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Second River (Belleville) Reformed Dutch Church,
Marriage Records, 1730-1774, 1794-1800
Laurier, Christiaan, from Wachauw & Sara Pi******* May 6,1749
Leasear, Catharina & Jacobus Bruyn. Oct.05,1754 Leslie, Elizabeth & Richard Bergen. Nov.29,1794
Leslie, George & Isabella Neil. Sep. 09,1799
Leslie, Margaret & Abraham Cadmus. Nov.29,1794
Lewis, John & Pietertie Jeraleman, both from Berbadus Neck.
Married Jan. 29,1767
Lewis, Mary & Nicholas Joralemon. Feb. 02,1800
Lezelier, Eliza & Herman Bennet. Jun. 18,1797
Linford, Abraham & Mary Van Riper. Apr. 23,1796
Little, Mary & John Sip Francisco. Feb. 19,1796
Lou, Anna & Thomas Wilckson (?) 1736
Lyense, Willem & Ariaantie Wouterse, both from New York. Jun. 12,1756
McKarll, Joseph, born in Ireland & Mary Sproils, living in
Beskenreits, Banns published three times, but were
never married. Banns Sep.23,1758 MacGinnis, Uzal & Jane Teeple. Aug.24,1795 Mandeville, Abraham & Catharine Steger. Dec.20,1800 Mandeville, Hester & Moses Johnson. Sep. 07,1800
Maurise, Catryntie & Thomas Santvoort. Jun. 28,1759 Mauriss, Pieter & Elisabeth Bruyn, both living Second River. Jun. 25,1772
Mead, Elisabeth & Gysbert Van der Hoeff. Mar.20,1771
Mead, Jan & Maria Cadmus. Jan. 17,1753
Mead, Johannes, from Pechenech & Maria Cadmus, from
the Gansegat. Jan. 17,1753
Meeker, Jacob Putnam & Mary Joralemon. Feb. 07,1798
Meeks, Joseph & Sarah Van Dyke. Jun. 29,1800 Messeker, Abraham, b. at Hoopwill & Annatie Van Der Hoeff,
born at New Britain, both living Second River. Aug.16,1735 Messelaar, Abram & Elisabeth Haal, both living at Sec.River. Sep. 23,1759 Meyers, Jane & Abraham Van Blarkum. Feb. 12,1795
Mezier, Catharine & Rev. John Cornelison. May 12,1795 Mitzard, John, born in Pennsylvania & Maria Pengborn,
born in Newark. Sep. 20,1767
Moore, Dalle & Dennys Prys. Aug.25,1733
Morris, Aaron & Jane Garrabrantz. Dec.28,1800
Morris, Maria & John Koning. May 11,1745
Morris, Sarah & John Brown. Sep. 05,1798
Morris, Stephen & Catharine Smith. Oct. 15,1799 Mosely, Mrs. Pietertje & Robert Anderson. Jan. 28,1797 Mourisse, Francyntie & Robert Sandvoort. Feb. 25,1762 Mourisse, Mauris & Polly Sandvoort, both from Pequanneck,
in Morris Co. Sep. 09,1761
Neil, Isabella & George Leslie. Sep. 09,1799
Osborn, Moses & Mary Van Brakel. Aug.06,1797 Oudwater, Hendrik & Catrina Brass. Feb. 03,1752 Oudwater, Tryntie & Enoch Paulusse. Apr. 09,1756
Pangborn, Joseph & Mrs. Sarah Steger. Nov.29,1800 Parleman, Johannes & Marytie Hyler, both living on the Uylekill.
Married Apr.19,1755 Paulusse, Abram, from Second River & Marytie Van Rype,
from Acquegnonk. Oct. 20,1749 Paulusse, Aechie & Hendrick Jacobusse. Dec. 15,1733 Paulusse,Enoch & Tryntie Oudwater,both living at Sec.River. Apr. 09,1756 Paulusse, Helena & Jan Jacobusze. Mar.01,1735 Paulusse, Jannetie & Hendrik Van Es. Nov.22,1759 Paulusse, Mary & Adriaan Jacobusse. Sep. 19,1761 Pengborn, Maria & John Mitzard. Sep. 20,1767 Perkins, John & Ann Furlough. Apr. 10,1798 Phester, Adam, living at New York & Catrina Koning, living
at Second River. Mar.11,1745 Phillips, Eva & William Weller. Aug. 02,1757
Pier, Abram & Cathrina Pier. Nov.20,1751
Pier, Abram & Catrina Pier, both from Pochnenech. Jul. 20,1751
Pier, Catharina & Gerbrant Gerbrantse. 1747
Pier Cathrina & Abram Pier. Jul. 20,1751
Pier, Johannes, born at N. Berbadus Neck, living at Hanover,
& Hester Van Nes, from the Gansegat. Dec. 04,1751
Pier, Johannes & Hester Van Es, both from the Uylekill. Dec. 04,1751
Pier, Sara & Christiaan Lauriez. May 06,1749
Pierse, Andrew & Phebe Davis, from Newark. Married May 06,1750 Pingham, Abigal & Robert Clark. Oct. 21,1764
Post, Alexander & Pryntie Smit, both from Achquechenonk. Sep.16,1742
Post, Catharina & Johannis Steynmets. Oct. 26,1736
Post, Janeker & Abraham Jacobus. Aug.03,1800 Poulson, Paul & Helena Garrabrantz. Aug.11,1795 Pouwer, Brechie & Thomas Joons. Jun. 30,1733
Prys, Dennys, born in Ireland & Dalle Moore, born at Dublin,
Ireland, both living at Second River. Aug.25,1733
Reyken, Femmetie & Abraham Steeger. Aug.12,1740 Roegee, Philip, born at Bordeaux, in France & Elisabeth
Kembel, widow of Tammes Weylman, born in Freehold,
both living at Second River. Nov.10,1733
Rolson, James, born in old England & Anna Billington, widow
of James Billington, living at Berdadus Neck. Jan. 22,1764
Rome, Paulus, from Morris Co. & Sara Cidney, from Essex.
Married Oct. 12,1766
Roo, Kety & John Keen. Nov. 25,1771
Roset, Maria & David Andro. Dec. 02,1738 Roskrow, John, from Cornwall, in England & Aany Garner,
wid, of James Roleson, both living at Berbadus Neck. Aug.01,1767
Rutan, Mary & James T. Joralamon. Jan. 02,1800
Rutan, Samuel & Sarah Joralemon. May 30,1798
Ryke, Isaak, living at the Gansegat & Annetie Egberse, living
at Achquegnonk. Jan. 29,1751
Ryke, Saertie & Abraham Van der Hoef. Jun. 27,1747
Ryke, Wyntie & Abraham Van Giesen. Apr. 09,1769
Sandvoort, Polly & Mauris Mourisse. Sep. 09,1761 Sandvoort, Robert & Francyntie Mourisse, both from Morris Co. Feb. 25,1762
Sandfort, Nancy & Cornelis Van Zeyle. Jul. 15,1753 Santvoort, Elisabeth & Johannis Bruyn. Jun. 1,1751 Santvoort, Thomas & Catryntie Maurise, both from Morris Co.
Jun. 28,1759 Schephard, Mary & Lewis Greenfield. May 23,1767 Schephard, Thomas, from England & Maria Ydesen, from
Second River. Married Feb. 04,1759 Schoever, Louisa & Andrew Bitstaed. Mar.01,1797 Schriber, John & Maria Catrina Kreitz. Feb. 24,1796 Sherntan, Catrina & Jacob Boss. Apr. 10,1759 Sickelse, Aeltie & Abraham Spier. May 11,1754
Sigler, Joseph & Mary Garrabrantz. Dec. 14,1797
Sigler, Thomas & Mary Speer. Dec. 23,1799
Smit, Hans Michele & Sara Bras, both from Second River.
Married Jan. 09,1741
Smit, Jacob & Janneke Boss. Jan. 23,1752
Smit, Jacobus, born & living at Achquegnok & Jenneke Bos,
from N. Berbadus Neck. Jan. 23,1752
Smit, Lea & Johannes Sphier. Nov.06,1747
Smit, Pryntie & Alexander Post. Sep. 16,1742
Smit, Samuel, born on Long Island & Saartie Forster, from Newark. Dec. 1,1772
Smith, Catharine & Stephen Morris. Oct. 15,1799
Soldaat, Catharina & Jan Everse Claes. Dec. 11,1735
Soveril, Isaac & Elizabeth Dobbins. Jan. 06,1796
Sphier, Johannes & Lea Smit, both living at Second River. Nov.06,1747
Speer, James & Hannah Grimes. Apr. 14,1799
Speer, Mary & Thomas Sigler. Dec. 23,1799
Spier, Abraham & Aeltie Sickelse, both from Bergen Co. Married May 11,1754
Spier, Abraham & Emmetie Wouterse, both living at Second River.
Married Oct. 08,1772
Spier, Cornelis, born at Acqueckonk, living at Peckmans River
& Feytie Jacobusse, living at Second River. Jan. 11,1758
Spier, Esah & Jacob G. Vreelant. Sep.25,1773
Spier, Hendrik & Saertie Cadmus, both living at Second Riv. May 13,1748
Spier, Jacob & Lea Coymans, both living at Second River. Dec. 05,1746
Spier, Jacobus & Neeltie Koerte, both from Achquechenonk. Jun. 03,1740
Spier, Johannis & Magdalena Van Dyck, both living at Second
River. May 11,1746
Spier, Gerretie & Brand Jacobuss. Dec.01,1767
Spier, Lea & Isack Van Giesen. Nov.01,1746
Spier, Leentie & Johannes Jacobusse. Apr. 06,1740
Spier, Marytie & Waling Egberse. Oct. 01,1749
Spier, Theunis, born at Second River & Engeltie Cadmus,
born at Bergen, both living at Second River. Aug.16,1735
Sproils, Mary & Joseph McKarll. Sep. 23,1758
Stagg, Thomas & Mary Franscisco. Oct. 31,1795
Steeger, Abraham & Femmetie Reyken, living at Second Riv. Aug.12,1740
Steger, Catharine & Abraham Mandeville. Dec.20,1800
Steger, Jacob & Catharine Teeple. Apr.05,1798
Steger, Mrs. Sarah & Joseph Pangborn. Nov.29,1800 Steimit, Gerrit & Pietertie Tuerse. Married Nov.12,1744 Steymes, Christoffel & Treyntie Koeiemans, both living at
Second River. Jun. 21,1766
Steymets, Henry & Mary Linford. May 07,1796
Steynmets,Johannes & Catharina Post,from Achweghenoch. Oct. 26,1736
Stor, Annetie & Johannes Coerte. Nov.11,1735
Styg, Niclaes & Geesje Francisco, both living in Gansegat. May 13,1740
Stymets, Gerrit, from New York & Marritie Van Rype, from
Barbados Neck. May 30,1767
Stymets, Lea & Hendrik King. Mar. 21,1761
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