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Vital Records of Norwich, Conn., 1760-1850
Butler, Diadema, wife of Benjamin, died 18 Sept. 1771
Butler, Benjamin & Ruth Huntington, second wife, married 3 Feb. 1774
Minerva, daughter of Benjamin & Ruth, died 25 Apr. 1784
Rosamond, daughter of Benjamin & Ruth, born 5 May 1783
Benjamin, husband of Ruth, died 17 Jun 1787
Calkin, Mrs. Mary, wife of Elisha, died 20 Feb. 1769
Betsey, daughter of Elisha & Mary, born 25 Jan. 1769
Calkin, Samuel, son of Simon & Sarah, born 20 Mar. 1769
William, son of Simon & Sarah, born 21 Feb. 1772
Simon, son of Simon & Sarah, died 15 Jan. 1779
Sarah, wife of Simon, died 4 Apr. 1779
Willliam, son of Simon & Sarah, died 29 May 1779
Calkins, Christopher & Hannah Lothrop, married 9 July 1769
Ozman, son of Christopher & Hannah, born 1 Dec. 1769
Benjamin, son of Christopher & Hannah, born 5 July 1772
Oliver, son of Christopher & Hannah, born 7 Apr. 1774, died in Dec. 1775
Lydia, daughter of Christopher & Hannah, born 20 Aug. 1777
Lura, daughter of Chrisopher & Hannah, born 13 Feb. 1783
Calkins, Frederick & Annis Huntington, married 2 Dec. 1772
Elisabeth, daughter of Frederick & Annis, born 13 May 1775
Frederick, son of Frederick & Annis, born 30 Jun. 1778
Annis, daughte of Frederick & Annis, born 15 Jun. 1781
Martin, son of Frederick & Annis, born 16 Apr. 1783
Sophia, daughter of Frederick & Annis, born 16 Oct. 1786
Capron, Jeremiah & Jerusha Hartshorn, married 4 Mar. 1783
Carew, Benjamin & Sarah Hubbard, married 3 Dec. 1769
Elisabeth, daughter of Benjamin & Sarah, born 11 Sept. 1770
Richard Hubbard, son of Benjamin & Sarah, born 29 July 1772
Simeon, son of Benjamin & Sarah, born 8 Jun. 1774
Joseph, son of Benjamin & Sarah, born 11 July 1778
Carew, Ebenezer & Eunice Huntington, married 24 Mar. 1771
Anne, daughter of Ebenezer & Eunice, 13 Feb. 1772
Charles, son of Ebenezer & Eunice, 1 July 1774
Simon, son of Ebenezer & Eunice, born 2 Oct. 1776
Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer & Eunice, born 24 Jun. 1778
Elisabeth Lathrop, daughter of Ebenezer & Eunice, born 6 Oct. 1780, died
Eunice, wife of Ebenezer, died 14 Aug. 1785
Carew, Ebenezer & Mehitable Gardner, married 12 Mar. 1786, second wife
Eunice Huntington, daughter of Ebenezer & Mehitable, b. 31 May 1787
Meria, daughter of Ebenezer & Mehitable, born 16 Oct. 1788,
died 23 Sept. 1789
Carew, Eliphalet & Mary Huntington married 18 Aug. 1762
Eliphalet son of Eliphalet & Mary, born 20 Jan. 1764
Daniel & Azariah, twin sons of Eliphalet & Mary, born 18 Aug. 1765
Azariah, son of Eliphalet & Mary, died 24 Aug. 1765
Azor, son of Eliphalet & Mary, born 26 Oct. 1768
Nabby, daughter of Eliphalet & Mary, born 27 Nov. 1770
Molley, daughter of Eliphalet & Mary, born 6 Jun. 1772
Daniel, son of Eliphalet & Mary, born 8 May 1777
Betsey, daughter of Eliphalet & Mary, born 18 July 1777
Nabby, daughter of Eliphalet & Mary, died 12 May 1779
Nabby, daughter of Eliphalet & Mary, second by that name,
born 27 Oct. 1780
Carew, Eliphalet Jr. & Lucretia Post, married 13 July 1788
Daniel Augustus, son of Eliphalet Jr. & Lucretia, born 14 Dec. 1789
Nancy, daughter of Eliphalet Jr. & Lucretia, born 15 Feb. 1792
Lucretia Hyde, daugther of Eliphalet Jr. & Lucretia, born 12 Jun. 1797,
died 7 Apr. 1802
Carew, Joseph & Eunice Edgerton, married 5 Dec. 1765
Joseph, son of Joseph & Eunice, born 10 Jan. 1768
Joseph, son of Joseph & Eunice, died 26 Mar. 1768
Eunice, daughter of Joseph & Eunice, born 31 Dec. 1769
Eunice, wife of Joseph, died 16 Mar. 1772
Capt. Joseph, husband of Eunice, died 17 Jan. 1818
Carew, Simeon Chapman & Prudence Maples of New London, married
8 Jun. 1781
Carpenter, Joseph & Miss Eunice Fitch, married 25 Jun. 1775
Betsey, daughter of Joseph & Eunice, born 8 Aug. 1778
Garrerd Fitch, son of Joseph & Euncie, born 25 Nov. 1779
Anne, daughter of Joseph & Euncie, born 15 May 1782
Charles Augustus, son of Joseph & Eunice, born 18 Nov. 1783
Mary Ann, daughter of Joseph & Eunice, born 14 Jun. 1785
Daniel, son of Joseph & Eunice, born 13 Jun. 1793, died 11 Jun. 1837
Eunice, wife of Joseph, died 18 Jun. 1797
Joseph, husband of Eunice, died 18 Sep. 1804
Cary, Thomas & Anne Hartshorn, married 2 Aug. 1779
Thomas, son of Thomas & Anne, born 11 Jun. 1780
Case, Ebenezer & Prudence Cooley of Windham, married 26 Jan. 1762
Jerusha, daughter of Ebenezer & Prudence, born 12 Apr. 1763
Prudence, daughter of Ebenezer & Prudence, born 11 Oct. 1767,
died the same day
Asahel, son of Ebenezer & Prudence, born 5 Feb. 1769
Luther, son of Ebenezer & Prudence, born 19 Jun. 1771
Eunice, daughhter of Ebenezer & Prudence, born 6 Apr. 1774
Bettey, daughter of Ebenezer & Prudence, born 1 Nov. 1776
Calven, son of Ebenezer & Prudence, born 21 Oct. 1779
Case, Mehitable, daughter of Simeon & Mehitable, born 21 May 1767
William, son of Simeon & Mehitable, died 19 Feb. 1769
Mary, William & Elizabeth, children of Simeon & Mehitable,
born 19 Feb. 1769
Mary & Elizabeth, daughters of Simeon & Mehitable, died 20 Feb. 1769
Simeon, husband of Mehitable, died 7 Jun 1785
John, son of Simeon & Mehitable, second by that name, d. 19 Feb. 1788
Mehitable, widow of Simeon, died 4 Nov. 1788
Chalton, Charles & Sarah Williams, married 24 Apr. 1775
Jesse, son of Charles & Sarah, born 30 Jan. 1776
Elisabeth, daughter of Charles & Sarah, born 27 Mar. 1778
Sarah, daughter of Charles & Sarah, born 11 Jun. 1780
Charles, son of Charles & Sarah, born 12 Jun. 1782
Samuel, son of Charles & Sarah, born 9 Mar. 1785
Chapman, Caleb & Freelove, the names & ages of their children:
Ezra, son of Caleb & Freelove, born 28 Jan. 1765
Freelove, daughter of Caleb & Freelove, born 20 Apr. 1767
James, son of Caleb & Freelove, born 12 Jun. 1769
Robert, son of Caleb & Freelove, born 16 Sept. 1771
Wealthy, daughter of Caleb & Freelove, born 21 aug. 1776
Chapman, Joseph & Elisabeth Abell, second wife, married
Elisabeth, daughter of Joseph & Elisabeth, born 12 July 1770
Lois, daughter of Joseph & Elisabeth, born 26 Apr. 1772
Charles, son of Joseph & Elisabeth, born 17 Apr. 1774
Lydia, daughter of Joseph & Elisabeth, born 16 Mar. 1776
Mary, daughter of Joseph & Elisabeth, born 15 Mar. 1778,
died 13 Sept. 1779
Polly, daughter of Joseph & Elisabeth, born 14 Jun. 1780
Isaac A., son of Joseph & Elisabeth, born 5 Jun. 1783, died 13 Sept. 1783
Chapman, John & Ann Fountian both of Chelsea, New London, Conn.,
married 22 Feb. 1776
Chapman, Joseph & Louise Birchard, were married
Joseph, son of Joseph & Louise, born 31 Oct. 1768
Louise, wife of Joseph, died Mar. 1769
Cheney, Abiel Jr. & Lucinda Clement, married 15 Dec. 1776
Camden, son of Abiel Jr. & Lucinda, born 20 Jan. 1778
Mary, daughter of Abiel Jr. & Lucinda, born 22 Mar. 1779
Sally, daughter of Abiel Jr. & Lucinda, born 3 Feb. 1781
Lucinda, daughter of Abiel Jr. & Lucinda, born 5 Mar. 1783
Katharine, daughter of Abiel Jr. & Lucinda, born 29 Dec. 1784
Eunice Clemment, daughter of Abiel Jr. & Lucinda, born 28 Oct. 1787
Olive, daughter of Abiel Jr. & Lucinda, born 8 Feb. 1790
Joseph Holland, son of Abiel Jr. & Lucinda, born 1 Nov. 1795
Elizabeth, daughter of Abiel Jr. & Lucinda, born 24 Dec. 1797
Christie, Charlotte, daughter of James & Phebe, born 26 July 1784
Gurdon, son of James & Phebe, born 19 Jan. 1788
Cushing Eells, son of James & Phebe, born 16 Jan. 1790
Christopher, John of New London & Mrs. Cibbil Crocker, married 10 Nov. 1768
Clark, David & Zerviah Bottom, married 28 Mar. 1782
Anson, son of David & Zerviah, born 11 Mar. 1783
Clark, John of Preston & Martha Stanton of Groton, married 18 Oct. 1764
Clark, Elijah, son of John & Martha, born 17 July 1765
Sanford, son of John & Martha, born 5 Sept. 1767
Thisbe, daughter of John & Martha, born 5 Apr. 1769
Clark, William & Kesiah Morse of Canterbury, married 17 Nov. 1769
Sarah, daughter of William & Kesiah, born 19 Sept. 1770
Cleveland, Aaron & Abiah Hide, married 12 Apr. 1768
George, son of Aaron & Abiah, born 9 Jan. 1769 at one o'clock
in the morning
William, son of Aaron & Abiah, born 20 Dec. 1770 at eleven o'clock a.m.
Charles, son of Aaron & Abiah, born 21 Jun. 1772 at five o'clock
in the morning
Frances, daughter of Aaron & Abiah, born 9 Mar. 1774 at two o'clock
in the morning
Sarah, daughter of Aaron & Abiah, born 29 Dec. 1775 at four o'clock
in the morning
Aaron Porter, son of Aaron & Abiah, born 11 July 1778 at nine o'clock
in the evening
Cleveland, Polly, daughter of John & Eunice, born 8 Aug. 1778
Burrel, son of John & Eunice, born 1 Feb. 1781
Eunice, wife of John, died 12 Aug. 1782
Cleveland, John & Jerusha Bushnell, married 11 Dec. 1783
John, son of John & Jerusha, born 25 Mar. 1785
Shubael, son of John & Jerusha, born 14 July 1788
Daniel, son of John & Jerusha, born 22 Jun. 1791
Eunice, daughter of John & Jerusha born 7 May 1793
Cleveland, Moses & Phebe Fergo, married 20 Feb. 1766
Aaron, son of Moses & Phebe, born 10 Nov. 1766
Phebe, daughter of Moses & Phebe, born 16 Aug. 1768
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