McClure, Wickersham & Morgan Pedigree
First Generation
1. Roy Brian McClure, son of Reader Allen McClure and Ellen Adora "Ella" Wickersham, was born
on 31 Oct 1896 in Grand Junction, Eagle, Colorado and died on 11 May 1987 in Lancaster, Los Angeles,
California at age 90. Roy married Helen Rose Atwill, daughter of George D. Atwill and Rosena "Rose" C. Steiner.
Second Generation
2. Reader Allen McClure, son of Warren McClure and Irene Mariah Allen, was born on 24 Dec 1849 in
Sanford, Broome, New York and died on 22 Dec 1940 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California at age 90.
Reader married Ellen Adora "Ella" Wickersham on 30 Jun 1870 in , Chautauqua, Kansas.
The child from this marriage was:
1 i. Roy Brian McClure
3. Ellen Adora "Ella" Wickersham, daughter of Lewis Morgan Wickersham and Susanna "Susan"
Kness (Ness), was born on 1 Oct 1858 in Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas and died in Sep 1936 in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California at age 77. Ellen married Reader Allen McClure on 30 Jun 1870 in , Chautauqua, Kansas.
1850 United States Census, Broome,Sanford, New York, as Reader McClure
1855 Kansas State Census, Carrollton, Cattaraugus, New York, as Reader McClure
1870 United States Census, Elk Falls, Howard, Kansas, as Reader McClure
1875 Kansas State Census, Painterhood, Howard, Kansas, as Allan McClure
1880 United States Census, Elk Falls, Howard, Kansas, as Reed McClure
1900 United States Census, Mesa, Colorado, as Allen McClure
1910 United States Census, Malibu, Los Angeles, California, as Allen McClure
1920 United States Census, Malibu, Los Angeles, California, as Allen McClure
U.S. National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938 as Allen McClure, he was there
in 1909, 1919, 1920
Third Generation
4. Warren McClure, son of Henry McClure and Lorinda ____________, was born about 1819 in Sanford,
Broome, New York and died in 1897 in , Rice Co, Kansas about age 78. Warren married Irene Mariah Allen on 13 Jun 1839 in Binghampton, Broome, New York.
The child from this marriage was:
2 i. Reader Allen McClure
5. Irene Mariah Allen was born in Aug 1819 in Colesville, Broome, New York and died in 1903 in ,
Rice Co, Kansas at age 84. Irene married Warren McClure on 13 Jun 1839 in Binghampton, Broome, New York.
6. Lewis Morgan Wickersham, son of Ellis Joseph Wickersham and Eliza Morgan, was born on 22 Apr
1819 in , Columbiana, Ohio and died on 11 Nov 1875 in Fall River, Greenwood, Kansas at age 56.
Lewis married Susanna "Susan" Kness (Ness) on 22 Apr 1847 in Jefferson, Iowa.
The child from this marriage was:
3 i. Ellen Adora "Ella" Wickersham
7. Susanna "Susan" Kness (Ness) was born on 27 Apr 1829 in Ohio and died on 9 May 1897 in , Greenwood Co, Kansas at age 68. Susanna married Lewis Morgan Wickersham on 22 Apr 1847 in Jefferson, Iowa.
Fourth Generation
8. Henry McClure was born on 6 Sep 1798 in Windsor, Broome, New York and died on 24 Sep 1879 in Windsor, Broome, New York at age 81. Henry married Lorinda ____________.
The child from this marriage was:
4 i. Warren McClure
9. Lorinda __________, was born about 1799 in , Broome, New York and died on 23 Aug 1881 in , Broome, New York about age 82. Lorinda married Henry McClure.
12. Ellis Joseph Wickersham, son of Abner Wickersham and Mary Johnson Taylor, was born on 24 Mar
1789 in Kennett, Chester, Pennsylvania and died on 24 Dec 1880 in Lexington, Stark, Ohio at age 91.
Ellis married Eliza Morgan on 19 Dec 1816 in Middleton, Columbiana, Ohio.
The child from this marriage was:
6 i. Lewis Morgan Wickersham
13. Eliza Morgan, daughter of William Morgan and Elizabeth Woods, was born on 25 Jan 1799 and died on 19 Apr 1880 in Lexington, Stark, Ohio at age 81. Eliza married Ellis Joseph Wickersham on
19 Dec 1816 in Middleton, Columbiana, Ohio.
Fifth Generation
24. Abner Wickersham, was born on 10 Apr 1754 in Kennet, Chester, Pennsylvania and died in 1816 in , Chester, Pennsylvania at age 62. Abner married Mary Johnson Taylor on 19 Apr 1781 in New Garden, Chester, Pennsylvania.
The child from this marriage was:
12 i. Ellis Joseph Wickersham
25. Mary Johnson Taylor, was born in 1756 in Springville, Susquehana, Pennsylvania and died on 6 Apr 1843 in East Marlborough, Chester, Pennsyvania at age 87. Mary married Abner Wickersham on 19 Apr 1781 in New Garden, Chester, Pennsylvania.
26. William Morgan, son of Amos Morgan and Sarah Welsh, was born on 10 May 1770 in Colchester, New London, Connecticut and died in 1800 in , Fauquier, Virginia at age 30. William married
Elizabeth Woods on 31 Oct 1796.
The child from this marriage was:
13 i. Eliza Morgan
27. Elizabeth Woods, was born about 1776 in , Kent, England and died about 1840 about age 64.
Elizabeth married William Morgan on 31 Oct 1796.
Sixth Generation
52. Amos Morgan, son of Samuel Morgan Jr. and Abigail Heath, was born on 9 Nov 1750 in Groton, New London, Connecticut and died on 27 Jul 1839 in German Flats, Herkimer, New York at age 88.
Amos married Sarah Welsh on 9 Nov 1769 in Colchester, New London, Connecticut.
The child from this marriage was:
26 i. William Morgan
53. Sarah Welsh was born about 1748 in Chatham, Middlesex, Connecticut and died on 14 Mar 1820 in Sweden, Monroe, New York about age 72. Sarah married Amos Morgan on 9 Nov 1769 in Colchester, New London, Connecticut.
Seventh Generation
104. Samuel Morgan Jr., son of Samuel Morgan Sr. and Hannah Avery, was born on 9 Mar 1711
in New London, New London, Connecticut and died about 1754 in Preston City, New London, Connecticut about age 43. Samuel married Abigail Heath on 30 Sep 1741 in Groton Township,
New London, Connecticut.
The child from this marriage was:
52 i. Amos Morgan
105. Abigail Heath, was born on 13 Feb 1720 in Groton Township, New London, Connecticut and died in 1763 in Connecticut at age 43. Abigail married Samuel Morgan Jr. on 30 Sep 1741 in Groton Township, New London, Connecticut.
Eighth Generation
208. Samuel Morgan Sr., son of Capt. John Morgan and Rachel Dymond Deming, was born on 9 Sep
1669 in New London, New London, Connecticut and died in 1729 in Groton Township, New London,
Connecticut at age 60. Samuel married Hannah Avery on 30 Dec 1709 in Groton Township,
New London, Connecticut.
The child from this marriage was:
104 i. Samuel Morgan Jr.
209. Hannah Avery was born on 24 Mar 1685 in Groton Township, New London, Connecticut and died in 1734 in Groton Township, New London, Connecticut at age 49. Hannah married Samuel Morgan Sr. on 30 Dec 1709 in Groton Township, New London, Connecticut.