, Charles & Miss Nancy Clark. Jan. 14,1796 Ogden, Elizabeth & Israel R. Dissosway. Mar. 02,1799 Ogden, Miss Gitty & William Meredith. Nov.26,1795 Ogden, John & Sally Crane. Jan. 31,1801 Ogden, Lewis & Elizabeth Bond, both of Elizabeth Town.
May 25,1799 Ogden, Mary Ann & John Jackson Edwards. Mar.19,1798 Ogden, Stephen & Elizabeth Oliver,both of New York. Sep. 07,1800 Oliver, Aaron,of Rahway & Rebecca Race of Elizabeth. Jan. 24,1797 Oliver, Betsey & Isaac Cole. Oct. 03,1801 Oliver, Elizabeth & Stephen Ogden. Sep. 07,1800 Osborn, Unice & David Culver. Nov. 10,1795 Osborne, Patience & Timothy Clarke. Apr. 27,1796 Osborne, Sarah & Hugh Wallace. Dec. 25,1798
Paff, Michael & Miss Maria Antynette Delanoir, both
of New York. May 3,1801 Parcel, Remington, of Cheapside & Edy Vanclake,
of New York. Oct. 25,1798 Parsonett, Sarah & Ephraim Vaness. May 25,1799 Passil, William & Sarah Marsh. Sep. 05,1795 Paterson, Betse & Simeon Jones. Aug. 14,1796 Paterson, John William, of New York & Louisa Esther
Flint De Hart, of Elizabeth Town. Apr. 18,1798 Paul, Hannah & Charles Higging. Oct. 19,1801 Paynet (Pasnet), Lukes & Caty Vaness, at Caldwell. Jan. 12, 1796 Payne, Hannah & Ephraim Tucker. Sep. 12,1798 Pearson, Miss Martha & Calvin Cole. May 07,1795 Peirson, Tabor & Miss Phebe Hays. Nov.20,1797 Personet, Moses, of Caldwell & Betsey Crane, of
Elizabeth Town. Nov.16,1797 Philips, Miss Mary & Peter Praul. Mar.19,1796 Pierson, Isaac & Susannah Badgely, at Caldwell. Sep.24,1798 Pierson, Phebe & Stephen Dodd. Nov. 28,1799 Pine, Robert & Elizabeth Taylor. Nov. 25,1800 Pierson, Susannah & James Wade. Sep. 11,1797 Pierson, William & Catharine Anderson Hayes, both
of Elizabeth Town. Oct.26,1797
Pool, Fanny & Robert Crane. Oct.28,1797
Post, Francis & Rachel Speer, Essex County. Oct. 21,1801 Post, Joel & Miss Elizabeth Brown, both of New York. May 21,1796 Praul, Peter & Miss Mary Philips. Mar.19,1796 Price, Abigail & Edward Crane. Nov.19,1797 Price, Edward & Rozana Joyce. Dec. 05,1801
Price, Mary & Wilbur Buttin. Dec. 14,1799 Price, Mr. Moses & Miss Phebe Meeker, at Elizabeth. Dec. 06,1801
Qays, John & Rachel Griffin. Mar.21,1796
Race, Rebecca & Aaron Oliver. Jan. 24,1797 Redman, Francis & Mary Young. Aug. 23,1800
Reeves, Catharine & Stephen Meeker. Aug.13,1800 Reeves, Isaac & Easter Edwards, both of the Parish of
Northfield, in the township of Springfield &
county of Essex. Nov.25,1800 Riason, Lyneky (Synechy Ryerson) & Ephraim Vaness. Dec. 16,1798 Richards, Sarah & Jacob Siren. Jul. 03,1797
Riggs, Rachel & Jacob Wood. Jan. 24,1796 Riker, David & Joanna Baldwin. Mar.04,1800 Riker, James & Hannah Ward, at Caldwell. Mar.29,1798 Riker, John & Sally De Camp, at Caldwell. Mar. 03,1799 Riker, Synechy & John H. Beadstead. Nov.13,1798 Riker, Peter & Mary Sindle, at Caldwell. Dec. 15,1798 Romer, Margit & Lorance Domavea. Jan. 01,1796
Roock, Phebe & Thomas Gildersleeve. Dec. 24,1795 Ross, David & Nancy Hutchings, both of Westfield. Sep. 24,1796 Ross, Elijah & Phebe Miller, both of Westfield. Apr. 13,1797 Ross, Noah & Mary Sayre. Dec. 20,1795 Russell, Rhoda & Robert Hudspeth. May 17,1796 Ryder, Isaac & Calalina Smith, Essex County. Jun. 14,1801 Ryhen, Syneka & Jeremiah Wester. Jul. 06,1799
Scarlet, Mary & Rudolf Myers, both of New York. Oct. 30,1796 Shelhouse, George & Mary Swift. Dec.02,1801 Shotwell, Anna & Ezekiel Crane. Feb. 17,1798 Shotwell, Susannah & David Martin. Oct. 24,1798 Sale, Phebe & Clark Townley. Mar. 12,1798 Sally ____, negro & William ____, negro. Jul. 22,1797 Salnave, Elizabeth & Gabriel Smith. May 11,1799 Sandford, Polly & Anthony Gould. Jan. 15,1799
Saul, a negro man belonging to Anthony Morse & Dianna,
a black woman belonging to Ford Cutter. Sep.01,1798 Sayre, Mary & Noah Ross. Dec.20,1785 Sindle, Mary & Peter Riker. Dec.15,1798 Siren, Jacob & Sarah Richards,both of Elizabeth Town. Jul. 03,1797 Smally, David Jr., of Somerset County & Nancy Tucker,
of Westfield. Feb. 04,1798 Smith, Betsey & Lewis Tooker. Aug. 19,1795 Smith, Betsey & Jacob Colie. Apr. 19,1795 Smith, Calalina & Isaac Ryder. Jun. 14,1801 Smith, Miss Elizabeth & Dr. Burnet R. Kingsland. Oct. 31,1795 Smith, Miss Elizabeth & Robinson Thomas. Apr. 24,1796
Smith, Gabriel & Elizabeth Selnave, both of Elizabeth Town.
May 11,1799
Smith, Jacob & Caty Gould, at Caldwell. Nov. __,1797
Smith, John & Hannah Little, both of this place. Nov.02,1797
Smith, John & Margaret Hepsie. Nov.22,1801 Smith, Lucey & William Burton. Apr. 28,1795
Smith, Sara & Richard Barnal. Jun. 28,1801
Smith, Sarah & Elias Derby. Dec. 26,1796

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