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Lorentz, Allen, Darner, & Mattox
                                    14th through 38th Generations



12800. Howell Madog, son of Madog ap Trahrne and Joan Aubrey, was born about 1495 in Wales.

Howell married Joan Powel.


The child from this marriage was:

6400 i. John Powel Madog


12801. Joan Powel married Howell Madog.




25600. Madog ap Trahrne, son of TraharneFychan ap Trahrne and Elinor Bois,. Madog married

Joan Aubrey.


The child from this marriage was:

12800 i. Howell Madog


25601. Joan Aubrey, daughter of John Aubrey. Joan married Madog ap Trahrne.




51200. Traharne Fychan ap Trahrne, son of Traharne Dal and Joan Walbeoffe,. TraharneFychan married Elinor Bois.


The child from this marriage was:

25600 i. Madog ap Trahrne


51201. Elinor Bois, daughter of Richard Bois. Elinor married TraharneFychan ap Trahrne.


51202. John Aubrey


His child was:

25601 i. Joan Aubrey




102400. Traharne Dal, son of Howel ____________ and Cissil Bunchill,. Traharne married Joan Walbeoffe.


The child from this marriage was:

51200 i. Traharne Fychan ap Trahrne


102401. Joan Walbeoffe, daughter of Phillip Walbeoffe Lord Llanhamlach and Unknown,.

Joan married Traharne Dal.


102402. Richard Bois


His child was:

51201 i. Elinor Bois




204800. Howel __________, son of Gwrgan ____________ and Daughter of Sir Miles Pitcher,.Howel married Cissil Bunchill.


The child from this marriage was:

102400 i. Traharne Dal


204801. Cissil Bunchill, daughter of Sir Humphrey Bunchill. Cissil married Howel ____________.


204802. Phillip Walbeoffe Lord Llanhamlach


His child was:

102401 i. Joan Walbeoffe




409600. Gwrgan __________, son of Llewelyn ____________ and Joan ____________,. Gwrgan married

Daughter of Sir Miles Pitcher.


The child from this marriage was:

204800 i. Howel ____________


409601. Daughter of Sir Miles Pitcher married Gwrgan ____________.


409602. Sir Humphrey Bunchill


His child was:

204801 i. Cissil Bunchill




819200. Llewelyn __________, son of Moreddig Warwyn and Elinor Rhys,. Llewelyn married Joan ____________.


The child from this marriage was:

409600 i. Gwrgan ____________


819201. Joan married Llewelyn ____________ .




1638400. Moreddig Warwyn, son of Drymbenog ____________ Lord of Cantrell Selyff and Joan

daughter of Justin, Moreddig married Elinor Rhys.


The child from this marriage was:

819200 i. Llewelyn ____________


1638401. Elinor Rhys married Moreddig Warwyn.




3276800. Drymbenog __________ Lord of Cantrell Selyff, son of Dryffin ____________ and Crucilla

daughter of Idwal. Drymbenog married Joan daughter of Justin.


The child from this marriage was:

1638400 i. Moreddig Warwyn


3276801. Joan daughter of Justin married Drymbenog ____________ Lord of Cantrell Selyff .




6553600. Dryffin __________, son of Huganus ____________. Dryffin married Crucilla daughter of Idwal.


The child from this marriage was:

3276800 i. Drymbenog ____________ Lord of Cantrell Selyff


6553601. Crucilla daughter of Idwal, married Dryffin ____________ .




13107200. Huganus __________, son of Gwendy ____________ , was born about 900.


His child was:

6553600 i. Dryffin ____________




26214400. Gwendy __________, son of Anharawd ____________.


His child was:

13107200 i. Huganus ____________




52428800. Anharawd __________, son of Tegyd ____________.


His child was:

26214400 i. Gwendy ____________




104857600. Tegyd __________, son of Teithwalch ____________was born about 796.


His child was:

52428800 i. Anharawd ____________




209715200. Teithwalch __________, son of Cyndeg ____________.


His child was:

104857600 i. Tegyd ____________




419430400. Cyndeg __________, son of Cynvarch ____________, was born about 703.


His child was:

209715200 i. Teithwalch ____________




838860800. Cynvarch __________, son of Howy ____________, was born about 680.


His child was:

419430400 i. Cyndeg ____________




1677721600. Howy __________, son of Gloyw ____________.


His child was:

838860800 i. Cynvarch ____________




3355443200. Gloyw __________, son of Cap ____________.


His child was:

1677721600 i. Howy ____________




6710886400. Cap __________, son of Cawrdaf ____________.


His child was:

3355443200 i. Gloyw ____________




13421772800. Cawrdaf __________, son of King of ____________ Brecon and Eurfon Daughter of King



His child was:

6710886400 i. Cap ____________




26843545600. King of __________ Brecon, son of Cradoc ____________ Lord of Gloster & Herford. He died in Dolorous Castle. Brecon married Eurfon Daughter of King Pelynor.


The child from this marriage was:

13421772800 i. Cawrdaf ____________


26843545601. Eurfon Daughter of King Pelynor, married King of ____________ Brecon .




53687091200. Cradoc __________ Lord of Gloster & Herford, son of Molwyn ____________ and Gwen

or Gwenllian ____________,


His child was:

26843545600 i. King of ____________ Brecon



       Legend has it that he was a knight of the Round Table of King Arthur.




107374182400. Molwyn __________, son of Brychan ____________ . Molwyn married Gwen or Gwenllian ____________ .


The child from this marriage was:

53687091200 i. Cradoc ____________ Lord of Gloster & Herford


107374182401. Gwen or Gwenllian __________ married Molwyn ____________ .




214748364800. Brychan __________.


His child was:

107374182400 i. Molwyn ____________









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