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Vital Records of Norwich, Conn. 1735-1800
Rouse, Jabez & Margret Haynes, married 15 oct. 1760
Elisabeth daughter of Jabez & Margret, born 23 Sept. 1761
Vashti, daughter of Jabez & Margret, born 2 Apr. 1764
Rudd, Elisha & Ruth Kingsley, married 15 Nov. 1757
Betty, daughter of Elisha & Ruth, born 3 Sept. 1758
Rudd, Increase & Bathshuba Johnson, married 8 May 1755
Silas, son of Increase & Bathshuba, born 25 Feb. 1756
Deborah, daughter of Increase & Bathshuba, born 7 May 1758
Eunice, daughter of Increase & Bathshuba, born 28 Jan. 1761
Hannah, daughter of Increase & Bathshuba, born 19 Feb. 1763
Barak, son of Increase & Bathshuba, born 5 Jun. 1765
Thedee, daughter of Increase & Bathshua, born 3 July 1767
Johnson, son of Increase & Bathshua, born 9 July 1769
Rudd, Nathaniel & Alice Kingsley, married 12 Nov. 1755
Andrew, son of Nathaniel & Alice, born 27 Dec. 1756
Labeus, son of Nathaniel & Alice, born 25 Sept. 1760
Betty, daughter of Nathaniel & Alice, born 28 Jun. 1765
Hannah, daughter of Nathaniel & Alice, born 1 Apr. 1768
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Alice, born 26 Oct. 1770
Ellis, daughter of Nathaniel & Alice, born 14 Apr. 1773
Jabez, son of Nathaniel & Ellis, born 10 Sept. 1775
Rude, Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail Waldren, born 3 Nov. 1747
Asa, son of Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail, born 21 Aug. 1748, died 12 Sept. 1749
Anne, daughter of Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail, born 14 Aug. 1750
Nathan, son of Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail, born 9 Apr. 1752
Reuben, son of Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail, born 18 May 1754
Oliver, son of Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail, born 22 Sept. 1756
Abigail, daughter of Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail, born 4 Feb. 1759
Ebenezer Jr., husband of Abigail, died 13 Oct. 1760
Mary & Prudance, twin daughters of Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail,
born 25 Jan. 1761
Rust, Oliver, son of Matthius & Lucy, born 6 May 1756
Niel, son of Matthius & Lucy, born 28 Sept. 1758
Jeremiah, son of Matthius & Lucy, born 14 Jan. 1760
Saben, Elijah & Anne Sluman of Lebanon, married 24 Mar. 1751
Elijah, son of Elijah & Anne, born 23 Feb. 1752
Walter, son of Elijah & Anne, born 19 Feb. 1753?
Anne, daughter of Elijah & Anne, born 25 Sept. 1756
Jedediah, son of Elijah & Anne, born 28 Feb. 1760
Safford, Capt. John & Mary Lawrence, married 13 Aug. 1760
Safford, Josiah & Deborah Sprage, married 28 Oct. 1762
Erastus, son of Josiah & Deborah, born 6 Feb. 1764
Safford, Mrs. Abigail, wife of John, died 20 Mar. 1768
Safford, Samuel & Mary Lawrance, married 25 Sept. 1760
Scott, Zebediah & Hannah, the names & ages of their children:
Susannah, daughter of Zebediah & Hannah, born 22 Jan. 1762
Hannah, daughter of Zebediah & Hannah, born 12 Jun. 1764
Sinthe, daughter of Zebediah & Hannah, 28 Aug. 1766
Peter, son of Zebediah & Hannah, born 29 Apr. 1770
Zebediah, son of Zebediah & Hannah, born 7 Mar. 1777
Zebadiah, on of Zebadiah & Hannah, died 5 Jan. 1781
Silsby, John, son of John & Huldah, born 15 Aug. 1755
Huldah, daughter of John & Huldah, born 19 Jun. 1757
Simond, Eunice, daughter of Jacob & Jerusha, born 29 Oct. 1751
Simons, Jonathan & Bethiah Dodge, married 26 Dec. 1758
Elisabeth Stebbens, daughter of Jonathan & Bethiah, born 13 Oct. 1759
Edward, son of Jonathan & Bethiah, born 25 Nov. 1761
Bethiah, daughter of Jonathan & Bethiah, born 25 Aug. 1764,
died 18 Nov. 1766
Bethiah, daughter of Jonathan & Bethiah, second by that name,
born 18 Dec. 1769
Westerly, son of Jonathan & Bethiah, born 18 Feb. 1767
Smith, Abijah & Bathshua Ladd, married 15 Nov. 1752
Uriah, son of Abijah & Bathshua, born 11 Feb. 1754
Ezekiel, son of Abijah & Bathshua, born 28 Dec. 1755
Abijah, son of Abijah & Bathshua, born 8 July 1758
Lydia, daughter of Abijah & Bathshua, born 17 May 1761
Elijah, son of Abijah & Bathshua, born 1 Sept. 1763
Smith, Abner & Rebekah Rudd, married 27 Oct. 1754
Rebekah, wife of Abner, died 11 Sept. 1769
Smith, Jacob & Lydia Sluman, married 22 Nov. 1761 in Lebanon
of Windham County
Charles Frederick, son of Jacob & Lydia, born 22 Aug. 1762
Thomas Sluman, son of Jacob & Lydia, born 8 Aug. 1766
Smith, Ebenezer, son of John Smith of Newhaven & Silance, born 9 Nov. 1754
in Norwich
Smith, Anne, daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth, born 12 Aug. 1758
Daniel, son of Joseph & Elizabeth, born 13 Feb. 1761
Eli, son of Joseph & Elizabeth, born 20 Aug. 1763
Eleazer, son of Joseph & Elizabeth, born 2 Feb. 1767
Ichabod, son of Joseph & Elizabeth, 19 July 1768
Joseph, son of Joseph & Elizabeth, born 21 Jan. 1772
Smith, Judah & Sarah Rudd, married 10 Dec. 1761
Lucretia, daughter of Judah & Sarah, born 13 Oct. 1762
Simeon, son of Judah & Sarah, born 21 Jun. 1764
Oliver, son of Judah & Sarah, born 25 Mar. 1766
Betty, daughter of Judah & Sarah, born 18 Jun. 1769
Smith, Obadiah & Irene Backus, married 15 Jan. 1753
Andrew, son of Obadiah & Irene, born 28 Jan. 1754
Ednah, daughter of Obadiah & Irene, born 3 Jan. 1757
Anne, daughter of Obadiah & Irene, born 3 Dec. 1759
Irene, daughter of Obadiah & Irene, born 10 Mar. 1764
Eunice, daughter of Obadiah & Irene, born 15 Dec. 1766
Martha, daughter of Obadiah & Irene, born 21 May 1770
Smith, Samuel Jr. & Delight Gibbens, married 25 Dec. 1755
Jonathan, son of Samuel Jr. & Delight, born 10 Nov, 1760
Sarah, daughter of Samuel Jr. & Delight, born 12 Mar. 1766
Daniel, son of Samuel Jr. & Delight, born 8 Sept. 1767
Spicer, Joshua & Prudence Fox, married 16 Dec. 1755
Sarah, daughter of Joshua & Prudence, born 27 Dec. 1756
Spisor, Peter & Patience Parke, married 7 Jan. 1735
Martha, daughter of Peter & Patience, born 18 Aug. 1735
Silance, daughter of Peter & Patience, born 2 Feb. 1738
Freelove, daughter of Peter & Patience, born 24 Dec. 1739
Prudence, daughter of Peter & Patience, born 19 Apr. 1742
Simon, son of Pete & Patience, born 16 May 1744
Abell, son of Peter & Patience, born 16 July 1746
Elizabeth, daughter of Peter & Patience, born 17 Dec. 1748
Mary, daughter of Peter & Patience, born 30 Nov. 1752
Nathan, son of Peter & Patience, born 29 Nov. 1758
Squire, Abiel & Rebekah Lothrop, married 8 Jun. 1752
Silvester, son of Abiel & Rebekah, born 29 Jan. 1753
Noble, son of Abiel & Rebekah, born 2 Oct. 1760
Abiel, son of Abiel & Rebekah, born 21 Jun. 1762
Filoda, daughter of Abiel & Rebekah, born 11 Oct. 1762
Gardiner, son of Abiel & Rebekah, born 18 Sept. 1764
Standish Israel & Dorcas Bellows, married 25 Dec. 1760
Silas, son of Israel & Dorcas, born 11 Sept. 1762
Levi, son of Israel & Dorcas, born 27 May 1764
Sarah, daughter of Israel & Dorcas, born 15 Nov. 1766
Dorcas, daughter of Israel & Dorcas, born 19 Nov. 1768
Standish, Samuel & Abigail Backus of Canterbury, married 21 Sept. 1752
Son of Samuel & Abigail, born 8 May 1753
Standish, Thomas & Sarah Tracy, married 22 Dec. 1757
Lucy, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 4 Sept. 1758
Lydia, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 21 Apr. 1761
Asa, son of Thomas & Sarah, born 28 Sept. 1763
Starr, Jonathan & Sarah Leffingwell, married 5 Jan. 1757
Jonnah, daughter of Jonathan & Sarah, born 13 July 1758
Sarah, daughter of Jonathan & Sarah, born 18 Aug. 1759
Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan & Sarah, born 2 Nov. 1761
Fanny, daughter of Jonathan & Sarah, born 15 Oct. 1764
Christopher, son of Jonathan & Sarah, born 13 Aug. 1766
Sarah, wife of Jonathan, died 26 Apr. 1790
Starr, Jonathan & Mrs. Mary Bishop of Lisbon, married 9 Aug. 1790
Stevens, John & Ruth Hagget, married 15 Jan. 1752
Sarah, daughter of John & Ruth, born 16 Mar. 1754
John, son of John & Ruth, born 3 Jun. 1755
Ruth, daughter of John & Ruth, born 9 July 1756
Zilpha, daughter of John & Ruth, born 19 Nov. 1757
Stevens, Moses & Esther Lovett, married 25 Jan. 1753
Lydia, daughter of Moses & Esther, born 2 Apr. 1755
John, son of Moses & Esther, born 27 Aug. 1756
Esther, daughter of Moses & Esther, born 30 Jun. 1758
Hannah, daughter of Moses & Esther, born 5 Mar. 1761
Moses, son of Moses & Esther, born 28 Sept. 1762
Aaron, son of Moses & Esther, born 10 Mar. 1765
Levi, son of Moses & Esther, born 22 Oct. 1766
Stoddard, Benjamin & Ruth Hammond, married 17 Apr. 1754
Phebe, daughter of Benjamin & Ruth, born 31 Oct. 1754
Phebe, daughter of Benjamin & Ruth, died 13 May 1756
Joseph, son of Benjamin & Ruth, born 2 Sept. 1760
Clement, son of Benjamin & Ruth, born 10 Sept. 1762
Stoddard, Phebe, daughter of David & Elizabeth, born 14 Sept. 1763
Phinehas, son of David & Elizabeth, born 7 Sept. 1765
Polly, daughter of David & Elizabeth, born 7 Apr. 1776
Story, Daniel & Martha Ayer, married 13 Jan. 1761
Francis, son of Daniel & Martha, born 15 Sept. 1761
Stephen, son of Daniel & Martha, born 7 Mar. 1765
Peter Ayer, son of Daniel & Martha, born 24 Jun. 1768
Daniel, son of Daniel & Martha, born 17 Nov. 1770
Story, Jonathan & Deborah Elderkin, married 8 Nov. 1744
Lucy, daughter of Jonathan & Deborah, born 15 Sept. 1745
Samuel, son of Jonathan & Deborah, born 12 Oct. 1746
Betty, daughter of Jonathan & Deborah, born 25 Feb. 1748
Ebenezer, son of Jonathan & Deborah, born 26 Jun. 1749
Jonathan, son of Jonathan & Deborah, born 1 Sept. 1752
Steven, son of Jonathan & Deborah, born 3 Dec. 1753.
Abigail, daughter of Jonathan & Deborah, born 17 May 1755
Benjamin, son of Jonathan & Deborah, born 7 Aug. 1756
Deborah, daughter of Jonathan & Deborah, born 17 Feb. 1758
Lois, daughter of Jonathan & Deborah, born 13 Sept. 1760
Susannah, daugher of Jonathan & Deborah, born 13 Apr. 1764
Strange, James & Elizabeth Fargo, married 18 Oct.1752
Hannah, daughter of James & Elizabeth, born 15 July 1753

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