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     American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia                               Register Of Baptisms 1758-1773                                                              St. Joseph's Church
                                                       1761 cont.
Kauffman, Anna Mary, of Joseph and Catharine  Kauffman, b. Apr. 25,
         baptized May 10,sponsors John Gatringer & Catharine Spengler.
Kelly, William, of ________ and Anna Kelly, b. Jun. 13, baptized July 12,
         sponsors James Smith and Mary Brazil.
Kelty, Owen, of Owen and Hannah Kelty, b. Oct. 9, 1760, baptized Jun. 17                    sponsors John and Margery Magill, in New Jersey,
Kelty, William, of Bartholomew and Catharine Kelty, b. Mar.1, baptized 
         May 14, sponsors James and Joanna Magill, in New Jersey.
Landron,John Charles, of Jean and Blanche Landron,baptized Mar. 25,
         sponsors John Barbin and Isabella Godrot.
Lee, Thomas, of James and Anna Lee, b. Apr. 6, baptized May 30, sponsors                  Elizabeth and Patrick O'Neil.
Macarty, Mary, of Owen and Elizabeth Macarty, b. May 27, bapt. Jun. 7,                        sponsors Edmund Buttler and Mary Carty.
Magill, John, of Michael and Mary Magill, b. Aug. 31, 1758, baptized Aug. 12,                sponsors John Magill and Mary Roberts, in New Jersey.
Magill, Susanna, of John and Catharine Magill, b. Jun. 25, baptized Oct. 14,                  sponsors Adam and Agnes Geiger,
McMahon, Mary, of Patrick and Elizabeth McMahon, b. Jun. 25,  baptized
         July 26, sponsor Catharine Arnold.
Martin, Elizabeth, of John Martin and Margaret Haider, b. Feb. 8, baptized                  Mar. 11, sponsors Adam Geiger and Catharine Jacobi.
McDonald, Anna, of John and Sarah McDonald, b. Aug. 8, 1759, baptized  
         May 30, sponsor Elizabeth O'Neil.
McDonald. Reynold, of Roderic and Anna McDonald, b. Oct.17, baptized                      Nov.14, sponsors James White and Magdalen Gerstenberger.
McDonald, Thomas, of Jeremiah and Mary McDonald, b. Jun. 27, baptized
         Jun. 28, sponsors James Francis and Elizabeth Murray.
Miller, Simon, of Matthias and Anna Mary Miller, b. January 20, baptized 
         Mar. 11, sponsor Agnes Greismeyer, witness Peter Sauter, at                                  Adam Geiger's, New Jersey.
Moran, James, of Patrick and Eleanor Moran, b. Jun. 7, baptized July 11,                      sponsors Martin Welsh and Mary Makra.
Murphy, John, of Philip and Margaret Murphy, b. Nov. 10, baptized  Nov. 11,              sponsors Timothy Carroll and Barbara Arnold.
Nihill, James, of Edmund and Mary Nihill, b. Oct. 19, baptized Nov. 16,
         sponsors Thomas Fitzsimmons and Mary Gatringer.
Riechart, Mary Magdalen, of John and Mary Apollonia Riechart,  b. June 28,                baptized July 12, sponsors Anna Mary Freddeia [Fredder?] and Mary                    Magdalen Ambipere.
Ruhl, Adam, of George and Barbara Ruhl, b. Dec. 5, baptized Dec. 5, sponsors            Adam and Catharine Meyer.
Ryan, John, of Thomas and Catharine Ryan, b. Jan. 28, baptized Mar. 22,                      sponsors Thomas Leanan and Deborah Doyle.
Sagetson, Anne Margaret, of John Sagetson  and Eva Schreiner, b. Oct. 13,                  baptized Oct.16, sponsor Elizabeth Schreiner.
Schneider, Anthony, of Henry and Barbara Schneider, b. Jan. 7, baptized
         Jan. 11, sponsor Anthony Ottman.
Schreiner, Catharine, of Anselm and Elizabeth Schreiner, b. Jan. 17, baptized            Jan. 25, sponsors Joseph and Catharine Eck.
Sluman, Robert, of Robert Sluman and _______ , b. Aug. 16,1754,baptized Aug. 2,          sponsor Catharine Arnold.
Smith, Anna, of James and Elizabeth Smith, b. May 5, baptized July 19,                          sponsors Joanna Welsh and Margaret Ryan.
Smith, Thomas, of William  and Sarah I. Smith, b. March —, baptized  April 26,          sponsors Peter and Elizabeth Weissburger.
Thurnbach, Henry, of Christian and Susan Catharine Thurnbach, b. July 9,                  baptized Aug. 12, sponsors Henry Geiger and Agnes Griesmeyer.
Tscharte, Mary Elizabeth,of Christopher and Mary Dorothy Tscharte, b. Oct. 5,          baptized Nov. 1, sponsor Mary Elizabeth Stauter.
Turner, Daniel, of John Turne and Mary Bristlin, b. Oct. 20, baptized Nov. 3,                sponsor Michael Kelly, witness Rebecca Parker.

Waas, Mary, of Sebastian and Anna Mary Waas, b. Jan. 14, 1760, baptized

         Mar. 21, sponsors Henry Arnold and Magdalen Hamin.

Walker, George, of Emas [Enos ?] and Catharine Walker, b. March 5, baptized            Aug. 9, sponsor Austin Villars.
Walsh, Catharine, of James and Rosa Walsh, b. Oct. 2, baptized Oct. 9,                          sponsors John Murphy and Catharine Duken.
Walter, Catharine, of Paul and Magdalen Walter, b. Mar. 5, 1755, baptized                  May 10, sponsors Adam and Catharine Meyer.
Walter, John, of the same parents, b. Mar. 1,1760, baptized May 10,
         sponsors John and Catharine Gatringer.
Welsh, Peter, of Peter Welsh and Margaret Roadge,b. Nov. 7,1759,bap. July 12,          sponsors Eustace Daniel and Euphrosyne Daigle.
Wentzel, John Adam, of John William and Anna Mary Wentzel, b. Apr.27,                      baptized May 14, sponsors John Adam Geiger and Anna Abel.
White, Elizabeth, of James and Anna White, b. Feb. 0,baptized Feb.15,                           sponsors Dudley Dougherty and Deborah Doyle.
Wilhelm, Joseph, of Gerard and Elizabeth Wilhelm, b. April 2, baptized
         Apr. 12, sponsors Joseph and Anne Mary Senaur.
Armstrong, William, of John and Mary Armstrong, b. Mar. 28, baptized Apr. 13,          sponsors Baudori and Mary Benoit.
Babin, Joseph Michael, of Zachary and Margaret Babin, b. Sept. 29, baptized              Sept. 30, sponsors Peter Babin and Pelagia Galerm.
Baily, John Henry, of Richard Baily and Catharine Frick, b. abt. Sep. —, 1757,              baptized Dec. 12, sponsors Henry Kramer and Catharine Arnold.
Baldrich, William, of Robert and Mary Baldrich, b. Feb. 15, baptized April 11,              sponsors William Heasy and Joanna Neal.
Ball, George, of William Ball and Elizabeth Smith, b. Mar. 8, baptized May 23,            sponsors George Nagle and Barbara Kneulin.
Bichau, John Baptist, of Paul and Mary Bichau, born , baptized Feb. 1,                          sponsors Gregory Chenne and Magdalen Chenne. 
Blanchart, Mary Margaret, of Oliver and Euphrosyne Blanchart, b. Aug. 9,                  baptized August 11, sponsors Daniel and Mary le Blanc.
Bosran, Miriam Modesta, of John and Anna Bosran, b. Nov. 25, 1761,
         baptized Mar. 3, sponsors Anthony Baudard and Margaret Doiron;                      baptized conditionally.
Bridy, John, of John and Dorothy Bridy, b. Nov. 18, baptized Dec. 12, sponsors            George and Barbara Haug.
Brooks, James, of James and Mary Brooks, b. Apr. 4, baptized Nov. 22,
         sponsors Charles and Mary Queen.
Butin, Susan Catharine, of Paul and Ursula Butin, b. Dec. 17,1761,  baptized
         Jun. 24, sponsors Peter Dietry and Christina Geiger.
Camel [Campbell?], Daniel, of John and Mary Camel [Campbell?], b. Oct. 12,                baptized Oct. 24, sponsors Michael and Anna Davis.
Cahel, John, of Thomas and Mary Cahel, b. Nov. 1, 1757, baptized Oct. 30,                    sponsors Dennis Faulon and Margaret Brazil.
Cahel, Thomas, of same parents, b. Sept. 3, 1760, baptized Oct. 30, sponsor
         Hugh Makeny.
Collins, Sarah, of Daniel and Isabella Collins, b. July 22, baptized Nov. 2,    
         sponsors John and Margaret Reding.
Connor, Patrick, of Daniel and Eleanor Connor, b. Oct. 20, 1761, baptized
         Apr. 14, sponsors Richmond and Mary Allen.
D'Aigle, Joseph, of Alline and Euphrosyne D'Aigle, b. May 22, baptized  June 27,          sponsors Joseph and Judith de Champs.
Daniel, Margaret, of Eustace and Margaret Daniel, b. Oct. 18,baptized  Oct. 22,          sponsors Paul Bourg and Anna Bosron.
Dunn, Peter, of Hugh and Elizabeth Dunn, b. Sept.29, 1760, baptized Nov. 17,            sponsor William Morry, in vicinity of Philadelphia.
Eck, Joseph, of Jacob and Anna Eck,b. Oct. 10,1761,baptized April 18, sponsors          Joseph and Catharine Eck.
Essling, Anna Christina, of Peter and Mary Elizabeth Essling, b. Jan.__,                           baptized Jan. 17, sponsors Peter and Christina Essling.
Eyenson, Mary, of John and Elizabeth Eyenson, b. Sept. 26, baptized Nov. 23,
         sponsors Patrick and Margery Magill,
Feinaur. John George, of Joseph and Anna Miry Feinaur, b. Jan. —baptized                Feb. 8, sponsors John George Lamb and Catharine Spengler.
Fitzharold, Mary, of David and Phcebe Fitzharold, b. ____ 16, baptized Aug. 22,            sponsors Darby McDonald and Margaret Conway.
Foaley, Mary, of Peter and Judith Foaley, b. Nov. 8, 1761, baptized Jan. 17,                  sponsors Richard Sweetman and Mary Duffy.
Ford, John Peter,of John Stanislaus and Anna Ford,b. May 18, baptized May 18,          sponsors Peter Ford and Margaret Babin.
Frietz. John, of Caspar and Mary Frietz, b. Mar.15, baptized Mar.28, sponsors            John and Mary Stebing.
Galather [Galater?], Mary Elizabeth, of Michael and Elizabeth  Catharine                    Galather [Galater?], b. May 31, baptized Jun. 1, sponsors Joseph Kientz                and Elizabeth Stauter.
Gliche, Louis Joseph, of Louis and Magdalen Gliche, b. Oct. 26,  baptized                      conditionally, Oct. 26, sponsors Simon O'Kain and Anna le Blanc.
Gatringer, [Cottringer?J James, of John and Catharine Gatringer [Cottringer?],
         b. May 20, baptized Jun. 6, sponsors James Thompson and Catharine                    Spengler.
Gock, Charles, of Adam and Mary Gock, b. Dec.12, baptized Dec. 13, 
        sponsors Charles and Catharine Schmid.
Graff, John George, of Anthony and Barbara Graft, b. Oct. 6, baptized Oct. 10,            sponsor Catharine Spengler.
Graser, Laurence, of Frederick and -Elizabeth Graser, b. Nov. 10, baptized
         Nov. 14, sponsors Laurence and Magdalen Schone.
Green, Thomas, of Thomas and Margaret Green, b. Dec. 24, 1761, baptized
         Aug. 22, sponsors Michael Bryan and Anna Deally.
Hely, Thomas, of Daniel and Mary Hely, b. Oct. 18, baptized Oct. 18, sponsors
         Thomas Derry and Catharine Francis.
Herrick, John Anselm, of Nicholas and Sophia Elizabeth Herrick, b. Mar.20,
         baptized Apr. 12, sponsors John Stauter and Elizabeth Schreiner.
Hiner, John William, of Peter and Mary Josephine Hiner, b. Jun. 1, baptized
         Jun. 1, sponsors John le Prince and Magdalen Caporon.
Hoffman, Mary Magdalen, of John and Christina Hoffman, b. Feb. 9, baptized
         May 16, sponsors Valentine Korn, Jr., and Mary Magdalen Essling.
Huber, Francis, of Michael and Hannah Huber, b. Apr. 19, baptized Jun. 24,                sponsors Francis Franks and Margaret Haider.
Kelty, Michael, of Bartholomew and Catharine Kelty, b. Oct. 6, baptized
         Nov. 10, sponsors Louis Murphy and Mary Tynan.
Kennedy, Rachael, of Patrick and Flora Kennedy, b. May 11, baptized June 10,
         sponsors Cornelius Scantlen and Catharine O'Brien.
Kheun, Catharine, of Michael and Eva Keuhn, b. Jun. 17, baptized July 11,
         sponsors Caspar and Mary Thum.
Kientz, Martin John, of Andrew and Eva Kientz, b. Oct. 10, baptized Oct. 11,
         sponsor Martin Weberan, near Philadelphia.
Kneut, Elizabeth, of John and Elizabeth Kneut, b. Nov. —, 1761, baptized
         Jan. 7, sponsor Catharine Hefferin.
Landry, Miriam Margaret, of Peter and Josephine Landry, born , baptized
         Mar. 13, sponsors Peter O'Kain and Margaret Landry; baptized
Lascher, Mary Catharine,of Leonard and Mary Anna Lascher,  b. Nov. 30,
         baptized Dec. 8, sponsor Mary Catharine Engelhardt.
Le Blanc, John Charles, of Charles and Anna le Blanc, b. Jun 21,  baptized  
         Jun. 21, sponsors Alexander le Prince and Magdalen Gliche.
Lennox, John, of John and Margaret Lennox, b. July 19,1761, baptized Aug 8.
Lery, Elizabeth, of Daniel and Mary Lery, b. Sept.11, baptized Nov. 10,
         sponsors Edmund and Barbara Buttler.
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