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Middlesex County Clerk's Marriage Records, 1795 -1800
Updike, Samuel, and Helena Grover Feb. 4,1800
Van, John, and Catharine Van Horn Dec. 10,1796
Van Brunt, Hendrick, and Sarah Jaques Aug. 27,1796
Van de Vender, Cornelius, and Susannah Talmage Jan. 16,1797
Vanduzer, Thomas, and Nette Hart Oct. 5,1800
Vanhise,______ , and Abigail Hanse Feb. 1796
Van-hise, Okey, and Anne Runyon Feb. 17,1800
Van Horn, Catherine, and John Van Dec. 10,1796
Van Kirk, Andrew, and Catherine Hartupee Sept. 20,1799
Van Pelt, Elizabeth, and John Anderson. Feb. 25,1799
Vanzandt, Catharine, and John Dennison Dec. 24,1795
Vaughan, Anne, and William Williams Dec. 25,1800
Vaughan, Asher, and Charity Stout Sept. 1,1799
Vaughan, Sarah, and Ambrose Green Oct. 18,1800
Vaughn, Permelia, and Benjamin Hartman Aug. 25,1800
Voorhies, Sarah, and William Laid (Lard?) April 4,1799
Voorhees, William, and Hannah Fisher Oct. 15,I800
Voorhees,______ , and Hartshorne Willet Mar.16,1800
Vreeland, Sarah, and William Mede Dec. 15,1798
Walker, Nathaniel, and Mary Hart Feb. 15,1798
Warn, Mary, and James Higgins May 28,1797
Watkian, Elizabeth, and Charles Ford Oct. 18,1798
Webbs, Isaac, and Hannah Ireland Jan. 13,1796
Wetherill, Anne, and Andrew McDowell Dec. 22,1795
Wetherill, Sarah, and William Schenck April 3,1798
Wheelock, Gideon, and Elizabeth Handley July 19,1800
Wicoff, Gittee, and James Bodine Jan. 15,1798
Wiley, Mary, and Joseph Crossgrove Sept. 4,1799
Willet, Hartshorne, and Voorhees Mar. 16,1800
Williams, Margaret, and William Shardlow May 22,1800
Williams, Sarah, and Michael Dews Dec. 24,1797
Williams, William, and Anne Vaughan Dec. 25,1800
Williamson, Mary, and John Christopher Cox May 25,1800
Willsou, Ann, and James Silcocks Sept. 18,1800
Wilson, Garret, and Catharine Satton Dec. 24,1795
Wilson, Isaac, and Elizabeth Hutchinson Dec. 11,1799
Wiser, Mary, and John Richmond June 6,1798
Woods, Alexander, and Catharine Sanders April 30,1798
Wright, Jesse, and Catherine Applegate Sept. 2,1798
Yard, Elizabeth, and Joseph Taylor Jan. 5,1800
Young, Josephus, and Elizabeth Brown June 29,1800
Youngs, John, and Marey Dokes June 15,1800

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