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St. Jame’s Church Records,Great Barrington, Mass.


Great Barrington, Oct. 20, 1771, baptized:


Chloe & Anne, daughter's of Geoge Hinsdale & Phebe, his wife.


November 5, 1771, baptized:


Edmond, Daniel & Jemima, sons & daughter of Edmond

Murfey & Jemima, his wife.

Isaac, son of Jacob Van Valkenburgh & Hannah, his wife



Nobletown, Nov. 3, 1771, baptized:


Catherine, daughter of Frederick Tell & Catherine, his wife.



Lanesboro,, November 17, 1771, baptized:


Timothy, son of Timothy Lyon & Susanah, his wife



New Concord, December , 1771, baptized:


Lena, daughter of Edward Savage & Mary, his wife



Nobletown, December 8, 1771, baptized:


John, son of John Whalin & Rebecca, his wife.

David, son of Abigail Bagley.



Great Barrington, December 15, 771, baptized:


Sarah, daughter of David Willard & Martha, his wife.



Lanesboro, December 22, 1771, baptized:


Joseph Hall, an adult


December 25, 1771


Joined in marriage, Joh Hickox & Mary Wilson


New Concord, January 12, 1772, baptized:


Mary, daughter of John Legrange & Juda, his wife.

Charity, daughter of Moses Woster & Mindevel, his wife.

Zalmon, son of Charles Fairchild & Naoma, his wife.



Great Barrington, January 19, 1772, baptized:


Abraham Henry, son of Peter DeLemetter & Sarah Lavinia



Arlington, January 28, 1772, baptized:


Ira, Betsa & John Hitchcock, sons & daughter of Ira Hawley and Abigail.

Asa, son of Azer Hawley & Sarah, his wife.

Elijah Curtiss, son of Samuel Adams & Martha, his wife.

Rebecca, daughter of Zacheus Mallery & Thankful, his wife.

Clarke, son of Abel Hawley & Bethiah, his wife.

Lavina, daughter of James Hawley & Ame, his wife.

Abraham, son of Caleb Daton & Sarah, his wife.

Rhoda, daughter of Josiah Hawley & Hannah, his wife.

Margret, daughter of Gideon Squire & Martha, his wife.

Benjamin & Mary, son & daughter of Wm Marsh & Sarah.

Rachel, daughter of James Frome & Margret, his wife.

Bejamin, Dameras, Jesse & Caleb, sons & daughter of Benjamin Munger

     & Mercy, his wife.


January 29, 1772


Amos Partridge, son of Peter Hawley & Hannah, his wife.

Hannah, daughter of John Grey & Mary, his wife.

Ajax Talimon, son of Austin Seley & Anne, his wife.



Partridgefield, January 31, 1772, baptized:


Francis Moore & Sophia, son & daughter of Francis Miller & Elizabeth, his wife.



Nobletown, February 19, 1772, baptized:


Eleonar, daughter of Anthony Bevens & Catherine, his wife.

Mehitabel & Ichabod, son & daughter of Bethiah Bliss

Thomas, son of Joshua Whitey & Hannah, his wife.



Great Barrington, February 6, 1772, married:


Jesse Carey & Lucy Roberts



Lanesboro, February 16, 1772, married:


Lewis Hubbel & Sarah Lyon



Great Barrigton, February 19, 1772, baptized:


Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Bankso & Juda, his wife.



Nobletown, April 12, 1772, baptized:


Nabbe, daughter of John Van Valkenburgh & Areanche, wife.

Johnne, son of David Finch & Mary, his wife.

Johnne, son of Andreas Rase & Margret, his wife.



Egremont, April 17, 1772, baptized:


Anne, wife of John Louck

Sarah, daughter of Jonathan Derby & Sarah, his wife

George, son of George Messeger & Catherine, his wife



New Concord, April 19, 1772, baptized:


John, son of James Lockwood & Sarah, his wife.

William, son of David Woodward & Christian, his wife

Jonathan, son of Eliadah Pettit & Mary, his wife


Joined in Marriage:


Joshua Barrit & Hannnah Ingraham



Great Barrington, April 26, 1772, baptized:


Anne, daughter of John Rose & Mary, his wife



Lanesboro, May 3, 1772, baptized:


Joel, son of Jacob Baco & Ruth, his wife

Loraine, daughter of Asahel Beach & Keziah, his wife.

Zalmon, son of Joseph Bailey & Lois, his wife


May 24, 1772, baptized:


Solomon, son of Elijah Powel & Mary, his wife.


Lenox, May 25, 1772, baptized:


John, son of John Whitlock & Eleonar, his wife.

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