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American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia Register Of Baptisms For 1758 - 1773 St. Joseph's Church
1770 cont.
Patterson, Mary, of John and Mary Patterson, b. Jun. 3, baptized Sept. 30,
sponsors James and Joanna Griffin.
Pemberton, William, of William Pemberton and Bridget Fraser, b. Oct. 14,
baptized October 16, sponsor Mary Bird.
Rattisheim, Mary Ann Elizabeth, of John and Catharine Rattisheim,
b. Dec. 29, 1769,baptized April 13, sponsors Philip Will and Mary Ann Roth.
Reilly, John, of Jeremiah and Anna Reilly, b. Sept. 7, baptized Oct. 14, sponsors
Timothy Reilly and Joanna Nicols.
Ridiger, Julia and Margaret (twins), of John and Mary Ridiger, b. Nov. 11, bapt.
Nov. 11,sponsors John and Ottilia Vanie for Julia, Anton Ridiger, Sebastian
Vanie and Margaret Vanie for Margaret.
Rischart, Mark, of Lothaire and Elizabeth Rischart, b. Jan. 31, baptized Feb. 3,
sponsors Mark Hunecker and Catharine, his daughter.
Rice, John, of James and Esther Rice, b. Nov. 30, 1769, baptized Apr.29, sponsors
Thomas Price and Elizabeth Campbel.
Ryan, Louis, of Dennis and Agnes Ryan, b. Nov. 24, 1769, baptized Apr. 14,
sponsor John Bray.
Sauerwald, Mark,of John and Magdalen Sauerwald,b. Oct. 22, baptized Oct. 28,
Mark and Apollonia Wegford witnesses.
Savage, Margaret, of Jeremiah and Anna Savage, b. Jan. 29, baptized Jan. 30,
sponsors Timothy Caroll and Elizabeth Cassin.
Schad, Francis Joseph, of Peter and Mary Elizabeth Schad, b. Oct. 24, baptized
Dec. 26, sponsors Anthony and Barbara Graff.
Scheimer, James, of Frederic and Magdalen Scheimer, b. Sept. ___, bapt. Oct. 1,
sponsor John George Adla, in Chester Co., Pa.
Schilling, John Philip, of Philip and Eva Schilling, b. Apr. 25, baptized May 14,
sponsors John Schrieberand Catharine, his wife.
Schimp, Ann Elizabeth, of Philip and Elizabeth Schimp, b. Aug. 9, bapt. Aug. 16,
sponsors Peter and Elizabath Haas.
Schneider,Mary Magdalen,of Henry and Barbara Schneider,b. Aug 8, bap. Aug. 9
Schot, Mary Magdalen, of Philip and Mary Catharine Schot, b. Sept. 30, bapt.
Nov. 21, sponsors Martin Bachman and Magdalen Welker, at Charlottenburg, N. J.
Seid, John, of and Catharine Seid, born this year, baptized June 28.
Sexton, Daniel, of John and Catharine Sexton, b. Dec. 1, 1767, baptized Oct. 30,
sponsor Barbara Grass.
Sexton, Matthew, of same parents, b. Sept. 15, baptized Oct. 30, sponsor
Barbara Schultz.
Staler, Joseph, of John and Christina Staler, b. Jul. 22, baptized Aug. 12, sponsors
Joseph and Catharine Eck.
Stephen, John, of Matthew and Catharine Stephen, b. Mar. 24,baptized Apr. 16,
sponsors John Dart and Catharine Wagner.
Sutton, Mary Margaret, of William and Anna Sutton, b. Dec .26,1769, baptized
Apr. 29,sponsors Margaret Engelhardt and Henry Glas.
Tudor, Henry, of Henry and Eva Catharine Tudor, b. Dec. 21, 1769, bapt. Jan. 24,
sponsors Caspar and Elizabeth Nagle, near Philadelphia.
Thurnbach, Simon, of Christian and Susanna Catharine Thurnbach, b. May 6,
baptized May 24, sponsors Simon and Mary Geiger.
Tscharte, Mary Elizabeth, of Christopher and Mary Dorothy Tscharte, b. Nov. 22, baptized December 2, sponsors Sebastian and Elizabeth Seibert.
Walton, Elizabeth, of John and Sarah Walton, b. Nov. 3, 1769, baptized Oct. 12,
sponsor Honora Fitzsimmons.
Weber, John, of James and Anna Catharine Weber, b. Oct. 28, baptized Nov. 18,
sponsors John and Anna Catharine Cobole, at Ringwood, New Jersey.
Wider, John, of Joseph and Margaret Wider, b. Aug. —, baptized Nov. 18,
sponsors John Cobole and Eva Fichter.
Wohlleber, Susanna Maigaret, of James and Catharine Wohlleber, b. Oct. 17,
baptized November 18,. sponsors Joseph Stecher and Susanna Pfaltzer,
witness Nicholas Call.
Worrell, Hannah, of Josue Worrell and Eleanor Tenson, b. Nov. 5,1768, baptized
Apr. 1, sponsors Arthur O'Neil and Judith Wills.
Wurth, John Andrew, of Joseph and Barbara Wurth, born Apr. 17, baptized
Apr. 22, sponsors Michael Bremich and wife for Andrew and Catharine

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