Marriage Records, Marion County, Indiana
May 1941
Marriage Date: May 17 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: George Lewis Diver Age: 34
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Assistant Credit Man
Birthplace: Sumner, Illinois Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: John Diver
Maiden name of Mother: Cecelia Crosby
Bride: Mary Elizabeth Becker Age: 29
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Stenographer
Birthplace: Toledo, Ohio Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Fred Becker
Maiden name of Mother: Rose Heitjman
Marriage Date: May 17 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Oral Jett Age: 19
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Machinist
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Calvin M. Jett
Maiden name of Mother: Myrtle B. Ennis
Bride: Frances Henry Age: 18
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Hostess
Birthplace: Glenn Valley, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Frank Henry
Maiden name of Mother: Alta DeHaney
Marriage Date: May 17 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Charles M. Mattingly Age: 58
Color: white Marital Status: W
Occupation: Insurance
Birthplace: Charles Co., Maryland Residence: Larchmort (?), N.Y.
Name of Father: Joseph H. Mattingly
Maiden name of Mother: Mary R. Maddox
Bride: Margaret C. Drake Age: 44
Color: white Marital Status: W
Birthplace: Richmond, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: James Clinginpeel
Maiden name of Mother: Mary Kelly
Marriage Date: May 17 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Henry Stenger, Jr. Age: 26
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Typewriter Salesman
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Henry Stenger
Maiden name of Mother: Thekla Klingstein
Bride: Naomi Snodgrass Age: 24
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Stenographer
Birthplace: Gosport, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Joseph Snodgrass
Maiden name of Mother: Gloe McFarren
Marriage Date: May 17 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Herman William Fischer Age: 25
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Bookkeeper for Banquet Ice Cream and Milk Co.
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Harold William Fischer
Maiden name of Mother: Dicey Clara Kraiger
Bride: Nanette Virginia Williams Age: 24
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: File Clerk, Merchants Association
Birthplace: Winona, Minn. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Jesse Wardwell Fogg (step-father)
Maiden name of Mother: Anna Rassmussen
Marriage Date: May 17 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Joseph R. Day Age: 29
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Steel Worker
Birthplace: Newberg Heights, Ohio Residence: Belford, Ohio
Name of Father: Thomas Day
Maiden name of Mother: Sarah Crist
Bride: Annabell Stewart Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Birthplace: Acme, Michigan Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Roscoe B. Stewart
Maiden name of Mother: Ida B. Witham
Marriage Date: May 17 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Edward Floyd Wade Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Laborer
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Louis Wade
Maiden name of Mother: Lillie Tillbeery
Bride: Addie May Beason Age: 18
Color: white Marital Status: S
Birthplace: Karriman, Tenn. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Dave Beason
Maiden name of Mother: Lenais Reeves
Marriage Date: May 18 Place: Richmond, Indiana
Groom: Francis E. Hardesty Age: 35
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Supervisor Hoover Co.
Birthplace: South Port, Ind. Residence: South Port, Ind.
Name of Father: St. Elmo, Hardesty
Maiden name of Mother: Alevilda Jane Hancock (Yeager)
Bride: Dorothy Lambertson Age: 26
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Head Nurse Methodist Hospital
Birthplace: Indiana Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Herman Lambertson
Maiden name of Mother: Inez Hodson
Marriage Date: May 18 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Hoy Brannon Age: 27
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Set Up Man
Birthplace: Douglas, N.D. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Lonnie Brannon
Maiden name of Mother: Artis Moffet
Bride: Myrthle Johnson Age: 25
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Stenographer
Birthplace: Moline, Illinois Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Charles Johnson
Maiden name of Mother: Anna Erickson
Marriage Date: May 18 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Paul Cecil Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Machinist’s Helper
Birthplace: Fairland, Ind. Residence: Beech Grove, Ind.
Name of Father: Benjamin Cecil
Maiden name of Mother: Mildred Sills
Bride: Anna Mae Wright Age: 21
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Laundry Worker
Birthplace: French Lick, Ind. Residence: Beech Grove, Ind.
Name of Father: James Franklin Wright
Maiden name of Mother: Elzora Knight
Marriage Date: May 18 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Robert J. Wright Age: 39
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Restaurant Operator
Birthplace: Kirklin, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Fred B. Wright
Maiden name of Mother: Mar B. King
Bride: Louise Croon (Boon) Age: 32
Color: white Marital Status: W
Occupation: Cashier
Birthplace: Dawson Springs, Ky Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: John H. Workman
Maiden name of Mother: Carrie Barrett
Marriage Date: May 18 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Howard Frederick Chambers Age: 20
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Collector
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Cecil Robert Chambers
Maiden name of Mother: Clara Jane Kinman
Bride: Mary Louise Perry Age: 20
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Domestic
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Ralph S. Perry
Maiden name of Mother: Effie Way Newman
Marriage Date: May 18 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Herman H. Hadley Age: 30
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Photographer
Birthplace: Galion, Ohio Residence: Springfield, Ohio
Name of Father: Clifford V. Hadley
Maiden name of Mother: Dea Nolder
Bride: Bessie Virginia Wood Age: 25
Color: white Marital Status: S
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Harry E. Wood, Sr.
Maiden name of Mother: Bessie M. Houser
Marriage Date: May 18 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Robert Bernstein Age: 27
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Salesman
Birthplace: New York Residence: New York
Name of Father: David Bernstein
Maiden name of Mother: Ruth Helborn
Bride: Jacqualine Wolf Age: 24
Color: white Marital Status: S
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Jacob H. Wolf
Maiden name of Mother: Fanny Lehman
Marriage Date: May 18 Place: Camby, Indiana
Groom: Hugh M. Motsinger Age: 26
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Machine Operator
Birthplace: Glendale, Montana Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Ernest N. Motsinger
Maiden name of Mother: Gertrude E. Robison
Bride: Geraldine Louise Breeden Age: 18
Color: white Marital Status: S
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Robert A. F. Breeden
Maiden name of Mother: Mabel M. Berth