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American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia Register Of Baptisms For 1758 - 1773 St. Joseph's Church
1771 cont.
Reider, Anna Elizabeth, of Francis Joseph and Anna Mary Reider, b. May 18,
bapt. Oct. 26, sponsors Joseph Wingart and Anna Elizabeth Marian.
.Reuter, Margaret, of and Apollonia Reuter, b. Dec. 17, 1770, baptized
Jan. 2, sponsor Margaret Spath.
Ring, Mary Magdalen, of John and Mary Ring, b. Oct. —, 1766, baptized
Feb. 15, sponsor Mary Magdalen Lohrman.
Roderigo, Emmanuel Joseph, of and Joseph Roderigo, 4 years old,
baptized Aug. 26, sponsors Emmanuel and Mary Magdalen Ohms.
Ryan, Michael, of John and Margaret Ryan, b. Feb. 10, baptized Feb. 12,
sponsors Timothy Carrol and Catharine Casey.
Sauerwald, Daniel, of Michael and Margaret Sauerwald, b. Apr. 13,
baptized Apr.14, sponsors John Sauerwald and Catharine Schmid.
Schmid, John, of Patrick and Mary Schmid, b. Jan. 29, baptized Mar. 31,
sponsors Daniel Fitzpatrick and Eleanor Prior.
Scholtzer, of Martin and Elizabeth Scholtzer, b. Oct. 22, baptized Oct. 26,
sponsors Nicholas and Elizabeth Halter,
Schreiner, Joseph, of Anselm and Elizabeth Schreiner, b. Feb. 24,
baptized Mar. 3, sponsors Joseph and Catharine Eck.
Seibert, Elizabeth, of Sebastian and Elizabeth Seibert, b. Oct. 10, baptized
Oct. 31, sponsor Salome Schwartz.
Senner, Barbara, of Francis and Mary Agatha Senner, b. Jun. 5, baptized
Jun. 10, sponsors Anthony and Barbara Graff.
Shanon, James, of Quintin and Mary Shanon, b. Jun. 8, baptized Jun. 20,
sponsor Peter Haire.
Smith, Amy [Amata?], of and Elizabeth Smith, b. Jan. 1, baptized May 1,
sponsor Mary Heart.
Sylvester, Elizabeth, of Thomas and Margaret Sylvester, b. Jan. 27,
baptized Jan. 31, sponsors John Joseph and Anna.
Townsend, Mary, adult, baptized Oct. 13, sponsor Barbara Graff;
was wife to Joseph Preiss,and after her baptism renewed her
marriage consent.
Trahan,Mary Margaret,of Charles and Agnes Trahan,b. May 30, baptized
May 31, sponsors Joseph Trahan and Anna Bijan.
Veil, John, of Nicholas and Sophia Veil, b. Dec. 14, baptized Dec. 19,
sponsor John and Mary Stiller.
Veit, Mary Magdalen, of Christian and Barbara Yeit, b. Mar. 15, baptized
Mar. 24, sponsors Caspar and Anna Mary Korn.
Watts, Christian, of Samuel and Mary Watts, b. Feb. 21, bapt. Feb. 25,
sponsors Edward Hines and Margaret Mullabi.
Welte, George Philip, of Bernard and Mary Welte, b. May 29, baptized
Jun. 9, sponsors George Philip Kitzinger and Mary Zeigler.
Welsh, Mary Magdalen, of Conrad and Elizabeth Welsh, b. Sept. 4, baptized
Oct. 20, sponsors Thomas KaurTman and Magdalen Butz, at
Ringwood, N. J.
Zeis, John Francis, of George and Eva Zeis,b. Dec.1, baptized Dec. 8,
sponsors Francis and Margaret Wolf.
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