John J. Knox, son of James Knox & Anna Nancy Ehle
Journal of Sanford Porter, pg 83, residing in Augusta, Oneida, New York, approx. 1815
I told my brother John what I had concluded to do if I could git the lether. He said he go my surety if I needed any and I went down to Knoxs store and told him my name and what I wanted. He wanted to know if I was any kin to the Porters that lived in that neighborhood. I told him I was half brother to old uncle John as he is called and cousin to the rest of the Porters that lived thare and that I had just come from Buffalow county, that I had got broke up at the burning of Buffalow City and had lost all that I had or left it and I wanted to go back and see to my farm thare next spring, that I was a shoe maker and had no work to do that winter and I had concluded if I could git lether to make up some shoes and go back and pedle them off for money, for I was shure they would sell well in that country for Buffalow was burnt and thare was no stores in that country and the peple would be obliged to have shoes.
He said he could furnish me with what lether I wanted and if wanted dry goods to take back and pedle off, he could furnish me with all I wanted. I told him I could not pay down for neither leather or goods. If he let me have any, he must wait for his pay until I came back. Well, he said he would wait on me until I could pay him for what I got off him.
I told John how I had made out with Knox, the merchant, and now I want one roome of your house to live in and for a shoe shop and that I would pay him for the use of it in my work. He said I might have the room that our bed was in.
1820 Census for Augusta, Oneida, New York
History of Oneida Co, NY from 1700 (find on or google it, quite a few tid bits)
Will of John Porter Found on