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Rockaway Church Parishioners
List of families belonging to the Rockaway parish before 1808.
Revised from old records by J.P. Crayon, Rockaway, N.J.
(Dates refer to membership)
Allen, Job (1) (Builder of the church) 1758
Christiana (wife) 1758
Job (2) Capt. (Elder) 1780
Mary (Minturn) wife 1780
David 1781
Mary 1780
Allerton, Zachariah 1768
Jacob (Elder) 1758
Martha (Bailey) wife 1758
Jacob Jr. 1768
Alger, William 1781
Mary (Simcox) wife 1781
Anderson, Cornelius 1793
Priscella (wife) 1793
Eliakim 1770
Sarah (wife) 1770
Arnold, Margaret 1793
Ayres, Robert 1770
Anna (Jackson) wife 1770
Jackson 1793
Betsey (Moore) wife 1793
Baker, David (Trustee) 1786
Baldwin, David, Jr., Rev. 1781
Prudence (wife) 1784
Barn, John 1768
Bates, Ephriam 1768
Beach, Benjamin 1768
Jane (Allen) wife 1768
Nancy (2nd wife)
Joseph 1758
Stephen & wife 1768
Sarah 1793
Benjamin 1793
Abner 1793
David 1793
Beaman, David (Elder) 1758
Mary (Stanborroug) wife 1758
Josiah 1758
Huldah (Winds) wife 1758
Anna (Jackson) widow 1758
Bend, Nathaniel 1793
Berry, Titus 1781
Bishop, Gideon 1793
Bigelow, Aaron 1775
Jonathan 1781
Daniel 1768
Josiah 1775
John (Capt.) 1780
Bogles, Zephaniah 1793
Bowers, Lemuel 1793
Brinkerhoff, George (Trustee) & wife 1768
Broadwell, David 1772
Sibbah (wife)
Braint, Rachel 1797
Brown, Ezekiel 1793
Burwell, John 1793
Ephraim 1768
Casterline, Joseph 1788
Susannah (Lyon) wife 1788
Cathcart, Joseph 1768
Churchill, Samuel 1793
Patience 1793
Clark, John (Elder) 1770
Reuben 1793
James 1793
Benjamin 1769
Samuel 1763
Cobb, John (Elder) 1772
Corbett, Nicholas 1768
Conklin, Abigail (widow) 1794
Conger, Zenas 1775
Stephen 1781
Joseph 1779
Thomas (Elder) 1793
David (Capt.) 1793
Elizabeth (wife)
Cook, John 1794
Jane (wife) 1794
Cooper, Ichobod 1768
Benjamin 1770
John 1781
John 1788
Cory, John 1788
Mary 1794
Daniels, Samuel 1793
Benajah 1768
Davis, Rosel 1788
Day, John 1793
DeCamp, Richard 1775
Dickerson, Daniel 1781
Phebe (Genung) wife
Dodd, Stephen 1781
Doty, Moses 1793
Drake, Jacob 1781
Earl, Anna (widow) 1780
Estile, Jabez 1770
Estler, Conrad 1795
Margaret (wife)
David 1793
Faesch, John Jacob 1768
Farris, Jacob
Charity (wife)
Fervor, George 1768
Ford, Chillion 1793
Jacob J. 1768
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