Marriage Records, Marion County, Indiana
May 1941
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Russell E. Saupe Age: 27
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Mfg. Supervisor
Birthplace: Sauborn (?), Iowa Residence: Detroit, Mi.
Name of Father: Emil P. Saupe
Name of Mother: Anna R. Fritzche
Bride: Mary Annici Porter Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Saleswoman
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: William H. Porter
Name of Mother: Clara Jane Neiman
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Robert Foote Blum Age: 23
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Hardware Clerk
Birthplace: Cleveland, Ohio Residence: Kent, Ohio
Name of Father: Robert S. Blum
Name of Mother: Marjorie Foote
Bride: Martha Weddle Age: 25
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Secretary
Birthplace: Martinsville, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Walter Weddle
Name of Mother: Oleto Prather
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Wayne Edward Reed Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Machine Operator
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: William Reed
Name of Mother: Phenia B. Grose
Bride: Thelma Mae Louder Age: 19
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Telephone Operator
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Harvey Louder
Name of Mother: Martha Wieneke
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Joseph Henry Niesse Age: 37
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Captain in U.S. Army
Birthplace: Madison, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: John B. Niesse
Name of Mother: Emma M. Meyer
Bride: Mildred Tillison Age: 25
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Clerk
Birthplace: Milroy, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: J. D. Farlow
Name of Mother: Isabel Fragier
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Lemuel J. Evans Age: 29
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Clerk
Birthplace: Clinton, Wi. Residence: Beloit, Wi.
Name of Father: Walter Evans
Name of Mother: Mary McKinney
Bride: Gertrude Virginia Everson Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: D
Birthplace: Charliston, Illinois Residence: Beloit, Wi.
Name of Father: Harry Davis
Name of Mother: Viola Ferguson
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Ralph Reagan Age: 18
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Kingan Employee
Birthplace: Lyons, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Charlie Rar__ Reagan
Name of Mother: Mary Ellen Allbright
Bride: Mary Sharp Age: 18
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: House Keeper
Birthplace: Aliceville, Ind. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: James Sharp
Name of Mother: Rose Howard
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Everett Watson Age: 29
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Truck Driver
Birthplace: Caruthersville, Ind. Residence: Anderson, Ind.
Name of Father: William E. Watson
Name of Mother: Cordelia Kinnett
Bride: Frances Gentry Age: 26
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Seamstress
Birthplace: Hancock Co., Ind. Residence: Anderson, Ind.
Name of Father: Myron Albea
Name of Mother: Clara Elizabeth McCreery
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Thomas D. Long Age: 42
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Punch Press Operator
Birthplace: Earlington, Ky. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Henry B. Long
Name of Mother: Margaret Longstaff
Bride: Margaret D. Dawson Age: 28
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: House Keeper
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence:
Name of Father: Elton M. Hopkins
Name of Mother: Mildred Hollobaugh
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Alfred Metsalo Age: 46
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Painter
Birthplace: Minneapolis, Minn. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Andrew Metsalo
Name of Mother: Amanda Lilberg
Bride: Emma Pennington Age: 25
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: House Keeper
Birthplace: Minneapolis, Minn. Residence: Madison, Ind.
Name of Father: Marvin Jones
Name of Mother: Mathilda Grotepeng (?)
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: William Smih Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Finner
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Charles Smith
Name of Mother: Myrtle Nell
Bride: Betty Christoff Age: 19
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: House Keeper
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Pete Christoff
Name of Mother: Myrtle Lathrop
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Rudolph Paul Spillman Age: 31
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Advertising
Birthplace: New Orleans, La. Residence: Philadelphia, Pa.
Name of Father: Rudolph Spillman
Name of Mother: Pauline Bulot
Bride: Mabel Viola Elliott Age: 29
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Advertising
Birthplace: Little York, Ind. Residence: Philadelphia, Pa.
Name of Father: James Elliott
Name of Mother: Arminda Jane Nicholson
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Madison, Ind.
Groom: Brent M. Smith Age: 50
Color: white Marital Status: D
(3rd mar., 1st widowed, 2nd D)
Occupation: Production Dept. Reel Silk
Birthplace: Greenwood, Ind. Residence:
Name of Father: Abe Smith
Name of Mother: Alice Doty
Bride: Lillian Sncock? Age: 56
Color: white Marital Status: 4th mar. (had 2 D & 1 death)
Occupation: Apartment Rentals
Birthplace: Madison, Ind. Residence:
Name of Father: ______ Hitson (Hilson)
Name of Mother: Martha Ann Wilson
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Joseph Spalding Age: 28
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: Physician
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Hot Springs, Ark.
Name of Father: John Spalding
Name of Mother: Mary Crush
Bride: Dorothy Reed Age: 25
Color: white Marital Status: S
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Ray Reed
Name of Mother: Elizabeth Markey
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Felix Thomas Bryant, Jr. Age: 22
Color: white Marital Status: S
Occupation: General Utility
Birthplace: Pittsburg, Pa. Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Felix Thomas Bryant, Sr.
Name of Mother: Edna Krofft
Bride: Betty Jeanne Sanborn Age: 20
Color: white Marital Status: S
Birthplace: Indianapolis Residence: Indianapolis
Name of Father: Dwane Sanborn
Name of Mother: Helen Maddox
Marriage Date: May 31 Place: Indianapolis
Groom: Patrick J. Potter Age: 36
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Moulder and Coremaker
Birthplace: Columbus, Ohio Residence: Columbus, Ohio
Name of Father: Oren Potter
Name of Mother: Mary Linkugel
Bride: Hazel Deborah Grimm Age: 36
Color: white Marital Status: D
Occupation: Office Clerk
Birthplace: Columbus, Ohio Residence: Columbus, Ohio
Name of Father: Robert F. Grimm
Name of Mother: Clara Stewart