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Vital Records of Norwich, Conn. 1735-1780
Ela, Jonathan & Briget Callam, married 5 Nov. 1741
Benjamin, son of Jonathan & Briget, born 30 Oct. 1742
Hannah, daughter of Jonathan & Briget, born 8 May 1745
Jonathan, son of Jonathan & Briget, born 31 May 1749
Daniel, son of Jonathan & Briget, born 31 July 1751
Ephraim, son of Jonathan & Briget, born 8 Mar. 1754
Elderkin, James & Betty Waterman, married 31 Aug. 1744
James, son of James & Betty, born 11 Dec. 1745
Betty, daughter of James & Betty, born 28 Feb. 1747/48
Radolphas, son of James & Betty, born 4 Oct. 1750
Lovisa, daughter of James & Betty, born 22 Dec. 1752,
died 29 Mar. 1753
Lovisa, daughter of James & Betty, second by that name,
born 3 Mar. 1754
Cynthai, daughter of James & Betty, born 3 Mar. 1757
Hodesh, daughter of James & Betty, born 14 Dec. 1758
Ahira, son of James & Betty, born 23 Aug. 1763
Amanda, daughter of James & Betty, born 10 Sept. 1765
Elderkin, Jedidiah & Ann Wood, married 31 Aug. 1741
Judith, daughter of Jedidiah & Ann, born 2 mar. 1742/43
Elderkin, John & Rebekah Allen, married 2 Mar. 1742
John, son of John & Rebekah, born 8 Jan. 1742/43
Susannah, daughter of John & Rebekah, born 7 Oct. 1744
Luther, son of John & Rebekah, born 6 Sept. 1746
Rebecca, daughter of John & Rebekah, born 17 Sept. 1748
Joshua, son of John & Rebekah, born 13 Jan. 1750
Judges, son of John & Rebekah, born 23 Aug. 1752,
died 20 Aug. 1753
Vashty, daughter of John & Rebekah, born 19 July 1754
Frances Drake, son of John & Rebekah, born 11 Feb. 1757,
died 21 may 1759
Roxeleany, daughter of John & Rebekah, born 5 Sept. 1759
Dyarchey, son of John & Rebekah, born 7 Apr. 1762
Fernandez, son of John & Rebekah, born 9 July 1764
Emerson, Jabez & Sarah Downer, married 23 Mar. 1743
Jabez, son of Jabez & Sarah, born 29 Dec. 1743
Sarah, daughter of Jabez & Sarah, born 8 July 1746
Fanning, Thomas & Anne Reynolds, married 15 Sept. 1747
Anne, daughter of Thomas & Anne, born 4 Dec. 1748
Thomas son of Thomas & Anne, born 18 July 1750
Hannah, daughter of Thomas & Anne, born 10 Mar. 1754
Sirus, son of Thomas & Anne, born 24 Sept. 1756
John Reynolds, son of Thomas & Anne, born 21 Dec. 1758
Sarah, daughter of Thomas & Anne, born 9 Jan. 1760
Farnam, Henry & Sarah Knight, married 3 Nov. 1741
Henry, son of Henry & Sarah, born 8 Oct. 1742
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Henry, died 24 Feb. 1781
Farnan, Ephraim & Cloue Ann White, married 1 Nov. 1744
Ephraim, son of Ephraim & Cloue Ann, born 7 Aug. 1745
Ebenezer, son of Ephraim & Cloue Ann, born 4 Dec. 1747
Fillmore, Ammaziah, son of John & Dorcas, born 23 Nov. 1743
Mimee, daughter of John & Dorcas, born 3 Jan. 1745/46
Lydia, daughter of John & Dorcas, born 15 Nov. 1747
Luther, son of John & Dorcas, born 14 Jan. 1749/50
Calvain, son of John & Dorcas, born 24 Feb. 1752
Calvain, son of John & Dorcas, died 14 Mar. 1753
Deborah, daughter of John & Dorcas, born 21 Jun. 1755
Dille, daughter of John & Dorcas, born 22 Jan. 1757
Dorcas, wife of Capt. John, died 22 Mar. 1759
Capt. John, husband of Dorcas, died 22 Feb. 1777
Finch, Abram, son of Rose Anna Finch, born 11 Nov. 1744
Fisher, Daniel & Hannah Macklane, married 7 July 1742
Fitch, Abijah & Anna Wallbridge, married 4 Oct. 1741
John, son of Abijah & Anna, born 26 Aug. 1742
John, son of Abijah & Anna, died 3 Feb. 1743/44
Hannah, daughter of Abijah & Anna, born 5 Feb. 1744/45
Jerusha, daughter of Abijah & Anna, born 8 May 1749
Abijah, son of Abijah & Anna, born 16 Feb. 1752
Mrs. Anna, wife of Abijah, died 17 Jan. 1755
Fitch, Mr. Abijah & Mrs. Azubah Lothrop, 2nd wife, married 2 Dec. 1755
John, son of Abijah & Azubah, born 8 Feb. 1758
John, son of Abijah & Azubah, died 15 Aug. 1759
Fitch, Benjamin & Zipporah Haskel, married 24 Mar. 1743
Daniel, son of Benjamin & Zipporah, born 28 May 1744
Joseph, son of Benjamin & Zipporah, born 5 Aug. 1746
Benjamin, son of Benjamin & Zipporah, born 19 Feb. 1748/49
Desire, daughter of Benjamin & Zipporah, born 10 Oct. 1751
Sarah, daughter of Benjamin & Zipporah, born 27 July 1754
Lemuel, son of Benjamin & Zipporah, born in Dec. 1757
Fitch, Pelatiah Jr. & Elizabeth Burrows of Groton, married 17 Sept. 1744
Joseph, son of Pelatiah Jr. & Elizabeth, born 23 Dec. 1745
Elisha, son of Pelatiah Jr. & Elizabeth, born 13 Apr. 1748
Chester, son of Pelatiah jr. & Elizabeth, born 21 Dec. 1750
Pelatiah, son of Pelatiah Jr. & Elizabeth, born 9 Aug. 1753
Fitch, Pelatiah & Elizabeth, the names & ages of some of their children:
Mary, daughter of Pelatiah & Elizabeth, born 20 Jan. 1740/41
Ammi, son of Pelatiah & Elizabeth, born 20 Nov. 1742
Andrew, son of Pelatiah & Elizabeth, born 21 Mar. 1747/48
Fitch, Samuel & Mary Smith, married 16 Aug. 1744
Esther, daughter of Samuel & Mary, born 8 Jan. 1744/45
Mary, daughter of Samuel & Mary, born 31 May 1746
Abigail, daughter of Samuel & Mary, born 17 Oct. 1748
Samuel, son of Samuel & Mary, born 29 Apr. 1750,
died 25 Dec. 1752
Martha, daughter of Samuel & Mary, born 9 Aug. 1754
Ford, John & Eunice Wallbridge of Preston, married 10 Feb. 1742/43
Lucie, daughter of John & Euncie, born 7 May 1745
Fox, Isaac Jr. & Deborah Johnson, married 25 Apr. 1744
Deborah, daughter of Isaac Jr. & Deborah, born 7 Jan. 1744/45
Deborah, wife of Isaac Jr. , died 14 Jan. 1744/45
Fox, Isaac Jr & Mehetable Haskins, married 10 Mar. 1746
Abiall, son of Isaac Jr. & Mehetable, born 23 Feb. 1746/47
Hezekiah, son of Isaac Jr. & Mehetable, born 1 Feb. 1748/49
Eunice, daughter of Isaac Jr. & Mehetable, born 4 Feb. 1751
Hannah, daughter of Isaac Jr. & Mehetable, born 8 Mar. 1753
Eunice, daughter of Isaac jr. & Mehetable, died 1 Apr. 1755
Eunice, daughter of Isaac Jr. & Mehetable, second by that name,
born 2 Apr. 1755
Asa, son of Isaac Jr. & Mehetable, born 1 Dec. 1757
Ame, daughter of Isaac Jr. & Mehetable, born 1 May 1759
Fox, James & Anne Hide married 10 Mar. 1747/48
Simeon, son of James & Anne, born 18 Feb. 1748/49
Anne, wife of James, died 20 Mar. 1749
Fox, James & Grace Chapman, 2nd wife, married 24 Jan. 1750
Benjamin, son of James & Grace, born 22 Oct. 1750
Oliver, son of James & Grace, born 20 Apr. 1752
Anne, daughter of James & Grace, born 18 Dec. 1753
George, son of James & Grace, born 29 Jun. 1756
Molley, daughter of James & Grace, born 13 Sept. 1758
Betty, daughter of James & Grace, born 19 Dec. 1760
Fox, Joseph & Hannah Crocker, married 13 Oct. 1746
Jabez, son of Joseph & Hannah, born 30 Oct. 1749
Roswold, son of Joseph & Hannah, born 9 Sept. 1751
Jesse, son of Joseph & Hannah, born 10 Nov. 1756
David, son of Joseph & Hannah, born 23 Dec. 1759
Jesse, son of Joseph & Hannah, died 19 Jan. 1760
Hannah, daughter of Joseph & Hannah, born in Jun. 1762
Ruth, daughter of Joseph & Hannah, born 30 Jun. 1764
Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph & Hannah, born 19 Feb. 1767
Fox, William & Hannah Lyon, married 23 Feb. 1743/44
John, son of William & Hannah, born 17 Jan. 1744/45
Esther, daughter of William & Hannah, born 30 Oct. 1746
Alice, daughter of William & Hannah, born 1 May 1749
Esther, daughter of William & Hannah, died in Apr. 1751
Alice, daughter of William & Hannah, died in Apr. 1751
John, son of William & Hannah, died in Apr. 1751
John, son of William & Hannah, second by that name,
born 15 July 1751
Sybel, daughter of William & Hannah, born 13 May 1753
Esther, daughter of William & Hannah, second by that name,
born 1 Apr. 1755
Alice, daughter of William & Hannah, second by that name,
born 25 Jan. 1757
Nehemiah, son of William & Hannah, born 25 Oct. 1760
Freeman, Amos, son of James & Phebe, born 21 Mar. 1745
Phebe, daughter of James & Phebe, born 19 Apr. 1747
Gideon, son of James & Phebe, born 17 Sept. 1749
Silas, son of James & Phebe, born 18 Mar. 1752
Elijah, son of James & Phebe, born 17 Feb. 1754
Elisha, son of James & Phebe, born 4 Sept. 1756
Stephen, son of James & Phebe, born 24 Jan. 1759
French, Jonathan & Mary Wife, married 28 May 1747
Frink, Thomas & Abigail Huntington, married 1 Sept. 1748
Hannah, daughter of Thomas & Abigail, born 29 July 1749
Fullar, Joseph, son of Jacob & Anne, born 2 Jan. 1743/44
Joseph, son of Jacob & Anne, died in July 1745
Joseph, son of Jacob & Anne, second by that name, born
3 May 1746
William, son of Jacob & Anne, born 29 Oct. 1748
John, son of Jacob & Anne, born 28 Jun. 1751
Ann, daughter of Jacob & Anne, born 3 Apr. 1754
Fuller, Judeh & Abigail Wentworth, married 11 Feb. 1745/46
Judeh, Samuel, son of Judeh & Abigail, born 15 Dec. 1746
Elizabeth, daughter of Judeh & Abigail, born 18 Sept. 1749
Asa, son of Judeh & Abigail, born 10 Nov. 1752
Lucy, daughter of Judeh & Abigail, born 9 July 1754
Lemuel, son of Judeh & Abigail, born 14 July 1757
Gager, Simon & Mrs. Sarah Manwaring of New London, married
25 Feb. 1741/42
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Simon, died 12 Apr. 1767
Gager, Simon & Mary Calkins, 2nd wife, married 6 Aug. 1767
Mary, daughter of Simon & Mary, born 16 Jun. 1770
Gay, Joanna, wife of Samuel Gay, died 17 Mar. 1757
Mr. Samuel, husband of Joanna, aged 85 yrs, died 27 Mar. 1772
Gay, John & Lucy Baldwin of Lebanon, married 19 Jan. 1745/46
in Lebanon
Gay, Samuel & Miriam Collins, 2nd wife, married 21 Jun. 1759
Gifford, Jeremiah & Anne Cole, married 5 Nov. 1746
Anne, daughter of Jeremiah & Anna born 2 Sept. 1747
Elisha, son of Jeremiah & Anna, born 14 Mar. 1748/49
Samuel, son of Jeremiah & Anne, born 29 Nov. 1750
Gifford, Anne, daughter of Samuel & Experience, born 3 July 1752
Sarah, daughter of Samuel & Experience, born 22 Jun. 1744
Mary, daughter of Samuel & Experience, died 22 Sept. 1753
Samuel, husband of Experience, died 30 Sept. 1753
Goodhue, David, son of Jonathan & Elizabeth, born 19 Feb. 1744/45
Jonathan, son of Jonathan & Elizabeth, born 11 Apr. 1751
Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan & Elizabeth, born 10 Aug. 1755
Nabbee, daughter of Jonathan & Elizabeth, born 17 Sept. 1757
Gore, Capt. Samuel & Mrs. Dorcas Blunt, married 13 May 1742
Capt. Samuel, husband of Dorcas, died 27 May 1756
Gore, Obadiah & Hannah Parke of Preston, married 4 Nov. 1742
Obadiah, son of Obadiah & Hannah, born 7 Apr. 1744
Daniel, son of Obadiah & Hannah, born 13 Mar. 1745/46
Silas, son of Obadiah & Hannah, born 23 Dec. 1747
Asa, son of Obadiah & Hannah, born 28 Feb. 1749/50
Hannah, daughter of Obadiah & Hannah, born 28 May 1752
Lucy, daughter of Obadiah & Hannah, born 6 May 1754
Sarah, daughter of Obadiah & Hannah, born 23 Nov. 1756
George, son of Obadiah & Hannah, born 1 Sept. 1759
Samuel, son of Obadiah & Hannah, born 24 May 1761
Gore, Moses, son of Moses & Desire, born 2 May 1744
Lydia, daughter of Moses & Desire, born 7 Mar. 1745/46
Lydia, daughter of Moses & Desire, died 5 July 1747
Samuel, son of Moses & Desire, born 1 Nov. 1747
Abel, son of Moses & Desire, born 12 Nov. 1749
Greenslit, James & Lucy Hall, married 20 Feb. 1746/47
Elliner, daughter of James & Lucy, born 17 Sept. 1747

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