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Hackensack, New Jersey License & Marriage Records
(All marriage dates are marked as such, otherwise the date's shown are for the license day.
Poulison, Catharina & Walen Van Winkel. Nov. 20,1800 Pouwer, Inkrees, young man, b. near Basten & Gerretie Mandevile,
wid. of Peter Meet. Jul. 24,1699 Pouwer, Sara & Jacob Kool. Feb. 23,1717 Prevoost, Samuel, young man, b. & living in New York & Maritie
Meyyers, young maiden, b. & living Ackinsack. Mar. 2,1723 Prevoost, Belia & Dom. Coens. Sep. 1,1726 Provoost,Catharina & Gerrardus Beekman. Jun. 10,1727 Provoost, Maria & Reinhart Erickson. May 22,1726
Rapp, Elisabeth & Benjamin Westfield. Jun. 16,1801 Ratan, Rachel & Abraham Volk. May 15,1741 Regtmeyer, Maria & Johannes Enters. Nov. 1,1730 Rethan, Lena & Hannes Meyer. Aug. 24,1745 Rethan, Maria & Joannes Mangel. Jan. 28,1737 Retan, Daniel, Junior, young man, b. in Esopus, New York &
Armtie Hanse Spier, young maiden, b. in Acquiggenonck,
both living at Acquiggenonck. Mar. 9,1710 Rettan, Maria & Tomas Spier. Aug. 26,1721 Rettan, Pieter, young man, b. in the Esopus, New York &
Geertruy Van der Hoef, young maiden, b. in Albany,
both living in N. Berbadus. Nov. 7,1713 Reyerse, Anna & Corynes Bertholf. Aug. 30,1718 Reyerse, Elizabeth & Johannes Uralemon. 1749 Reyerse, Johannes, young man, b. New York & Maritie Janse
Spier, young maiden, b. & living in Acqueggenonck. Oct. 27,1716 Reyerse, Margritie & Pieter Tibout. Mar. 3,1716 Reyerse, Sara & Cornelis DeRemis. Mar. 14,1741 Reyersen, Lena & Jan DeGraeuw. Apr. 30,1748 Reyersen, Marten, young man, b. in New York, living in
Pompton, & Elisabeth Laroe, young maiden, b. &
living Hackinsack. married Oct. 4,1734 Reyt, Jan, young man, b. in Flat lands & Aertie Braas, young
maiden , b. in Hackinsack, both living here. Apr. 11,1713 Riejersen, Sara & Cornelis Van Blerkum. Sep. 4,1727 Roebuck, Peter John & Jane Chapel. Apr. 3,1800 Roelofsen, Martha, young man & Zjarritjen DeGroot, young
maiden, both b. & living in Hackinsack. married Sep. 12,1746 Romein, Agnietjen & Isaak Stagge. Aug. 5,1738 Romein, Antjen &Reinier Bardan. Sep. 30,1738 Romein, Arjaentje & Roelef Westervelt. May 13,1749 Romein, Crisynjen & Abraham Freeland. Apr. 14,1744 Romein, David, young man & Augnietjen Westervelt, young
maiden, both b. & living in Hackensack. married Jul. 2,1736 Romein, Geesje & Crostyaan DeMaree. Sep. 19,1741 Romein, Gessjen & Petrus Van Voorheest. May 25,1734 Romein, Isaak, young man & Osseltjen Westervelt, young
maiden, both b. & living in Hackensack. married Sep. 15,1738 Romein, Jan, young man, b. & living in Hackensack &
Cathrina Outwater, young maiden, b. Acquegenonck,
living in Preakness. married Sep. 19,1735 Romein, Jan D., b. & living in Hackensack & Catrientje Kip, b.
& living in Prekenis. married Nov. 22,1750 Romein, Klaas, young man, b. & living in Hackensack &
Elisabeth Kip, b. in Prekenis, living in Hackensack. married Aug. 22,1746 Romein, Leentje & Michiel Vreelandt. Jun. 13,1790 Romein, Leude & Jurjen Westervelt. Sep. 7,1738 Romein, Margrietje & Nikasi Kip. Sep. 4,1745 Romein, Ursseltje and Isack Van Voorheest. Oct. 16,1731 Romein, Roelof, young man, b. & living in Hackensack &
Annaetjen Freeland, young maiden, b. & living New
Barbadis Neck. married Nov.2,1733 Romein, Sara & Jan Darje. Oct. 9,1736 Romeyn, Albert, young man & Janneie Roelofse Westerveldt,
young maiden, both b. & living at Ackinsack. Apr. 8,1710 Romein, Christyntjin & David Bardan. Apr. 15,1738 Romeyn, Claas, young man & Elisabeth Outwaters, young
maiden, both from Ackinsack. married May 20,1726 Romeyn, Daniel, young man, & Maritie Westerveldt, young
maiden, both b. & living at Ackinsack. Mar. 17,1716 Romeyn, Elysabeh & Jan Zaborischo. Sep. 20,1706 Romeyn, Gerrebreght Clase & David Ackerman. Apr. 24,1703 Romeyn, Jan Klaesen, young man, b. on the Bay & Lammetie
Bongaert, young maiden, b. in Ackinsack. May 20,1699 Romeyn, Luyda & Pieter Laroe. Sep. 23,1710 Romeyn, Luyde & Johannis Slingerland. Jul. 23,1715 Romeyn, Lydia & Steven Terheun. Apr. 30,1790 Romeyn, Rachel & Joris Van Gyse. Mar. 22,1724 Romeyn, Sally & David P. Demarest. Dec. 19,1800 Romeyn, Sara & Hendrik Van Gisse. Aug. 28,1715 Roos, Harme Jacobse, young man, b. in Amsterdam & Geesie
Janse Kuyper, young maiden, b. in Hasemes, both
living Bergen. Feb. 22,1718 Rooseboom, Elisabeth & Isack Van Deuse. Dec. 14,1723 Rutgers, Harmanus, wid’r & Margrita DeForees, young maiden,
both living in New York. married Sep. 17,1739 Ryersen, Lucas, wid’r, living at Pompton & Susanna Van der
Linden, young maiden, living in Hackinsack. married ___ 12,1745 Rytsmont (Richmond), Anna & Tammes Flipse. Dec. 10,1715
Sager, William & Christina Beekman. Jan. 28,1801 Salomonse, Anna Pieterse & Joseph Mattyse. Sep. 4,1743 Sanderse, Antie & Johannes Simese Van Winkel. Oct. 14,4704 Sanderse, Egbert, young man, b. Staten Island & Trintie Walingse
Van Winckel, young maiden, b. Acquiggenonck, both
living at Acquiggenonck. Sep. 16,1710 Sanse, Margrita & Nicolaes DeVouw. Apr. 20,1706 Santfcort, Meeri & Hendrik Dy. May 20,1731 Santfort, Mr. Willem, young man, b. on the Berbades Neck,
& Sara Smidt, b. in the jurisdiction of Bergen. Feb. 1,1696 Server, Jacob, young man, b. & living in Tappan & Cathrina Beer,
young maiden, b. & living in Hackensack. Jun. 16,1744 Schoert, Maria & Pieter Wannemaker. ___14, 1746 Schoon, Christina & Matheus Cornelius. Oct. 31,1740 Schors, Michiel, young man, b. in Darmstadt & Elisabet Sniden,
wid. of Frederik Smidt, both living at Hackensack. Feb. 2,1711 Schuyler, Elisabeth & Dominus Benjamin Van de Linde. Dec. 5,1748 Shurrig, Johannis, young man, from Germany & Annaetye
Outwater, young maiden, from Hackinsack. married Oct. 30,1730 Siggels, Feytie & Roelof Helmigse Van Houte. Jan. 3,1712 Simmons, George, from Philadelphia & Elsie Earle, young
maiden, from Hackinsack. married May, 24, ___
Sip, Ide, young man, b. & living in Bergen & Ariaentie Cornelisse
Cadmuys, young maiden, b. & living in Acquiggenonck. Apr. 12,1718 Sivert, Adolf, young man, b. in the Pruymes, in Germany &
Margrit Geerlingh, young maiden, b. in New York,
both living in Ramapo. Oct. 23,1719 Slingerland, Albert, young man & Hester Brickers, young maiden,
both from Albany. Jun. 16,1695 Slingerland, Johannis, young man, b. in Albany & Claesie Van
der Linde, young maiden, b. in Ackinsack, both live here. Jun. 3,1710 Slingerland, Johannis, wid’r of Geesie Vander Linde, living in
Acquiggenonck & Luyde Romeyn, wid. of Peter Laroe,
living in Ackinsack. Jul. 23,1715 Slodt, Johannes, young man, b. & both living in Ackinsack &
Willemtie Alberse, wid. of Cornelis Bongaert. Sep. 17,1720 Slodt, Petrus, young man, b. in Ackinsack & Marytie Leyne,
young maiden, b. Darmstadt, both living in Ackinsack. Nov. 18,1721 Slot, Abeltie & Cornelis Epke Banta. Mar. 1,1719 Slot, Antie & Jonetan Hart. Sep. 7,1706 Slot, Catrina & Joost Beem. May 10,1740 Slot, Johannes, wid’r of Willemptie Van Voorhees & Carstyntie
Akkerman, both from Hackinsack and living here. married Apr. 10,1730 Slot, Saertjen & Thomas Oudwater. Jun. 7,1735 Sloth, Abeltie & Adam Janse. Jul. 27,1700 Smidt, Anna Clara & Pieter Wannamaker. Feb. 28,1713 Smidt, Jan, b. in Bergen County & Debera Lawrence.
Smit, Margen, young man, b. in Ireland & Cathryna Tadus,
b. in Weehawken, both living in Acquiggenonck. Aug. 10,1723 Smidt, Sara & Samuel Moor. Sep. 14,1705 Smidt, Sara & Mr. Willem Santfort. Feb. 1,1696 Smit, Barend, young man, b. in Germany, living in New York,
& Annaetje Beer,b. & living in Hackinsack. married Jun. 19,1748 Smit, Jan, young man, b. in Hackinsack & Catrientjen Lie,
b. in New York, both living in Hackinsack. married Feb. 11,1742 Smit, Malli & Michgel Smit. Sep. 26,1741 Smit, Michgel, young man, b. & living in Hackinsack & Malli
Smit, young maiden, b. in Long Island, living in
Secaucus, in Hudson County. married Sep. 26,1741

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