Christ Church,Newgate Street, London
Jan. 11 Anne, daughter of Thomas Sturman
Jan. 15 Henry, son of Henry Ellys
Feb. 12 Gamylyell, son of Thomas Symonds
Mar. 7 Anthony, son of Mr. Doctor Hussye
Mar. 10 Henry, son of Mr. Weston, the Lawyer.
April 13 Pioanne, daughter of Holmes the upholsterer
May 19 Janne, daughter of Rychard (Richard) Farrore
Robert, son of Thomas Prentice
May 23 John, son of Robert Browne, Clerk of ye parish
June 2 Mary, daughter of John Balle
June 4 John, son of John Taylore
June 9 Hew (Hugh), son of John Holden
June 11 John, son of Robert Drake of the parish of St. Gylles without
June 15 Janne, daughter of Androw Woodcooke
July 7 Thomas, son of John Wyggenton
July 9 John, son of Mr. Byggs, Proctor of Tharches
July 10 Elizabeth, daughter of John Freman
July 15 Cyssely, daughter of John Weston, butcher
July 28 Rychard (Richard), son of John Smythe, butcher
Aug. 11 John, son of Robert Bull, butcher
Aug. 20 John, son of John Sparcke
Aug. 24 Susan, daughter of Nynyan Coxon
Aug. 27 Annis, daughter of Robert Goodman
Aug. 31 Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Thacker
Sep. 8 William, son of Wm Pecke
Sep. 16 William, son of Rychard (Richard) Scalles
Sep. 18 Anthony, son of Bartholomew Lane, hosier
Sep. 22 Isabell, daughter of Robert Nedam
Sep. 19 Mylycent (Millicent), daughter of Robert Lee
Oct. 6 Elizabeth, daughter of Rychard (Richard) Stamford
Oct. 21 John, son of John Stapleford, poulter
Nov. 3 William, son of Rychard (Richard) Crumpe, grocer
Nov. 22 Emme, daughter of Wm Vickers
Nov. 23 Dorratye (Poss Dorothy), daughter of John Incent
Xp’ofer (Christopher), son of Lawrence Tayler, haberdasher
Nov. 30 Elizabeth, daughter of John Drewe, gentleman
Jan. 1 Judethe (Judith), daughter of Ewstace (Eustace) Pepp
Jan. 6 Margery, daughter of Roger Addames (Adams)
Jan. 7 Fraunces (Francis), son of Robert Osweye, butcher
Feb. 3 Martyn (Martin), daughter of Harry Hurdman
Mar. 8 Thomas, son of Nycholas (Nicholas) Wormwood
Mar. 22 Elizabeth, daughter of John Lawnde
April 3 Katheryn, daughter of Mr. Doctor Hussye
April 6 William, son of Wm Lawnd
John, son of John Scull
April 15 William, son of John Povye
April 20 Alis (Alice), daughter of Thomas Mason
April 27 Joone (June, Jone), daughter of Androw Bartlett
May 4 Thomas, son of Bennet Sealle
May 6 Elizabeth & Madlyn, children of Rychard (Richard)Turner
May 11 Thomas, son of Thomas Sturman
May 18 Mathew, daughter of Rychard (Richard)Farrore
May 22 _____, daughter of Mr. Fanshawe
June 1 Joone (June, Jone), daughter of John Redmore
June 11 Margerett, daughter of Thomas Fox
June 29 Lawrence, son of Anthony Gregory
July 15 Doratye (Dorothy), daughter of Mr. John Sonners
July 23 Thomas, son of Wm Scott
July 24 Elizabeth, daughter of Phillope (Phillip) Newboll
Aug. 24 Allys (Alice), daughter of Wm Turvey
Aug. 30 Joone (June, Jone), daughter of Wm Fletcher, grocer
Sep. 12 Thomas, son of John Snapee
Sep. 16 Edward, son of Rychard (Richard) Watson
Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Freman
Sep. 20 Nycholas (Nicholas), son of Rychard (Richard) Grafton
Oct. 12 Margerett, daughter of Thomas Kyde
Oct. 19 William, son of Jasper Balnckes
Robert, son of Edward Mylborne
Dec. 16 Robert, son of Robert Purfyshe
William, son of Edward Homes
Jan. 5 Hewe (Hugh), son of Rychard (Richard) Stamford
Jan. 12 Anne, daughter of Roger Addames (Adams)
Jan. 15 George, son of John Gyttens, vyntener
Jan. 18 Janne, daughter of Thomas Golsell
Feb. 5 Elizabeth, daughter of Androw Woodcoocke
Feb. 11 Katheryn, daughter of Wm Weston, gentleman
Feb. 15 Joone(June, Jone), daughter of Jeames (James) Addames, myller
Feb. 21 Robert, son of John Alford
Feb. 27 Rychard (Richard), son of Rychard Crumpe
Mar. 7 Annes (Annis), daughter of Mr. Stevenson, gentleman
Mar. 17 Elizabeth, daughter of Nycholas (Nicholas) Pollen
April 10 Nathanaell (Nathaniel), son of Hugh Johns, glover
April 19 Rychard (Richard), son of Harry Ellys
Anne, daughter of John Holden
May 27 John, son of John Povye
June 4 Elizabeth, daughter of Wm Vickers
William, son of Rychard(Richard) Coole
June 20 Amye, daughter of John Holmes, upholsterer
July 4 Thomas, son of Bartholomew Lane
July 11 Mary, daughter of Robert Blackborne
July 15 John, son of John Incent
July 17 Elizabeth, daughter of John Howe
July 19 Frances, daughter of Phillipe Constable
July30 Margerett, daughter of Lawrence Hussye
Aug. 15 William, son of _____ Abraham, poulterer
Margarett, daughter of Robert Nedam
Sep. 1 Susan, daughter of Rafe Keble
Sep. 4 William, son of Rychard (Richard) Lancaster
Sep. 12 Mary, daughter of Jerom (Jerome) Cobbe
Sep. 21 Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Goodman
Thomas, son of Rychard (Richard)Turner
Sep. 29 Rose, daughter of Thomas Sturman
Oct. 6 Fraunces (Francis), son of Thomas Heywarde, gentleman
Oct. 10 Thomas, son of Edward Gryfen
Oct. 17 Joseph, son of Rychard (Richard) Watson, pulter
Oct. 18 Edmond, son of Gamalyell Pye, butcher
Oct. 24 Luke, son of Rychard (Richard) Imson
Oct.28 Jane, daughter of John Marchanttaylore
Nov. 7 Fraunces (Frances(, daughter of Thomas Willes
Nov. 21 Anne, daughter of John Lawnde
Jeames (James), son of Rychard (Richard) Farrare
Anne, daughter of Robert Browne, clerk parish
Mathew, son of Rychard P'kins, pewterer (Richard Perkins)
Nov. 28 Annes (Annis)Harper, daughter of Thomas Cox
Nov.30 Thomas, son of Thomas Sutto
Dec. 5 Thomas, son of Rafe Rogerson
Elizabeath, daughter of John Hanlye
Dec. 19 John, son of John Homan
Dec. 21 Dorrathy (Dorothy), daughter of John Scull
Elizabeath, daughter of John Gyttens
Thomas, son of Humfrye Kyrbye (Humphrey Kerby)
Feb. 6 William, son of Roger Addams
Feb. 9 Elyzabeath (Elizabeth), daughter of John Edwards
Feb. 20 Allys (Alice), daughter of Nycholas (Nicholas) Orewell
Mar. 1 Anne, daughter of John Redmere
Mar. 20 Thomas, son of Bennett Seall
Mar. 24 Nycholas (Nicholas), son of John Smythe
Mar 27 Brydgett (Bridgit), daughter of Thomas Medcalfe
April 3 Thomas, son of Nynyan Coxon
Mary, daughter of John Weston
April 16 Edward, son of William Pecke
April 24 Anne, daughter of Anthony Gregory
June 5 Roger, son of William Weston, gentleman
July 22 Mary, daughter of ____ Robotham, Esq.
July 27 Elyzabeath (Elizabeth), daughter of Henry Ellis
July 31 Mathew, son of Thomas Fox.
Aug. 7 Margerett, daughter of Jesp' (Poss Jasper)Blanckes
Aug 13 Henry, son of Thomas Fatshawe, Esq.
Aug. 14 Margerett, daughter of Harry Kynwart
Oct. 4 John, son of Thomas Carter
Oct. 11 Elizabeath, daughter of John Homes
Oct 12 Edward, son of Wm Goodwyne
Oct 16 Lawrence, son of Harry Hardman
Oct.21 Gamela, daughter of Harry Foster
Nov 13 Anne, daughter of Rychard (Richard) Lickes
Nov 20 Rychard (Richard), son of John Jimson
Nov 29 John, son of Wm Whythed
Nov 30 Robert, son of Jeram Cobbe
Allys (Alice), daughter of Androw Wadcocke
Dec 3 Thomas, son of Thomas Sturman
Dec 7 Edward, son of John Povy
Dec 9 Annes (Annis), daughter of Bryan Graves
Dec 25 Joone (June, Jone), daughter of John Shortt
Dec 30 Androwe (Andrew), son of Robart Bucke
Dec 31 Denys (Poss Denise), daughter of Humfery Kyrbye (Humphrey