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Hackensack, New Jersey License & Marriage Records
(All marriage dates are marked as such, otherwise the date's shown are for the license day.)
Baelmoor, Lieving, young man, b. Lisbeth Town, living at
the gap at the northern end of the Ramapo Valley,
& Rachel Van Seyl, young maiden, b. Bergen Co,
living there. married Oct. 17,1735 Banta, Abraham, young man, & Annaetjen Van Hoorn,
young maiden, both living Schraelenburg. married Sept. 19,1735 Banta, Aeltie Sibese & Lucas Van Hoorn. Apr. 21,1705 Banta, Agnietjen & Hannis Banta. Jan. 13,1733 Banta, Angenitie Hendrickse & Jacobus Hendrickse Blinkerhof. Apr. 17, 1708 Banta, Annatye & Albert Van Dien. Sept. 26, 1730 Banta, Antie Dirckse & Claes Losier. Jan. 26, 1709 Banta, Antie Sibese & Jurriaen Westervelt. Aug. 19,1699 Banta, Arie, young man, b. Ackinsac, & Feytie Louwerense
Van Boskerke, both living here . July 28,1711 Banta, Belitje & Samuel DeMarest. Aug. 4,1744 Banta, Cornelis, young man & Agnietje Bongert, young
maiden, both b. Hackinsack married Ju_, 25,1752 Banta Cornelis Epke, wid’r of Jannetie DePree, & Magdeleena
DeMaree, young maiden, from Ackinsack. Nov. 18,1699 Banta, Cornelis Epke, last wid’r of Magdaleena Samuelse
DeMaree, & Abeltie Slot, wid. Of Adam Van Norden,
both living Ackinsack. Mar.1,1719 Banta, Cornelus, young man & Rachel Banta, young maiden,
both from Hackinsack and living here. married Apr. 26,1730 Banta, David, young man & Antjen Akkerman, young
maiden, both born & living in Hackensack. married Sept. 27,1745 Banta, Dirck Sibese, young man, b. Ackinsack & Rachel
Degroot,young maiden, b. at the Bay Bowery,
both living here. Apr. 17, 1714 Banta, Dirk, young man & Antje Van Giesen, young maiden,
both born Hackinsack. married __, 25, 1752 Banta, Divertje & Albert Berdan. Aug. 26,1727 Banta, Elisabeth & Dirk Lizier. Mar. 4,1738 Banta, Elizabeth & Jacob Day. Mar. 26,1711 Banta, Elsia & Johannis Herty. Apr. 14,1711 Banta, Epke Cornelisse, young man & Jannetie du Ry, young
maiden, both born & living in Ackinsack. Apr. 3, 1708 Banta, Francintje & Nathaniel Earle. Aug. 19,1737 Banta, Gysbert & Lea Bogert. Feb. 1,1800 Banta, Hannis, wid’r & Agnietjen Banta, spinster, both born
and living in Hackinsack. married Feb. 7,1733 Banta, Hendrick Hendrickse, young man & Gertrut Terhuyne,
young maiden, both born & living in Hackinsack. Jan. 26,1717 Banta, Hendrick Wiertse, young man & Trintie Loots, young
maiden, both born & living in Ackinsack. Feb. 4,1715 Banta, Hendrik Jacobissen, young man & Elisabeth Bensing,
young maiden, both born & living in Hackensack.
married July 16,1743 Banta, Hendryck Sibese, young man, born & living in
Hackinsack, & Annetie Jansen DeGroot, young
maiden, born & living in Bergen County. May 9,1719 Banta, Jacob Cornelisse, young man & Rachel Terheun,
young maiden, both living in Hackinsack. Apr. 13,1728 Banta, Jacob Dirckse, young man & Hendriktie Terhuyne,
young maiden, both born & living in Ackinsack. May 31,1718 Banta, Jacob Hendrickse, young man, from Hackinsack &
Diewer Hendrickse, young maiden, b. Bergen. Feb. 27,1703 Banta, Jacob Hendrikse, wid’r of Diewer Hendrikx, & Janenetie
Van Horen, young maiden, from Ackinsack. Sep. 28,1705 Banta, Jacob Hendrickse, wid’r of Jannitie Van Horen, &
Cornelia De Graeuw, young maiden, b. New York,
both live in Ackinsack. Aug. 8,1716
Banta, Jacob Sibese, young man, & Cornelia Pieterse DeGroot,
young maiden, both born & living in Ackinsack. Sep. 23,1721 Banta, Jan Cornelisse, young man, b. Ackinsack & Cornelia
Van Sicgelen, young maiden, b. North Amersfort,
Long Island, both live here. Apr. 2,1708 Banta, Jannetje & Hendrik Kip. Nov. 14,1741 Banta, Jannetie Cornelese & Johannes Meyyer. Aug. 22,1696 Banta, Jannetye & Jacob Van Saen. Aug. 31,1728 Banta, Johannes Dirckse, young man, b. Ackinsack, & Metie
Hessels, young maiden, b. & living in Acquiggenonck. Oct. 16 1714 Banta, Johannes Sibese, young man & Margritie Janse DeGroot,
young maiden, both b. & living Ackinsack. Mar. 31,1716 Banta, Lea Cornelisse & Johannes Lozier. Aug. 13, 1727 Banta, Lyda & Cornelis Meyer. Nov. 1,1735 Banta, Mareytje & Daniel Van Hoorn. Sep. 28,1749 Banta, Margritie Dirkse & Dirk Hartemansche. Oct. 17,1702 Banta, Margrittie Hendrikse & Roelof Martese. Apr. 21 1722 Banta, Margrietjen & Joris Blinkerhof. Feb. 22,1746 Banta, Margrietje & Daniel Haring. Apr. 2,1726 Banta, Maria & Jan Aljee. May 31,1790 Banta, Maritie Cornelise & Joost DeGroot. May 3,1712 Banta, Marya & Gulyam Bogert. Mar. 27,1725 Banta, Rachel & Cornelus Banta. Apr. 4,1730 Banta, Sara Cornelese & Jacobus Peeck. Jan. 5, 717 Banta, Sitske Dirkse & Dirck Johannese Vrelandt. May 12,1716 Banta, Sitske Hendrikse & Johannes Jacobse Van Winkel. Apr. 19,1712 Banta, Sytske Sibese & Samuel DeMaree. Apr. 21,1705 Banta, Wiert, young man & Mary DeMaree, daughter of
David, both b. & living in Ackinsack. Apr. 27,1706 Banta, Wiert, young man & Geertruyd Van Boskerk, young
maiden, both b. & living in Hackinsack. Nov. 25,1732 Banta, Weintje & Samuel Durje. Aug. 5, 1744
Banta, Zybe, young man, b. & living in Hackinsack & Catelyntje
DeMarest, young maiden, b. & living in Schralenburg. Aug. 4,1744 Bardan, David, young man & Christyntjin Romeyn, young
maiden, both b. & living in Hackensack. married May 12,1738 Bardan, Jan, young man & Christyntjen Van Giesen, young
maiden, both b. & living in Hackensack. married May 11,1738 Bardan, Jan, wid’r & Vrouwtjen Van Dien, wid., both living
in Ackinsack. married Nov. 6,1733 Bardan, Maritjen & Jacob Tisort. Nov. 17,1733 Bardan, Reinier, young man & Autjen Romein, young
maiden,both b. & living in Hackensack. married Nov. 3,1738 Bartley, Elyas, young man, b. New England & Cornelia
Cornelise, young maiden, b. on the Bowery. Apr. 17,1697 Batolf, John & Polly Bogert. May 10,1801 Batton, Maria & Pieter De Maree. Oct. 15,1722 Bavri, Samuel, young man, living in Barbaris Neck &
Hendrickjen Kip, young maiden, b. & living in
Hackinsack. married Dec. 17,1747 Beek, Nathaniel, young man & Anna Hoogland, young
maiden,married with a license. Aug. 29,1741 Beekman, Christina & Willaim Sager. Jan. 28,1801 Beekman, Gerrardus & Catharina Provoost, upon a license
from His Excellence. Jun. 10,1727 Beem, Joost, young man, b. in Bergen Co. & Catrina Slot,
young maiden, b. on the Thiencold, both living
in Pompton. married May 10,1740 Beer, Annaetje & Barend Smit. May 30,1748 Beer, Cathrina & Jacob Server. Jun. 16,1744 Beer, Grietjen & Hendrik Bogert. Apr. 9, 1748
Bel, Harmanus, young man, living in Long Island & Maritjen
Popplesdorf, young maiden, living in Hacksinsack,
both born in Germany. married May 2,1737 Bense, Johannes, young man, from N. Haerlem & Elisabeth
Leydecker, young maiden, b. & living in Ackinsack. May 2, 1724

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