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Marriage Records of Huntington, Long Island, 1723 – 1779
Pub. 1898
Place of Marriage Year Month Day Names of Married Place of Residence
Huntington 1723 October 31 Epenetus Platt
Sarah Scuddar Huntington
1723 December 18 Jonathan Foster
Elisabeth Chichester Huntington
' ' 1723 June 1 Daniel Keleg Norwalk, Ct
Unice Jarvis Huntington
1724 June 30 Stephen Miller Bedford on ye main
Sarah Warin Oysterbay
1724 February 10 Jonathan Smith Stamford, Ct.
Temperance Whitman Huntington
1725 March 23 Josiah Rogers
Elisheba Conkline Huntington
1725 March 29 Hezekiah Rogers
Ruth Scuddar Huntington
' ' 1725 April 20 Nathaniel Brown Stamford, Ct
Anna Brush Huntington
1725 May 3 Samuel Stratten
Esther Jarvis Huntington
1725 August 24 Joseph Smith
Rebecka Hubbart Huntington
Huntington 1725 October 15 Richard Dinge
Esther Chichester Huntington
' ' 1725 October 28 Christian Tobias
Ruth Dean Oysterbay
' ' 1725 November 18 John Satterley Brook-Haven
Martha Sammis Huntington
1725 November 30 John Rogers
Jemima Whitman Huntington
1725 December 15 Philip Platt
Phebe Rogers Huntington
1725 December 30 Nathan Brown Stamford, Conn.
Ruth Brush Huntington
1726 January 6 Thomas Whitehead Huntington
Deborah Dennis Smith Town
1726 March 11 Stephen Remington Oyster Bay
Bethiah Rogers Huntington
1726 April 14 Joseph Rogers
Mary Conkline Huntington
1726 June 7 Cornelius Hart
Elisabeth Wickes Huntington
1726 October 24 John Wickes Huntington
Jemima Conkline Smith Town
1726 November 30 Thomas Conkline
Rachel Udale Huntington
1727 January 3 Amos Platt
Zerviah Whitman Huntington
1727 January 5 Thomas Butson
Jemima Udale Huntington
1727 January 23 Silas Wickes Oysterbay
Sarah Rogers Huntington
1727 April 18 John Abbit
Elisabeth Wood Huntington
1727 June 5 Nathan Wilson Ridgefield, Conn
Phebe Hubbart Huntington
Abiel Titus
Mary Smith Huntington
Charles Wright New-Town, Long Island
Ann Smith Huntington
1727 June 14 Thomas Jarvis
Abigail Smith Huntington
1727 September 5 William Johnson Huntington
Jane Lyon Norwalk, Conn
1727 October 30 David Jones Oysterbay
Rebecka Sopar Huntington
1727 December 14 Timothy Titus
Elisabeth Blachley Huntington
1727 December 21 William Rublier
Abigail Brush Huntington
Benjamin Akerley
Sarah Dennis Huntington
1728 January 18 Pelatiah Sopar
Martha Sopar Huntington
1728 February 5 Timothy Scuddar
Mary Whitehead Huntington
1728 February 12 John Whitman
Martha Sammis Huntington
1728 March 8 Stephen Conkline
Martha Wickes Huntington
1728 March 22 James Dickinson North Castle on ye main
Mary Hart Huntington
1728 March 27 Solomon Closs Greenwitch, Conn
Deborah Brush Huntington
John Sammis
Susanna Kelcey Huntington
1728 April 2 Samuel Stratten
Ruth Platt Huntington
Smith Town 1728 May 15 Stephen Jarvis Huntington
Ann Wheeler Smith Town
Huntington 1728 December 23 Elnathan Wickes
Miriam Whitman Huntington
1729 February 4 Alexander Smith
Bathsheba Carle Huntington
1729 March 6 Solomon Smith Smith Town
Hannah Conkline Huntington
1729 April 16 Jehiol Smith
Kezia Wood Huntington
1729 May 4 Isaac Brush
Hannah Minthorne Huntington
1729 May 30 Josiah Wickes
Mary Conkline Huntington
1729 June 24 Richard Dinge Huntington
Rachel Arthur Smith Town
1729 July 2 Jeremiah Anderson Rye on the main
Abigail Anderson Greenwich, Conn

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