Marriage Records, Marion County, Indiana
May 1941
Marriage Date: May 30 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: George McKnight Age: 33
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Store Manager
Birthplace: Otterbein, Ind. Residence: Elwood, Ind.
Name of Father: Burt McKnight
Name of Mother: Ivy Green
Bride: Mary __ Uilder ? (wilder?) Age: 26
Color: white Marital Status: D
Birthplace: Marion Co., Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: William Hastey
Name of Mother: Alice M. Martin
Marriage Date: May 30 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Albert Mabie Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Chemical Worker, Pumpman
Birthplace: Des Moines, Ia. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Carl Shirley Mabie
Name of Mother: Grace Evelyn Chapman
Bride: Buelah Myrtle Johnson Age: 19
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Waitress
Birthplace: London, Ky. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Mitchell Johnson
Name of Mother: Ruth Etta Sutherland
Marriage Date: May 30 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Alvin Levenberg Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Salesman
Birthplace: Gary, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Solomon Levenberg
Name of Mother: Minnie Goldberg
Bride: Marjorie Green Age: 20
Color: white Marital Status: S
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Philip H. Green
Name of Mother: Margaret Baker
Marriage Date: May 30 Place: Morgantown, Indiana
Groom: William W. Robling Age: 26
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Clerk
Birthplace: Petersburg, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Austin Robling
Name of Mother: Mable Selby
Bride: Imogene Johnson Age: 19
Color: white Marital Status: S
Birthplace: Elnora, Ind. Residence: Morgantown, Ind.
Name of Father (Guardian): Carl Moore
Name of Mother: Marie Galyards
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Edward Paul Strack Age: 36
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Machinist
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Charles Strack
Name of Mother: Theresa Pich
Bride: Marie Barbara Reinert Age: 32
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Office Clerk
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: John Reinert
Name of Mother: Barbara Small
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Russel White Age: 25
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Lawyer
Birthplace: Dublin, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Samuel S. White
Name of Mother: Blanche Mason
Bride: Louise Baker Age: 23
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Stenographer
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: William Baker
Name of Mother: Nora Oms?
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Max Milton Bird Age: 23
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Clerk
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Thomas Alexander Bird
Name of Mother: Eva Stice
Bride: Cecil Wells Age: 19
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Clerk
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Sharel B. Wells
Name of Mother: Charlotte Robbins
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Shirley E. Green, Jr. Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Inspector
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Shirley E. Green, Sr.
Name of Mother: Arnetta Doyle
Bride: Helen Rose Bentley Age: 24
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Inspector
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Elmer D. Bentley
Name of Mother: Frances Lona Carlson
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Mark McDonald Age: 24
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Accountant, North Indiana Tower Co.
Birthplace: Dayton, Ohio Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Joseph William McDonald
Name of Mother: Viola Danzeisen
Bride: Leonore Heppner Age: 23
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Saleswoman, L.S. Ayers
Birthplace: Springfield, Mo. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Otto B. Heppner
Name of Mother: Irene Blanchette
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Alvin . Eggerding Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Inspector
Birthplace: Evansville, Illinois Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Fred Eggerding
Name of Mother: Helen Stallhorn
Bride: Margaret L. Boles Age: 20
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Bindery Worker
Birthplace: Morgantown, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Louis L. Boles
Name of Mother: Rema Blanche Miller
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Stanley E. Hutten Age: 24
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Truck Driver
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Andrew Hutten
Name of Mother: Mable McCruns
Bride: Breanna L. Richard Age: 18
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: House Work
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Roy H Richard
Name of Mother: Lena C. Clark
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Adam Porter Age: 37
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Sales Representative
Birthplace: Meckville , Penn. Residence: Chicago, Illinois
Name of Father: John C. Porter
Name of Mother: Elizabeth Blanch
Bride: Betsy Endsley Age: 32
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Claim Adjuster
Birthplace: New York, N.Y. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Frank Endsley
Name of Mother: Elizabeth Patterson
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Woodrow Imboden Age: 24
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Filling Clerk
Birthplace: Shirley, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Rafe Imboden
Name of Mother: Josephine Casey
Bride: Mary F. McClure Age: 24
Color: white Marital Status: W
Occupation: Stenographer
Birthplace: Marion Co, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Benjamin F. McClure
Name of Mother: Mary Frances Colsson
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Herman F. Staab Age: 39
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Truck Driver
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Nicholas Staab
Name of Mother: Mary Ann Seyfried
Bride: Barbara M. Keller Age: 29
Color: white Marital Status: S
Birthplace: Russia Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Frederick Keller
Name of Mother: Julia Schultz
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Robert A. Steward Age: 23
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Chemist
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Frank Steward
Name of Mother: Hazel Freud
Bride: Elizabeth Ann Culley Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Birthplace: Indiana Harbor (?), Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Alonzo Henry Culley
Name of Mother: Bernice Hawkins