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American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia Register Of Baptisms For 1758 - 1773 St. Joseph's Church
_______, John Francis, of unknown parents, b. Apr. 10, 1772, baptized Mar. 2,
sponsor Mary Heart.
Agan [Egan?], William, of William and Eleanor Agan [Egan?], b. May 29,
baptized Aug. 26, sponsors John Daveliu and Anna Kearns.
Albrecht, Joseph, of James and Anna Mary Albrecht, b. Aug. 4, baptized Aug. 5, sponsors Joseph and Mary Springer.
Aman, Anna Catharine, of Anthony and Sarah Aman, b. Dec.18, baptized
Dec. 26, sponsors Peter Bremich and Anna Catharine Waltrich.
Anderson, Margaret, of John and Elizabeth Anderson, b. Sept. 5, baptized Oct. 7, sponsors Caspar and Elizabeth Hayle.
Bamfeils, Catharine Elizabeth, of Basil and Anna (Broc) Bamfeils, Dec. 2, baptized Dec. 19, sponsors Bonaventure Dartoit and Catharine
Barnville, John, of Matthew and Isabella Barnville, b. Aug. 22, baptized
Sept. 5, sponsors John Kirk and Anna Kallahan.
Baxter, John, of John and Eleanor Baxter, b. July 9, baptized July 10, sponsor
Elizabeth Carrol.
Becker, Laurence, of Bartholomew and Catharine Elizabeth Becker, b. Aug. 31, baptized Sept. 5, sponsors Laurence and Mary Magdalen Schone.
Benner, Matthew, of Martin and Christina Benner, b. Jun. 25, baptized Jun. 27, sponsors Henry and Joanna Benner.
Boosee,Mary Magdalen,of Moses and Elizabeth [Bussey?] Boosee, b. Jul. 9, baptized July 12, sponsors John Aitkins and Barbara Graff.
Bradshaw, Elizabeth, of John and Hannah Bradshaw, b. Oct. —, 1755, baptized conditionally Aug. 26, sponsors John and Catharine Hoyle.
Brooks, Anna, of Joseph and Anna Brooks, b. Dec. 27, 1772, baptized Feb. 28,
sponsor Anna Heusin.
Brooks, John, of Thomas and Mary Brooks, b. Aug. 10,1769, baptized privately
Mar. 2.
Brothers, Susanna, of William and Eleanor Brothers, b. Apr. 9, 1772, baptized
August 4, sponsors Timothy McAulif and Hannah Clark.
Burns, Edward, of Edward and Alice Burns, b. Mar. 19,1772, baptized Jul. 17,
sponsor Matthew Foy.
Caffert, Richard, of Richard and Elizabeth Caffert, b. Oct. 27, 1772, baptized
Jan., sponsor Anna Makra.
Cahil,Mary Ann, of Thomas and Eleanor Cahil,b. Apr. 17, baptized May 19,
sponsors Bartholomew Cobole and Mary Ann Walter.
Campbell, John, of Barnaby and Mary Campbell, b. Feb. 27, baptized Mar. 8,
sponsor Eleanor McCarty.
Caspar, Henry, of Laurence and Margaret Caspar, b. Oct. 27, baptized Nov. 30, sponsors Henry and Barbara Geiger,at Pilesgrove, Salem Co., N. J.
Clarke, Sarah,of Agno and Catharine (Mahany) Clarke,b. Aug. 30, bapt. Sept. 3,
sponsor Mary Heart.
Clear, Robert, of Thomas and Catherine Clear, b. Sept. 21, baptized Sept. 22,
sponsor Anthony Schneider, witness Martha Bass.
Cobole, Anna Eva, of David and Mary Cobole, b. Mar. 31, baptized May 15,
sponsors Nicholas and Anna Eva Jungfleisch.
Coffey, Mary Ann, of George and Catharine Coffey, b.Aug. 16, baptized Sept. 5, sponsors Nicholas and Anna Wochman.
Coleman, Daniel, of Edward and Catharine Coleman, b. Apr. 10, baptized
Aug.10,sponsors John and Eleanor Connor,at Pilesgrove, Salem Co.,
New Jersey.
Conelly,Eleanor,of John and Rebecca Conelly,b. Sept. 2, baptized Sept. 12,
sponsors Timothy Donoho and Rachel Hanly.
Connor, Susanna, of Timothy and Mary Connor, b. May 31, 1770, baptized
Aug. 20, sponsor Elizabeth Bauman.
Coyle, Michael,of John and Anna Coyle,b. Apr. 2, baptized Apr. 4, sponsors James Gallagher, Mary Madden and Catharine Cook, witness
Barnaby Coil.
Cronin, Sarah, of James and Bridget Cronin, b. June —, baptized Nov. 25,
sponsor John Cronin.
Cunningham,Anna, of James and Eleanor Cunningham, b. Sep. 9, bapt. Sep. 9,
sponsor Joseph Ebair.
Davis, Rebecca, of and Hannah Davis, b. Mar. 15, baptized Sept. 19, sponsors
Qwen Kelty and Christina Gock, at Pilesgrove, Salem Co., New Jersey.
Dogherty,John,of George and Anna Dogherty,b. Aug. 19, bapt. Sept. 22, sponsors John Gatringer and Catharine Veil.
Dogherty,Letitia,of George and Mary Dogherty,b. Sept. 2,baptized Sep. 2,
sponsors Dennis and Margaret Dogherty.
Dugan, Rebecca, of James and Sarah Dugan, b. Feb.18, baptized Jun. 20,
sponsors Francis and Sarah Sohl, at Pikesland, Chester Co., Pa.
Faran, Margaret, of John and Mary Faran, b. Sept. 2, baptized Sept. 5, sponsor John McKeaver, witness Mary Dun.
Fichter, Anna Margaret, of Philip and Mary Eva Fichter,b. Jan. 14. bap. May 23, sponsors Anthony Schumers and Mary Engelhard.
Ferri, Mary, of James and Eleanor Ferri, b. July 14, baptized Aug. 29, sponsor
Daniel Mignati, witness Mary (his wife).
Fitzpatrick, John, of John and Honora Fitzpatrick, b. Apr. 26, baptized May 2,
sponsors Dennis Glansey and Mary Welsh.
Fitzwater, Elizabeth Magdalen, adult, baptized Jun. 9, sponsor Catharine
Flemming, Edward, of Michael and Abigail Flemming, b. Jan. 17, baptized
May 23, sponsors Francis Dealy and Margaret Engelhard.
Gallagher, Prudence, of John and Anna Gallagher, b. Nov. 12, baptized Dec. 25, sponsors James Gallagher and Mary Cotringer.
Geiger, Henry, of Henry and Barbara Geiger, b. Oct. 14, baptized Nov. 30,
sponsors Simon Geiger and Susanna Thurnbach
Gibson, Mary, adult, baptized Oct. 13, sponsor Barbara Kaufman.
Gordon, Abraham, of William and Barbara Gordon, b. Jan. 1, baptized Jan. 3,
sponsors John Maginnis and Susanna Kearney.
Griffin, Eleanor, of Thomas and Jane Griffin, b. Dec. 27,1772, baptized Mar. 21,
sponsors Michael Spelley and Catharine Weisenburger, at Pikesland,
Chester Co., Pa.
Griffin, Mary, of James and Elizabeth Griffin, b. May 14, baptized Jun. 20,
sponsors Bartholomew Tool and Apollonia Sohl.
Grown, John, of James Grown and ________, b. Feb. 3, baptized May 16, sponsors
Edward McCoughlin and Catharine Mentzebrach.
Halfpenny, Anne,of Thomas and Margaret Halfpenny, b. Oct. 25, bapt. Nov. 7,
sponsors John Finn and Mary McCarty (for her mother, Elizabeth
Hanlon, Elizabeth, of _________ and Martha Hanion, b. Feb. —, baptized May 29,
sponsor Catharine Gordon.
Hans, Andrew, of Christopher and Catharine (Vankeisen) Hans, b. Jul. 29,
baptized Sept. 20, sponsor Alfred Clifton, witness Mary Henry.
Harity, James, ofConnel and Catharine Harity, b. July 14, baptized July 16,
sponsors Edward Freal and Elizabeth Parker.
Haug, Mary Margaret, of John and Catharine Haug, b. Nov. 28, baptized
Dec. 12, sponsor John Santoz, Margaret Santoz witness.
Hayle, James, of Caspar and Elizabeth Hayle, b. Dec.18, baptized Dec. 19,
sponsors James Klein and Anna Martin, near Philadelphia.
Hendrchan, John,of Sylvester and Eleanor (McCarty) Hendrehan, b. Jun.26,
bapt. July 11, sponsors Abraham McCoy and Mary Murphy.
Hoffman,George Ernest, of Sebastian and Cunegunda Hoffman, b. Aug.12, baptized Aug. 22, sponsors George Ernest and Magdalen Lechler.
Horn, Mary Magdalen, of Henry and Justina Horn, b. Mar. 24, bapt. Mar. 26,
sponsors George Ernest and Mary Magdalen Lechler.
Hoy, John, of John and Catharine Hoy, b. Jan. —, 1763, baptized, conditionally Aug. 26, sponsors Patrick and Rosa Kearns, in Burlington County, N. J.
Hoy, John,of same parents, b. Aug. 17,1770, bapt. conditionally Aug. 26,
same sponsors.
Hoy, Margaret, of same parents, b. May —, 1767, baptized conditionally
Aug. 26, same sponsors.
Huber, William, of Michael and Hannah Huber, b. Dec. 16, 1772, baptized
Mar. 28, sponsors Laurence and Margaret Casper, at Pilesgrove,
Salem Co., N. J.
Huskins, Anna,of Richard and Hannah (Kean) Huskins, b. Aug.10, bapt.
Sept. 26,sponsors Martin and Anna Miller, Eikesland,Chester Co.,
Kauffman,Margaret, of Joseph and Barbara Kauffman,b. Nov. 24,bapt. Nov 25, sponsors Dennis and Margaret Dogherty.
Kitzinger, Philippina, of Philip and Judith Kitzinger, b. Apr. 10, baptized
Apr. 12, sponsors John and Philippina Lipp.
Korn, John Michael, of Caspar and Anna Mary Korn, b. Jan. 16, baptized
July 21, sponsors John and Catharine Haug.
Lechler, Mary Magdalen, of Anthony and Catharine Lechler, b. Dec. 19,
baptized Dec. 21, sponsors John and Mary Honecker.
Low, Elizabeth, of Robert and Elizabeth Low, b. Oct. 14,1762, baptized
July 25, sponsor Lydia Biron.
Lynch, Thomas, of Jeremiah and Elizabeth Lynch, b. Nov. 12, baptized
Nov. 21, sponsors John Hanley and Margaret Trahan.
Mathes, William, of John and Jane Mathes, b. Mar. 11, 1772, baptized
privately Mar. 2.
Mayer, Regina, of Joseph and Jane Mayer, b. Jan. —, baptized Mar. 28,
sponsors Henry Geiger and Mary Ann Haider.
Macatee, Elizabeth, of _______ and Eleanor Macatee, b. Mar. 27, baptized
May 5, sponsor Elizabeth Makenley witness, Thomas Carfol.
Macan, Mary, of Gabriel and Mary Macan, b. Jun. 21, baptized July 3, sponsors
Magnus Sonhollen and Margaret Lynch.
May, Elizabeth, of James and Christina (Keiner) May, b. Dec.12, 1770, baptized
conditionally Oct. 24, sponsor Anthony May, at Ringwood New Jersey.
McCarty,Margaret, of Nicholas and Elizabeth McCarty,b. Feb. 21, bapt. July 12,
sponsors William and Lydia Biron.
McCarty, Thomas and William (twins), of _______ and Margaret McCarty,
b. Apr. 30, baptized privately Apr. 30, sponsor Mary Carty.
McDonald, Anna, of Edmund and Margaret McDonald, b. Apr.16, baptized
Apr. 25, sponsors John Brannon and Catharine Atkinson.
McDonald,James, of John and Anna McDonald,b. Jun. 23, bapt. Oct. 23,
sponsors James and Anna Catharine Weber, at Longpond.
McLoughlin, Elizabeth, of William and Mary McLoughlin, b. Nov. 25, 1772,
baptized Apr. 30, sponsor Phoebe Pendergast.
Mignati,Sarah,of Daniel and Mary Mignati,b. Aug. 29, sponsor James Ferri
witness Eleanor (his wife).
Monck, John, of John and Margaret Monck, b. Sept. 3, baptized Oct. 24,
sponsors John Riiger and Bridget Shaw.
Motley, Elizabeth, of Walter and Mary Motley, b. Aug. 4, baptized Nov. 8,
sponsors John Hanna and Jane Motley.
Motley, Mary, wife of Walter Motley, baptized Nov. 8 ; the minister was
O'Hara, Charles, of Brian and Mary O'Hara, b. Jun. 24, baptized July 12,
sponsors Michael Clark and Margaret Dougherty.
Philips, George Conrad, of John and Elizabeth Philips, b. Feb. 13, baptized
Feb. 28, sponsors George Kleiderle and Catharine Schaffer.
Price, Hannah, adult, baptized June 4, sponsors James and Elizabeth
Boosee ; Hannah was wife of Michael Ryan.
Price, John, of John and Mary Price, b. Nov. 29, baptized Dec.14, sponsors
John Lahy and Elizabeth Fitzpatrick.
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